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Debtors Revolt!!!!!!!!!!!!

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posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 02:33 AM
For some strange reason, this particular song came to mind.

Lost? in the syntax of lyrics, "We're safe tonight".
The Fall is rapidly approaching.
For some, it's a 'colorful' time of year to Beware.
For others, it's black and white.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 02:45 AM

Originally posted by harrytuttle

Originally posted by xoxo stacie
Well I made it to about the tenth time she decided to use cursing words then shut it off. There is one thing I always tell my children when it comes to speaking that way....If you want someone to listen to your point of view and not think you aren't able to think of something more intelligent to say DON'T CUSS!

What video did you watch? Because the video I just watched didn't include any "cuss" words.

Oh, my bad, she did say "Bank of America".

Seriously, she didn't say a single cuss word, so are you delusional???

Yeah, I read this before I watched and I kept looking for the cuss words.
I really didn't hear them .

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 03:11 AM
reply to post by jfj123

As example, what happens if your furnace goes out in the middle of winter.... I know you're going to say you should have saved but if your wages were cut because of something known as a BAD ECONOMY

This actually happened to me last winter...I don't have a furnace...but my heat went out in the worst week of winter in the history of seattle...or my lifetime at least. Know what I did? I slept with extra blankets, and three layers of clothing I need to write a book for these fools? as far as the bad economy...i just dont buy it...I work 7 days a week! 7!!! cuz i want to...cuz I'm a badass, cuz I set the standard for what a human being should be....I know what yer thinking..."but liquid the only jobs I can find dont pay crap..." well I guess you better get 3 or 4 of em then, and stop yer sniffling! do you realize what would happen to our so called bad economy if everyone just took every job they could, regardless of pay or type of work? think about......

What happens if your child gets sick and needs a lot of expensive medicine?

why the hell would anyone have a child?!!!
I think it's hilarious how so many(not necessarily you, jfj123) on this site is so scared of the NWO or something like that taking away all our freedoms and enslaving us, when in reality we do it to ourselves....trap ourselves in careers we hate but need to pay for all the dumb crap we think we want thats really just weighing us down, becoming codependent then starting families and kids that completely lock you into a lifestyle for decades if not forever...LOL....yeah it's the NWO thats doin it....seems to me deep down people don't really want freedom at all...

yeah I'm def writing that book...

There are many reasons we need credit cards. That is the true REALITY.

reality can be anything we want it to be, we just got to agree on it....
I'll do my job for free if you do yours for free? deal? everyone in? OK, more use for money...done.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 04:16 AM
"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

Thomas Jefferson

Google Video Link

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 05:10 AM

Originally posted by PenandSword

Originally posted by jfj123

Originally posted by liquidsmoke206
booo hoooo hoooo!!! the banks are screwing me....yeah no duh...

Here's what I dont get....who the hell actually uses credit cards!???
Why isn't everyone a badass like me and throw cash down when you want to buy something...

You want something?, save, buy....done.

JEEEEEZUS, do I have to write a book called HOW TO NOT SUCK AT LIFE for all these cretins....

I had a bank of america credit card too...hadn't used it in like 2 years so they just closed it for me...good riddance...I mean, why would I use a credit card anyways?

Unfortunately for many, that's not the reality we live in.
Many people need credit cards for various things. As example, what happens if your furnace goes out in the middle of winter.... I know you're going to say you should have saved but if your wages were cut because of something known as a BAD ECONOMY, you might need to rely on a credit card.
I myself run a construction business and I don't have thousands laying around to pay for materials for jobs so I need to use a credit card until the invoice is paid.

What happens if your child gets sick and needs a lot of expensive medicine?

There are many reasons we need credit cards. That is the true REALITY.

No that is not the reality. Just do what the illegal aliens do at hospitals my friend. WAKE UP !!!!

I guess I'm not willing to put that on the backs of my fellow Americans. What illegal aliens do is....well....illegal. My fellow Americans HATE the fact that they have to pay for illegals health care so why would I put myself with that group of HATED individuals? No I wouldn't do that to my fellow Americans and I can't believe you would even suggest it.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 05:13 AM

Originally posted by Alethea
If you are one of those people who have paid off your cards every month and rarely carry a balance....Watch Out.

This is what happened to me. I sent in a payment and the check was returned to me in a white envelope with an address label affixed. (The label was cheap and was peeling up on the edges). The check had been run through a machine as it had numbers imprinted on the back.

I called CC co and was told they never received check. I sent copy of check that was returned to me with imprinted numbers. I received another bill with late fees, interest, etc.

