I would just go and give a statement. I have done it before, its not bad. You can call them back, but I don't see why you would do that, unless your
guilty of something? You can evoke your 5th amendement rights, but why?
Just go and be truthful
Because they are trying to do their job, don't make it harder for them. Who knows maybe you know of a tiny detail that will help them! Which was the
case for me. I was a hero..lol.. well sort of. I just helped catch the criminals.
Go downtown but if you feel uncomfortable with any of the questions refuse to answer with out an attorney present. Do you have representation? I
suggest you get in contact with a lawyer.
If you were in any way involved in the crime or there is any possibility of charges being laid against you, however small, speak to a lawyer
before you speak to the police.
As the expression goes - Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. The critical part is will.
First reply: Go ahead talk to the cops its oK Dont make their job hard talk to them it will be all good.
Second reply: Go ahead and talk to the cops but if you feel uncofortable stop... and maybe thing about getting a lawyer.
Fourth reply: Here is a video explaining why your a moron if you talk to cop with no lawyer.
Fifth reply: Have you got a lawyer yet?
It is a very interesting study in the progression of thought.
And I'd like to throw a special thanks to my foe that keeps me on my toes thanks WeedWhacker for that awesome video... I have a 56K so in the hours
I have been buffering i have only been able to watch about 10 minutes.... MORE than enough to make me realize that I am going to go talk to an
attorney before I talk to anyone. VERY insightful and scary video.