posted on Sep, 2 2010 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by phi1618
Great, great thread!
I have an experience I'd like to share - at the moment I'm getting into meditation with the aim of exploring aspects of my consciousness...
Here goes.
- I've found it more confortable for me to meditate lying down.
- I concentrate on my breathing until my mind is clear; this takes on around 10-20 mins.
- I then have this 'feeling' something I can produce at-will everyday in short bursts - at anytime even without meditation. It feels like a ball in
my stomach which radiates out to the tips of my fingers and toes in about a second, its a positive feeling almost like a 'power up'- it feels like
'potential' my heart rate normally increases very rapidly- except if I'm meditating because I'm in control.
- I concentrate on this feeling and allow it to consume my entire torso.
-My legs and arms feel like there's static underneath them making them levitate.
- I start to see colours balls of 'fractals' and ripples its as though I'm travelling towards them.
- My eyes start to twitch uncontrollably - like when you see someone in R.E.M sleep; but I'm fully awake.
- (Now this is a bit wierd) I become arroused, my mind is clear but there is definate physical activity 'down there!' which ends up consuming my
entire body.
- That fades a little and I feel as though I've 'lifted above the bed' not far but it definitely feels like a disconnect.
- I now feel like a ball of energy waiting to explode - - bare in-mind that my eyes are still flickering very,very rapidly at this point - its a very
intense experience; I can only hold this state for about 20 mins before fatigue occurs.
Afterwards I feel tired but very relaxed, but I've noticed that I can get cold sores for a few days afterwards...but I feel 'great' in my mind.
Any ideas what this experience is?
P.S I've only been doing this for a couple of weeks.
Much appreciated guys.