To make long story short, I sent in payments three times. Each time they kept saying they were not getting my letters or checks. I was mailing this directly at the post office every time...and even used 2 different post offices.

When I learned from an insider that sometimes they are told to shred checks. (esp. if they are not making any interest money on you).....I figured this must be what is happening. I had to go to the bank and wire the money to make this stop. I also wrote in big letters "final payment close account".

Do you know what Citi did in Argentina?

Might I suggest 1 of 2 things.
1. Send the total amount by certified mail. They must sign for it and you have proof it was received.
2. Pay it online. When you do so, a reference number is IMMEDIATELY generated.

I've had a few problems in the past with sending in checks myself but to this point, never had a problem with online payments.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 05:16 AM

Originally posted by admriker444

banks and collection agencies are very good at lying. they will impersonate police and lawyers and tell you your going to jail or people are coming to kick in the door and take your tv. its all total BS. They cant do a dam thing but they sure will try and intimidate you

If they do this, you can sue them as these tactics violate the law.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 05:23 AM

Originally posted by JayinAR
reply to post by jfj123

What speaks "volumes" is your belief that physics equates to construction methods.

Remind me to NEVER buy a house you built

I think you are speaking out of the 2-hole.
But that is just my opinion.

At least I'm not taking cash on the side to avoid paying taxes and putting the burden of those taxes you steal on the backs of your fellow Americans. But that is just my opinion too

I still decline to comment on my personal affairs. In ANY, way shape or form aside from what I have already mentioned in this discussion.

Business has nothing to do with "personal affairs" unless you're just working on the side and hiding the money as part of your "personal affairs".

If you had a legit business, I'd be able to actually look it up on a government website so it's not like you can hide a legit business anyway.

You're just upset because we both know I have your number buddy. You're making a living "on the side" and you think you're beating up the system but in actuality, you're beating up your fellow Americans and making life harder for them. Again, just my opinion

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 05:28 AM

Originally posted by joeofthemountain
Not too many businessmen here. It is a fringe conspiracy site after all. Enjoyable, yes. Mind expanding at times, of course. But those of us with responsibilities are usually required elsewhere for the best part of our lives.

I agree with you on business credit for working capital if not PP&E. It is unheard of for a contemporary business of any size to be self-funding. Some of the privates do it but no public corporation I know (obviously the very issuance of stock is a form of financing and while we call it equity, the shareholders expect their principle will be returned with profits too!). I am an MBA management consultant in the corporate financial management field and have been inside many a CFO's office.

Can a mom and pop fund working capital out of profits? Sure -- but they often compensate on the asset side with alternate forms of capitalization such as rent-free use of an existing property such as their home (i.e., the store is on the ground floor and the bedrooms on the second). This frees cash that would otherwise be wholly dedicated to servicing their capital debt.

I myself run a small business, inherited from my father. Even though I elect not to use bank credit, the business would be much more difficult to finance without vendor terms at our suppliers (a common form of credit for those that do not know these things).

For that matter, I have invested some $15,000 of my own money plus the use of capital resources including my private dwelling and IT equipment. This too is a credit loan, albeit on very favorable terms to the company. It is my money at loan and at risk -- in the expectation of a profit "at some point"!

Lol, our hobby-business friends here cannot be blamed, really. They simply do not know what they do not know. They are ignorant but good hearted. In fact, I wish it were possible to avoid the bankers. It is my personal goal as much as theirs! However, given the circumstances of contemporary business and the political system that constrains it, credit is a de facto if not de jure necessity to grow. So far as I know, this has been true since ancient days.

Joe of the Mountain

reply to post by jfj123

[edit on 9-9-2009 by joeofthemountain]

[edit on 9-9-2009 by joeofthemountain]

[edit on 9-9-2009 by joeofthemountain]

Finally someone who gets it !
And you get it very well my friend

You obviously know how to work within the system imposed and use it to maximum benefit. I do many of the same things you do !

Yes I understand why they don't get it and I don't take it personally.

Once again, thank you very much for your post

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 05:32 AM

Originally posted by truth/seeker
I got rid of my charge cards years ago, its not easy living without credit

cards, but by paying cash, theirs no one making money off you!!

If everyone could do this, it sure would make tptb take notice.

Here's something many people don't know.

1. Closing a credit card will negatively impact your credit score.
2. Also, if you have say 5 credit cards but don't have a balance or at least a low balance on them, it's easier to get secured loans.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 05:32 AM
If you lot are sincere about revolting - then why not do something EASY?

