I have two friends that are having serious health issues. One has heart problems but is being taken care of because he is on social security
disability. The other one has a possible brain hemorrhage or brain tumor. This friend has no insurance because he lost his job not too long ago. He
went to his doctor and paid $95 for the visit. The doctor sent him to an imaging center for an MRI, but he was turned away because he had to give
$1,000 down for the test, which costs about $5,000. He could, and probably will, go to the emergency room, but there is no guarantee the hospital will
run this test on him.
He has tried to get government assistance but because of his unemployment income he makes too much money. IMO, my friend is in a world of trouble and
all because he doesn't have insurance.
First, socialism versus taking care of our own. I have seen many posts about taking care of our own rather than sending money or spending money
overseas(like military bases, exercises, etc.). If you believe in taking care of your own in this issue, why not healthcare?
Furthermore, why should INMATES have better access to healthcare than the average American? Call it socialism if you like, but I believe we should
take care of our own.
For the Die hard Democrats and Republicans:
Who cares about who didn't do what in the past? Who cares about comparing the last administration against this one?
The fact of the matter is that neither side has done anything as far as taking on the pharmaceutical and insurance industry.
I will give two examples.
Obama criticizing Insurance industry
"What we haven't heard are the voices of the millions upon millions of Americans who quietly struggle every day with a system that often works
better for the health-insurance companies than it does for them," Obama wrote.
The president cited a "2007 national survey" which he said showed insurance companies "discriminated" against more than 12 million Americans over
three years because of pre-existing conditions.
Pelosi Criticizing the Insurance industry
"They are the villains in this. They have been part of the problem in a major way," Pelosi said of the insurance industry after her weekly press
conference. "It's almost immoral, what they are doing," she said, referring to industry lobbying against a public insurance plan option. "Of
course, they've been immoral all along. They are doing everything in their power to stop a public option from happening, and the public has to know
about it."
Why are two of the most powerful people in the world criticizing the insurance company?
I am totally confused
Does the US government have the power to regulate businesses or not?
We do need healthcare reform
BUT we need input from Democrats, Republicans, and independents alike. IMO, HR 3200 sucks. It is hard to read,
will be hard to implement, and doesn't address everything it should.
I don't care about my family and friend's political affiliation. I don't care about their political belief. I do care about their health. And IMO,
HR 3200 is more about political gain than healthcare.
This bill shouldn't be rushed for political gain by either party. We all know that Obama wants it, regardless of what it looks like, to keep his
promise. We all know that Republicans don't want it to pass so they can use it against Obama. We all know that both parties are trying to embarrass
each other over the issue. Admitting any of this is hard to do, but politics, not healthcare, is the real game here.
Stop the aggressive tactics of get-it-done-now especially given our current economic crisis, which needs to be the focus. To quote Sen. Richard
Lugar, it is time “to clear the decks” and begin anew next year or the following year. Sen. Joe Lieberman's suggestions of starting with “cost,
health delivery reform and insurance market reforms” make some sense.
The most important part of the discussion that must be in the bill is tort reform.
I think the following needs to happen in order for America to have a successful healthcare program for all.
1) Congress should immediately pass legislation to help those Americans(like my friend) who are urgently hurting for healthcare at this time. They
should also pass legislation mandating what insurance companies can and can no longer do. Enough criticizing the companies, do something about
2)All Democrats should urge and insist that their party sit down with the Republicans and work out a healthcare program for America. All Republicans
need to urge and insist that Republicans sit down with Democrats and negotiate. And independents should put the pressure on both parties. Compromise
is the name of the game instead of fighting each other at town hall meetings, we should stand together and make them compromise.
I am tired of the parties tearing each other to pieces rather than doing something more productive. If HR 3200 is the best we get, then I can accept
it as long as there was real compromised involved.
3)Make the bill comprehensive. They need to address tort reform, abuse of the system by medical staff and patients alike, ways to increase
competition, and other concerns that have been voiced. Merely providing the uninsured with coverage is setting the stage for failure.
Are you not tired of all the quick fixes Congress likes to pass? Quick fixes that only come back to cause us trouble in the future.(social security,
4)All Americans, regardless of party affiliation, should protest the pharmaceutical and insurance companies. Show them how mad you are about their
Yes, my friend needs healthcare. But I guess politics is more important than his health, your health, or my health.