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Channel 4: 102 Mins that changed america

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posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 09:42 PM
Bogus tease! This isnt viewable outside the UK! can anyone do a vid capture and post at least the highlights perhaps? Would be greatly appreciated by those of us across the pond, thanks..

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 10:06 PM
I've just finished watching this on the Channel 4 website and I have to say I think it really is a remarkable film.

I don't just mean that from an emotional perspective, it was extremely well made too.
From an emotional stance, it is extremely moving.

The stunned Pigeon was seemingly insignificant and probably missed by most. But I have to admit it made me consider how even a lowly Pigeon seemed to know and recognize the enormity of the day. I don't know why I made me stop and think.

I have a few questions though. And I'm sure others do too.
For instance, WTC7 can be seen several times throughout this film, no fires, no clear damage prior to the collapse of the first tower.
I thought the official lie claimed that the building was severely damaged from debris from the initial impact?

And if not, presumably the fires started on upper floors of WTC7 due to the first collapse? If that is the case, why weren't other buildings similarly on fire?

Well, I've always said follow the money and you'll find the truth. Looking over all of this as evidence expecting to find footage with a guy in the background hitting a button marked "detonate" won't get us anywhere. The real evidence or "smoking gun" is the paper trail leading to those who profited from it through seemingly "psychic" abilities of prediction

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 03:05 AM
The same documentary was also on the History channel. Here is the first part with links to the other ytube parts.Not the best quality you may find better searching Ytube.
Part 1










[edit on 8-9-2009 by tarifa37]

[edit on 8-9-2009 by tarifa37]

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 03:25 AM
Did someone record this documentary and would upload it since I cannot watch it on channel 4...looks like Europe isn't "allowed" to watch it.



posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 03:41 AM

Originally posted by JFletcher
Did someone record this documentary and would upload it since I cannot watch it on channel 4...looks like Europe isn't "allowed" to watch it.



Look above

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 05:29 AM
Or for easier viewing, watch on google.


Google Video Link


Google Video Link

[edit on 8/9/09 by blupblup]

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 04:02 PM
Thanks for all the videos guys, im sure people will enjoy seeing this.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by detachedindividual
I've just finished watching this on the Channel 4 website and I have to say I think it really is a remarkable film.

I don't just mean that from an emotional perspective, it was extremely well made too.
From an emotional stance, it is extremely moving.

The stunned Pigeon was seemingly insignificant and probably missed by most. But I have to admit it made me consider how even a lowly Pigeon seemed to know and recognize the enormity of the day. I don't know why I made me stop and think.

I remembered that. Seeing the poor thing drop and wobble, right after the buildings fell. It was quite sad. The poor thing was also breathing in all that horrible dust, too.

Me and my husband watched it on BBC 4 the other night, and he was actually crying. Especially when he saw either people jumping, or when he was watching the firemen going toward the building, before it collapsed. Because we both knew we were witnessing the last minutes of those guy's lives.

I have a few questions though. And I'm sure others do too.
For instance, WTC7 can be seen several times throughout this film, no fires, no clear damage prior to the collapse of the first tower.
I thought the official lie claimed that the building was severely damaged from debris from the initial impact?

Yep. I caught that too. I explained that to my husband. What made him look was the secret service guy there talking. He was like "wow, the secret service even got there quickly?" I told him no, that the secret service had an office in the building, they were already there. I gave him the run down of building 7. Occupants, collapse, ect. He was quite shocked.

And if not, presumably the fires started on upper floors of WTC7 due to the first collapse? If that is the case, why weren't other buildings similarly on fire?

Well, I've always said follow the money and you'll find the truth. Looking over all of this as evidence expecting to find footage with a guy in the background hitting a button marked "detonate" won't get us anywhere. The real evidence or "smoking gun" is the paper trail leading to those who profited from it through seemingly "psychic" abilities of prediction

Yes. Follow the money. Follow the paper trail. The pen is mightier than the sword, and alot more damning.

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