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Attempted Censorship ?

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posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 01:32 PM
This morning I got for up did my usual thing coffee and news before work . Last night I read the Alex and Charlie Sheen hoopla challenging Obama .If I had not read the ATS threads about Alex and Sheen I would have been clueless . This morning there were 65 news stories on google news . on the US news page ,

I am not a big fan of Jones either

There were articles from Reuters , Us news and world , LA times , Houston , Oregon , The examiner And a bunch of blogs .

At lunch

I came home checked news again nothing nada zilch about Sheens challenge to
Obama , Google search news finds nothing either . I thought I was Crazy till I saw the tab on my browser that still showed the morning news and low and behold there they were . Searched Yahoo got a few hits . Did other searches that found news items . But not Sheens Challenge .

The Reuters article is GONE . And the LA times is still there .

When in google searched for Charles Sheen I only got Sheen in movie reviews publicity ect .

An 1 1/2 hour later these articles started showing back up on the news searches . It wasnt a DEAD isp I was surfing CNN while I was searching . Now the Reuters is showing up again

Whats up ?

Was that a attempt to bury news that wont die . attempted Censorship ?

We Shouldn't have a pin headed sock puppet bureaucrat determining what is news and what isnt .

Any Idea what for over a hr no links to the Sheen story was there yet searches for Van jone showed up and then they flooded back .

[edit on 9-9-2009 by Lostinthedarkness]

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 01:38 PM
It's not censorship.
It's that this was hardly a newsworthy item. I mean really, Sheen challenges Obama. Come on. This may seem like some big deal to ATS'ers , but it ain't in the real world. Who cares about Alex Jones ? Ct fans, thats about it.
Jones is about as important as a TV evangelist, as believable as a WWF match.
Get some perspective.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by OldDragger

Regardless what you or I think about Alex Jones . The fact remains for over a hr news items were removed form the searches from google and yahoo nor were pages from reputable sources as Reuters were to be found on the subject . To block access to a existing new story is censorship.

As i Pointed out in my original post I am NOT a FAN of Jones . What struck my attention was Charlie Sheen was taking a strong stand to try to force a open dialog about troubling issues.

When someone else determines what is news for the rest to see that is a slippery slop to head down .

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by Lostinthedarkness
When someone else determines what is news for the rest to see that is a slippery slop to head down .

...slippery slop, lmao... ya know, thats really more accurate than slippery slope cuz we slid off of that sucker 60+ years ago - nope, wait, thats not right either... even way back during the ndn wars there were manipulators deciding which fantasy would be the news de jour...

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 02:20 PM
Great thread OP, it's clear that Jones has hit a cord not only with the general public but has divided the membership at ATS. YOur point is well taken as the reporting, blogging and press releases are being moved around on Google, Yahoo and even MSN as I just did a search to verify your claim.

What is most disturbing is how blatiant our fellow members are not evening willing to see that something is up when articles wheather you support Jones or not is being hidden from the public for them to make up their own minds.

I am not a supporter of Jones but Damn, something smells with all the disinfo coming out about this story. Makes me think he did the right thing if it was on perpose!


posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by OldDragger

It's not censorship.
It's that this was hardly a newsworthy item. I mean really, Sheen challenges Obama. Come on. This may seem like some big deal to ATS'ers , but it ain't in the real world. Who cares about Alex Jones ? Ct fans, thats about it.
Jones is about as important as a TV evangelist, as believable as a WWF match.
Get some perspective.

Did you not read what the OP said? OP said that they were there, then disappeared, then back again. What does your comment about Jones have to do with the topic of this thread? There are many threads on ATS now about Jones, go put your comment in one of those.

As for the OP, and back on topic, it is very strange that this happened. Did you by any chance get any screen captures?

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 03:25 PM
What was the Reuters article about?
Perhaps the " missing" links were stories that were put on the wire BEFORE the hoax was exposed? I got about a billion hits from Goggling, perhaps the News Services did not feel like participating in Mr Jones publicity stunt.
As for my opinion of Jones, I never tire of pointing out frauds.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 03:52 PM
I just did a google news search and when I click on any of the articles, I'm getting a google server error.....try again in another 40 seconds. I've spent about half an hour trying but have yet to open any of the articles.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 04:24 PM
The Spin Doctor are at it again. Farmers went nuts with this (including me) when we were fighting Animal ID. Articles we quoted would disappear and the passages we quoted would be changed BUT the date was NOT Then the USDA would call us Disinfo agents or say we were misinformed. We learned to capture the information and put it up on our own web sites. The USDA even when so far as to break into a guy's house and trash his computer!

NAIS Supporters Fighting Dirty

Since it is apparent that some of you think our government agencies are above board, let me share a story of my recent experience....

..I purchased vendor space at a recent Horse Expo in my state. The purpose (clearly spelled out to the expo organizers) was three fold: to promote the Hackney Horse, to market my hay (income) and to provide information for horse owners on NAIS. All was fine until my State Dept of Agriculture found out that I would be there as they had purchased vendor space as well. They succeeded in having me banned from the expo because I would be a 'negative influence'!

The ACLU took my case - the first one in the USA involving NAIS - and went after my State Dept of Ag...My State Dept of Ag vehemently denied any wrongdoing. They turfed it all on the shoulders of the expo organizers, claiming that they simply asked that they be moved to another location in the expo away from me.

Technically it should have stopped there,... But the ACLU believed the whole story 'stunk of censorship' and did not buy the State Dept of Ag's excuse. They then had conversations with the expo organizers and a very interesting story emerged in where even names were named from my State Dept of Ag. They informed the expo organizers that I had been at a huge Farm Expo last August (Untrue as I working). They claimed that I harassed people, was rude and obnoxious and had even caused a riot to break out over NAIS! They also stated that they were 'in fear of being on the same grounds' as me for fear that I would cause another riot. Of course the expo organizers made the decision to ban me. Who wouldn't after hearing such a story from a govt agency? My first reaction was to laugh over this absolutely ridiculous 'story' then I really got angry. I was NOT at said Farm Expo but I did know people who attended. NO riot broke out!

My State Dept of Ag also provided the expo organizers with numerous e-mails that I had written about NAIS - going back an entire year. I saw these e-mails from our State Dept of Ag with my own eyes. It was then that I realized they are actually tracking me on the internet.

To make a long story short, the expo organizers were convinced by the ACLU that it was in their best interest to allow me back in.

...The first day I was literally watched like a hawk by the expo organizers. By the end of the first day, the show manager realized that they had been 'had' by our State Dept of Ag. They observed for themselves that ALL I did was provide printed material to those who wished to take it and I answered many, many questions - particularly from people who had been to our State Dept of Ag's Animal ID booth first. The end result was that we were invited back next year!...”


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