posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 10:13 AM
It makes you think, about 2 weeks ago i read a thread about this "future man" that was from Italy, and he claimed he came from the future and that
he was posting warnings from history books in his time, and he claimed that there was going to be a nuclear attack on Washington D.C around November,
and few catastrophes between November and October. This is what he said
A guy is writing on a forum for youth issues and general interests, in Italy. He says that in his time he' s doing a test for his agency because
Net-Time Travel has just been invented.
I will translate you all of his messages. He says he lives in Italy and he writes from a future history book.
Navigatore del tempo, this is his name, translated is TimeSurfer, something like that- It's important to advise the youth. I know that there is
probably some of you who have contacts with the United States.
2009, your time-line is on the brink of a war. But some people is already studgying the marveillous Timewave Zero Theory somewhere. I will write from
a history book the major events of your period coming.
You can't stop the war to happen, because it's already all been planned. I'm sorry I didn't came earlier, but Net-Time Travel Syste, NTTS is in a
testing mode. It has just been invented.
I know that there is a huge secret involving Federal Reserve right now, in United States. Believe me, it's so big that will cause havoc and scandal
in every part of the world during September- October 2009.
In your time-line there is so much skepticism, but, you know, people telling that a nuclear attack on Washington DC has been planned are right. They
are just right.
If you know someone from that city, tell them to escape as soon as they can.
It's that nuclear attack that will ignite World War. North Korea will receive a nuke as well. Israel and Iran will start to do battles again.
I have to tell you, don't worry so much for global warming in years to come. Your climate is going to become extremely cold, slowly, anyway.
2010 is also known to be " a Year without Summer ". There are so many threats for climate and global cooling in your time-zone.
This could concern you, but at least something of 2012 is real, but it will happen in different dates. December 21 2012 is a good day for everybody
who came out of the gloom and doom.
I know there is a movie about 2012 prophecy coming in 2009. Well, it will reveal itself as a very good guessing movie for the future. No earthquakes
in every part of the world, anyway.
Obama is not a one term. He will end like Kennedy. There is going to be some change in England, Charles is going to be king.
I have to warn you, for sure. Don't have faith in the swine flu vaccine. It's a disaster.
China and Japan are going to become chaotic places, where people fights so much that it will cause havoc.
Americans won't be happy to know that in months to come, cirumcision will become mandatory for every newborn. It's just to fight Aids. But it's a
awkward thing to do. People won't be happy.
Nano-technology, a little part of what has been invented, will work as a very good distraction for rich people during World War Three.
Soon they will patent a nano-engine that will work in cars development.
China will have a drug market so big that it has to be stopped. People right there want to escape the grim reality they have to live.
Major disasters? September 2009, Washington DC, December 2011 and November 2012.
Crops will be damaged in Europe and Ireland. Ireland is going to be a place of fighters, rebellious people. The toxic fungus will ruin all their work
for food.
Civil War in United States? Spring 2010.
Next presidents? Biden, Michelle Obama, Miss Clinton.
Cholera is a disease going to come, but is a shame because it's from labs.
Unfortunately, together with Yellow Fever, it will hit Europe for mistake.
Digital artificial paper is a thing to come. Cancer's cure. Vertical farms building.
The beginning of Claytronics Technology Age. I'm sure many of you don't know what it is. Well, it's a fantastic good thing for everybody.
United States will have two huge earthquakes, one in Seattle and one in Los Angeles. They will be around 9.0.
November 2010, a surprising discovery will change so many things. It's going to be something explaining what is coming in 2012. Don't worry, you
will enjoy