Simply put, don't pay any income tax, always demand that your employer let you sort out your tax commitments. The IRS is a PRIVATE COMPANY, that has NO LEGISLATED power to ask for or enforce any INCOME TAX at all upon you.

There is NO FEDERAL LAW that has been passed that allows the IRS to do what they are doing. Keep your money - it's yours!

The law that was proposed failed to reach the correct number of votes on the hill to be passed, and was not ratified by enough of the states to become federal law. The IRS is ROBBING people of money using a big fat confidence trick.

All the information is out there to use - you can research it yourself.

The Para.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 06:12 AM
maybe things are different here [ the UK ] but 3 people i know have sucesfully escaped rate hikes or paid off debts that were getting out of control - legally and responsibly

simply by taking advantage of another cards ` zero interest on balance transfers ` offers

the concept is simple

apply for the second card [ that offers zero interest on balance transfers ]

transfer the balance to the new card

third is the most critical step - CUT UP THE NEW CARD

this is vital because if you spend anything on the new card - the interest on the new debt is fooking horrendous - and it cannot be paid off till the transfered balance is settled

lastly - resume using the old card in a more responsible manner .

PS - never EVER miss a payment on the new card


posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 07:26 AM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
maybe things are different here [ the UK ] but 3 people i know have sucesfully escaped rate hikes or paid off debts that were getting out of control - legally and responsibly

simply by taking advantage of another cards ` zero interest on balance transfers ` offers

the concept is simple

apply for the second card [ that offers zero interest on balance transfers ]

transfer the balance to the new card

third is the most critical step - CUT UP THE NEW CARD

this is vital because if you spend anything on the new card - the interest on the new debt is fooking horrendous - and it cannot be paid off till the transfered balance is settled

lastly - resume using the old card in a more responsible manner .

PS - never EVER miss a payment on the new card


From what I gather, this tactic is both useful and extremely risky. Most often, 0% is just an introductory rate, that or there are fees associtated with transferring. Credit card companies can and do raise interest rates at "their" leisure. Missing a payment or being late on one on a 0% interest card will generally void the rate and you'll be stuck back in the same predicament except a little worse off credit wise because now you have a second card that's showing a late or missed payment. There's probably way more pitfalls than what I've mentioned, just read the fine print and take deep consideration if it's something you can work out "to their terms". This generally doesn't work here in the states because people aren't diligent enough to pay it outright or read the fine print and they get screwed.
With that said, in regards to personal finance or personal consumer expenditures, "I DO NOT BELEIVE IN CREDIT". I do not own a card, I do not own a debt. As far as I'm concerned, credit is essentially a system that keeps people IN debt permanently. You basically race your money up the track to get into good standing with an institution that is only there to lend you more money and own you. The more you borrow and pay, the higher the score. The higher the score, the MORE you're allowed to go into debt. If I don't have cash for it, I don't need it.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by liquidsmoke206

One thing for sure. You aren't going to write a book on how to be humble.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 07:37 AM
I haven't posted in a while, but I feel this deeply.

I own a small business in Texas, which has held it's own untill 2006, then our client list started to dwindle. We have struggled to pay our bills even worse lately because the banks interest rate rose as did the penalties (not to mention the IRS's beating we recieve on a constant basis).

I have always held my composure pretty well with debt collectors, IRS scumbags, or whoever. Last week I lost it with TXU. I fell behind on an electricity bill for my home, which as up to now has always been paid on time. I recieved 1 letter 1 week and a day prior to them shutting it off, reminding me payment was due.

My bill was 1005.00 for 2 months. Not only did I have to pay that in full before my electricity was turned back on, but they wanted an additional $350 to turn it back on. I told them to go F themselves.

I'm so tired of this. If anyone tries to come chain up my doors of either my business or my home, they will be greeted very politely at the door...not my fault if the AR on my shoulder intimidates them. It's completely legal to answer the door with a firearm.


[edit on 10-9-2009 by becomingaware]

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 08:07 AM
Just walk away from the credit card. The bank does not have a legitimate contract, it is not enforceable. It is not properly signed by an officer of the company. It is not a real contract (UCC). The banks are corporations. Corporations are fictions, fictions operate under the laws of the land and are subject to statutes, regulations and legal decision. Loans are also illegal contracts. There is not a proper and lawful equal exchange of value. A federal reserve note is not value. A bookkeeping entry is not value. Walk away from these traitors and their fiction that you owe them anything. Study Mary Elizabeth Crofts PDF book for some basics.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 08:11 AM

Originally posted by becomingaware
I haven't posted in a while, but I feel this deeply.

