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Does America have ADHD

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posted on May, 14 2004 @ 12:09 PM
First off, let me say this is not some "bash America" post. It's just something that I have noticed for a little while.

In this day of instant rice, instant grits, and instant gratification, it is seeming more and more like America has ADHD. We cannot seem to keep focus long enough to even boil an egg these days. Fast food, fast cars, and fast internet...we want things now.

One of the best examples is the war. There were people who were moaning about the length of the war after a month or so. I don't fault those people for it. It is what America has become. We want instant results. And when we don't get it, we either become angry or move onto something that will give us results.

What about Jessica Lynch? She was big news until she got home. Let me rephrase that, she was big news until she said everything was a lie. Now she is nowhere.

Or Perl and Berg, what about those guys? Berg is still fresh but has taken the backseat mighty damn fast to prisoner abuse.

Honestly, from what I have seen with this war, I doubt America has enough patience to actually fight a sustained war.

It's not just the war though. Robert Blake had the potential to dominate the airwaves, but has flopped. Gay marriage only seems to be brought up on this board and nowhere else. The euthanasia case in Florida hasn't been heard from in quite some time. The 911 commission has seemed silent for a while. What about the Enron's and Tyco's (I believe) day in trial. This is stuff that has taken a backseat to prison abuse or the new Al-Qaeda tape.

Maybe I am wrong. Maybe I missed that exciting news at 9. Maybe it's just me. Why does it seem like America cannot focus enough to see a story through?

posted on May, 14 2004 @ 01:26 PM
I think you made some pretty damn good points there!

In my opinion.......I think it's because of the democrats or anti-bush people that won't let up. Everyday something new happens and with all the 24 hour news channels they just overload us with information. They push all this down our throats, blame bush, get shot down, and move on to the next disaster. They are relentless. I can't wait until November is here and gone.:shk:

posted on May, 14 2004 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by Venus
I think you made some pretty damn good points there!

In my opinion.......I think it's because of the democrats or anti-bush people that won't let up. Everyday something new happens and with all the 24 hour news channels they just overload us with information. They push all this down our throats, blame bush, get shot down, and move on to the next disaster. They are relentless. I can't wait until November is here and gone.:shk:

You couldn't be more correct! The largely liberal american media is trying it's best to undermine this war. Then again, perhaps the American public was ignorant enough to actually believe that it would be over in a few weeks.

posted on May, 14 2004 @ 01:58 PM
Thanks...........although I never expected it to end quickly. Bush said many times that it will take patients and time.

posted on May, 14 2004 @ 02:26 PM
people always have to begin mentioning "democrats and republicans" for every little thing.. both are worthless groups whom people vote for and they think it matters who wins
. Untill they get screwed over.

Does the United States have ADHD? Personally I think the entire concept of ADHD was to bring money in.. years ago we never heard of it.. then all of a sudden everyone says they have ADHD. Big money for the pharamcy corporations. Or maybe it's just degraded genetics.

I dislike when people call the US "America" Rememmber, there is North and South America. "America" could be referring to any of those places, so it's better calling it by the name of the country "United States" as we do with all other countries.

Now for the question...

The personalities of U.S. citizens tend to be very impatient, not all but definately many. Mostly because in this age of working very long shifts and then rushing out again.. people have very little time for anything else.

This war has been forced upon the citizens by your lovely politicans.... you sort of wonder why people don't want a sustained war.. because they never wanted one in the first place.
Not because of "democrats and republicans"

posted on May, 14 2004 @ 02:29 PM

as quoted by OXmanK
Does America have ADHD?

I would simply point to one main thing: MEDIA:
Media bias and media priorities.
There is your ADHD.


posted on May, 14 2004 @ 02:56 PM
Where is the personal responsibilty here? Folk are so quick to blame someone. Its not the media or music or any other form of entertainment. Its basically the people that drive things like the media.

It always boggles my mind when folk blame negative ads for political wins and loses. Take some personal responsibility please. People like to be told what to think, and if they fall for that garbage its their fault. Personally, all that crap gets on my nerves. I'd rather click on google news and read or come on here and read than sit in front to the idiot box listening to some crappy pundits argue over some non-issue.

Then again, everything Ox mentioned was played over and over again for weeks on 24 hour news. And i don't believe much of the stuff is news. Jessica Lynch? Come on...there are hundred thousand Jessica's in Iraq and each of them have a story. Her story is no more important than any of the others. I think she got too much coverage personally. And who is to blame for that? Black folk would said "white america". Republicans would say "liberal media" and dems would say "fox news".

Folk will always find someone to blame when they should be looking in the mirror.

posted on May, 14 2004 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by RedOctober90
people always have to begin mentioning "democrats and republicans" for every little thing.. both are worthless groups whom people vote for and they think it matters who wins
. Untill they get screwed over.

Does the United States have ADHD? Personally I think the entire concept of ADHD was to bring money in.. years ago we never heard of it.. then all of a sudden everyone says they have ADHD. Big money for the pharamcy corporations. Or maybe it's just degraded genetics.

I dislike when people call the US "America" Rememmber, there is North and South America. "America" could be referring to any of those places, so it's better calling it by the name of the country "United States" as we do with all other countries.

Now for the question...

The personalities of U.S. citizens tend to be very impatient, not all but definately many. Mostly because in this age of working very long shifts and then rushing out again.. people have very little time for anything else.

