Hello AboveTopSecret.com users. I've browsed this site a few times before, but never really had anything good to contribute. Hope I can meet
some new people. I have a Gmail account if anybody wants to be friends and chat. =]
There are loads of intriguing as well as enlightening topics here. I am sure you can find something to elaborate on. I look forward to reading some of
your posts. I hope you enjoy your time here as much as I have.
When I first joined I found the board interface very confusing and the mods unnecessarily strict, but over time I've come to see both factors as
benefits rather than detrements. There are lots of good people here...
Welcome to ATS!
don't be afraid to contribute, just make sure you place some thought into your posts and back up your claim with evidence as much as possible. (it's
not that hard when the internet is at your disposal- you could literally not know anything and still provide proof for your argument).
Anyway, welcome to ATS, hopefully we'll cross paths in a thread someday.