I just received this letter from the school that my children attend. What concerns me is the fact that they are going to be setting up the Swine flu
clinic in the school. As of right now they will need parents permission to give them the shot. I just wanted to share.
Thanks for sharing. We received something similar thru the school newletter which was sent about one week prior to school opening. They too suggested
that in accordance with the CDC would perhaps offer vaccine "clinic's" to vaccinate the kids in the school...with parents permission of course.
So far I haven't heard or received anything else but school here only started yesterday.
My sister said they have one in her Highschool. She was also planning on getting the vaccine before I made her aware of the risks. She also said she
heard someone on the radio talking about how the Swine flu vaccine is harmful and mentioned the same risks. Too bad they're more publicly encouraging
the vaccine than they are opposing it.