I own a small business in Texas, which has held it's own untill 2006, then our client list started to dwindle. We have struggled to pay our bills even worse lately because the banks interest rate rose as did the penalties (not to mention the IRS's beating we recieve on a constant basis).

I have always held my composure pretty well with debt collectors, IRS scumbags, or whoever. Last week I lost it with TXU. I fell behind on an electricity bill for my home, which as up to now has always been paid on time. I recieved 1 letter 1 week and a day prior to them shutting it off, reminding me payment was due.

My bill was 1005.00 for 2 months. Not only did I have to pay that in full before my electricity was turned back on, but they wanted an additional $350 to turn it back on. I told them to go F themselves.

I'm so tired of this. If anyone tries to come chain up my doors of either my business or my home, they will be greeted very politely at the door...not my fault if the AR on my shoulder intimidates them. It's completely legal to answer the door with a firearm.


[edit on 10-9-2009 by becomingaware]

I live in Texas as well and almost the same damn thing happened with me as a Reliant customer. The only thing was, I wasn't even behind on my bill! I came home from work on day to find my electricity shut off. I called the company and they said I had an outstanding bill that was not quite even a month past due. I was staring right at the current bill that wasn't even due for 2 more weeks! I told the rep on the phone that they made a mistake and that I had the confirmation number of my last payment (always keep those!). They took it, put me on hold for about 45 minutes! When they came back, they basically told me that I had to wait 3 days before they could get it turned on again because since it was after 1pm, they have to send all reconnects to Standard Electricity. This whole time the rep was unapologetic and even requested that I pay my current bill immediately. These people have totally forgot how to treat humans as humans. I answer my door with a katana in the mean time, until I can get my firearm in a couple of months.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by RobertAntonWeishaupt

My only question is: Why would somebody stop paying their bills if they had the money to pay it? Which she said she has no problems paying her bills, so she stops paying out of anger/spite?

I understand that she wants people to join her, lets be for real here who is willing to NOT pay their bills and jeopardize their credit rating (if they had the money to pay their bills, per her video)... It's a big thing.

Why not just leave BOA and go with a smaller bank or credit union? They offer the same services as BOA...

I would be up for this if she had said... to all BOA customers, lets jump ship and go with a local smaller bank or a credit union...

She can transfer her credit card balance to another smaller bank and credit union...

Don't stop paying your bills, just stop using them for your banking needs... Simple!!!!

Yep, I think she should start a viral campaign to get people to LEAVE BOA... I am a boa customer and you know, i think I am getting ready to go to my local credit union and join, they have the same services and better customer service and they (BOA) jacked my sh-t up too.... But jeeesh, doesn't mean I won't pay my bills, I just choose not to use them anymore... Problem solved...

[edit on 10-9-2009 by syrinx2112]

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by ReelView
Just walk away from the credit card. The bank does not have a legitimate contract, it is not enforceable. It is not properly signed by an officer of the company. It is not a real contract (UCC). The banks are corporations. Corporations are fictions, fictions operate under the laws of the land and are subject to statutes, regulations and legal decision. Loans are also illegal contracts. There is not a proper and lawful equal exchange of value. A federal reserve note is not value. A bookkeeping entry is not value. Walk away from these traitors and their fiction that you owe them anything. Study Mary Elizabeth Crofts PDF book for some basics.

Without even discussing whether any of that could even be proven,..

Once again, any debt foregiveness, or any debt written off by debt collectors,..

is TAXABLE INCOME EARNED by the debtholder, and taxed by IRS as income, and they WILL collect on that through an issued 1099.

The sense I am getting from this thread, is that people (whome I actually have great compassion for in these regards) are getting into situations that are unfair at best in the sense of trying to get back on your feet.

But the only way out is to most importantly, make arrangements at any cost to settle your debts as soon as you can.

And change your mindsets about your spending habits and debt management.


Yes, you probably need one (one, not two or three or four), yes, I have mine at a credit union with really great terms, and yes, I pay it off EACH AND EVERY MONTH in full. (this my friends, is the most important thing. They cannot treat you wrong or harshly, if you dont owe them)

But poor spending habits are the single most likely reason credit card debt is accumulated, and then you end up between the rock and the hard place, and they gotcha by the nads then.

[edit on 10-9-2009 by smirkley]

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by smirkley

Well said!!!

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