Cool video showing some sort of black object above the earth photographed during the NASA STS 88 mission. The object looks solid in the latter part of
the video but not in the beguining. Provided are some links to the origional images. So here's the video What do we have here?
Thanks, try copying then the image into your browser I think that will work.
This gives all of the hi res images there's plenty there to look at have fun with all the pics.
Just copy and paste the link into your browser and the whole folder will open up with all of the images in it, As far as the object in question? I
don't know but I don't think it's space debris.
These are some of the clearest pictures I've seen - of space junk. Pieces of disintegrated satellites, space rocket gas tanks or other manmade crap
floating around the planet. Towards the end we see one entering the atmosphere and starting to burn up.
I fugured out the link to the ftp, once open there's so many hi res and low res images, I don't think the object is a dead satelite but I'm waiting
for the space debris skeppies to come down!