This war has been forced upon the citizens by your lovely politicans.... you sort of wonder why people don't want a sustained war.. because they never wanted one in the first place.
Not because of "democrats and republicans"

You have left me speechless...............I must say I have not seen too many people just open their mouth have so much garbage spew all over my keyboard. I beg you...please go back to school and come back when you have a clue!

posted on May, 14 2004 @ 03:20 PM
I am for the advancement of society and I feel that these things tend to bog down the great things that could happen in this world.

I support my fellow man and they are more important to me than my own being. But I see most people in the U.S.A. do not think like this... but I have many liberal European friends who wish to see more advancement and less of this garbage we see in the media. Maybe it is an advanced way of thinking that most people in the 21st century are not capable of understanding.. untill a war erupts that destroys half or more of the population. That is what usually takes to get people to stop this garbage we see.

Republicans or democrats.. who gives a crap... what about the society that must be improved and elevated? What about helping the good people of this world? These parties are just playing games with money.... there is nothing else to it.

[Edited on 14-5-2004 by RedOctober90]

[Edited on 14-5-2004 by RedOctober90]

posted on May, 14 2004 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by Venus
I think you made some pretty damn good points there!

In my opinion.......I think it's because of the democrats or anti-bush people that won't let up. Everyday something new happens and with all the 24 hour news channels they just overload us with information. They push all this down our throats, blame bush, get shot down, and move on to the next disaster. They are relentless. I can't wait until November is here and gone.:shk:

If the Bush administration didn't screw up daily, and the lies stopped surfacing, the media, which is rightwing anyway, wouldn't have so much to report!

posted on May, 14 2004 @ 03:35 PM
Curme, how the hell is media "rightwing"?
Seems pretty self-evident that it is liberal being that all they focus on the negatives of this current Bush administration and making Kerry look like a beauty pagent Queen, eh?


posted on May, 14 2004 @ 03:42 PM
Seekerof, you had it right when it was just media. The lean of all of it ends up toward center. Radio is extremely heavily right wing. Television is heavily left wing but the most popular being a righty news channel. Newspapers and magazines (political or news driven) tend to be a good mixture of both. And the internet is an array of every type of political affiliation ever. This leftwing media monster that is lurking under your bed and is in cohoots with the boogeyman is just a bedtime story. There is about an equal amount from what I have seen.

posted on May, 14 2004 @ 03:44 PM
The media has blasted Kerry, and just reporting the truth, even if it makes you look bad, doesn't mean they don't like you. Who owns all of this media outlets? Kennedy?

posted on May, 14 2004 @ 03:46 PM
hehehehe "Kennedy"...
I don't know really curme if he does or not.
DId give me a good chuckle though.


posted on May, 14 2004 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by Venus

You have left me speechless...............I must say I have not seen too many people just open their mouth have so much garbage spew all over my keyboard. I beg you...please go back to school and come back when you have a clue!

What's the matter with what Red October said ? He happens to be dead on balls accurate IMO.

That said, I DO think Americans have grown increasingly impatient and want whatever they happen to want RIGHT THIS MINUTE.

I think I'm in the perfect position to judge humanity since I deal with them everyday. At. Close. Range.

You wouldn't believe how many people out there get Cat Butt Face when they have to wait more then 3 nanoseconds before I can get their food to them.

Now using my daily experience as a model, I think I can safely assume that the majority of the mass American public out there is indeed spoiled, and has been coddled to the point of tushie-wiping by most American business. But literal ADHD ? As October said, I really don't believe there is any such thing.

However, I don't feel that not wanting a war to last more then two years constitutes an instant gratification need either.

[Edited on 14-5-2004 by KayEm]

posted on May, 14 2004 @ 06:42 PM
The answer is yes, and it has been a problem long before Bush stole his current station Via the supreme court.

This wholer society has been like that, something that has pissed me off against my fellow American. No attention span to simply sit still for a long time and contemplate things. Always rushing. Want # now. The more inventions we create to shorten the time it takes to do things, the less time we spend with families.

Everyone yapping about thier "busy scheduals" the have absolutely no time to live. No time to be human. We want it now.

But its not limited to America. Europe is like that too. Asia is becoming like that. The whole human race seems to be trying to speed itself towards dehumanity.

posted on May, 14 2004 @ 07:20 PM
Elf, ITA with you.

But there's a difference between true ADHD and simple impatience, caused by being overly coddled by American corporations (IE. the customer is always right).

I believe there is a true and valid form of ADHD, I don't mean to say I don't believe it doesn't exist. But I believe it has become a catchphrase for anyone who is considered hyper. That is, they naturally have a lot of energy.

I believe TPTB want to somehow control this, it threatens them somehow so they invent drugs such as ritalin to control it ( What a #ing LAUGH !).

posted on May, 14 2004 @ 08:53 PM
Good point. I always feel rushed with all this instant stuff.

posted on May, 14 2004 @ 09:32 PM
Thanks Kayem..

I think that poster went crazy like that because I questioned why she has to bring up the usual democrats/republicans bickering which is meaningless.

The original topic was about "American ADHD" and all of a sudden that crap democrat and republican nonsense came up.

A member on here, Bolshevik... gave me a good quote "people concern themselves with basic party politics because it gives them easy awnsers to hard questions"

In reality, the entire D/R argument is simply money games... I never see any of these party members focus on issues on the advancement of society... it's all games played by a few select rich men... with the good citizens taking the toll of the damage that they do.


All of sudden these days little kids who act a bit hyper are automatically told by the school that there kid has ADHD and requires harsh medication.... heh.... alot of creative minds in this world had some sort of ADD/ADHD thing...

posted on May, 14 2004 @ 10:13 PM
We dont necessarily have ADHD, I think we are just impatient which I find quite different from ADHD. But no doubt many people here do have ADHD, me being one of them.

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