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Heads up Warning from National Guard

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posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 04:16 PM
Well Rocket, aside from the financial woes, your list is hardly a harbinger of things to come. You have things listed that are far from being proven. The other stuff... well, that happens every single year. There is always a crisis in a country, there is always a war going on, there is always terrorist attacks, there are lies, scams, huge coverups, that's a regular thing. This year is no different.

The only thing that's standing out is the financial situation we are in. While it's a mess, I don't see cities clearing out because of it.

Of course, there is also that we see this sort of thing all the time, and all the time, nothing comes of it. EVER. There is never martial law, there is never huge disaster, as much as many here would like them to, as odd as I find that attitude.

I think October will be a regular month, with the same approximate # of crisis, issues, and yelling between parties.... nothing will change.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by pluckynoonez

You are 40 miles from the #1 target for nuclear strike,

I remember when "someone high up in the military" said that the proverbial fodder would hit the fan in september of 08 begining with financial collapse and then total obliviation of the federal government in Feb. It didn't happen. The economy got hit hard and life went on.

Naysayers will always say nay, however eventually they are bound to be correct.

I geuss AJ is to busy with Charlie Sheen to warn us about this one.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 05:15 PM
There are actually a few things converging this fall.

1. Second wave of the economic crisis. Commercial real-estate collapse, perhapse the whole $1.5 quadrillion derivatives bubble. This I believe most of us can see.

2. Possible Israeli strike on Iranian nuclear facilities. Ahmadinejad recently declared there will be no negotiations about the Iranian nuclear plant.

3. Food shortages. There has been a record number of crop failures and delays this year. There are already 10+ ongoing famines in poorer countries, more than anytime in recent history.

4. Swine flu, and mass innoculations. There's a lot of propaganda surrounding this, so it's hard to tell what's the truth. But from what I've heard from people who've come down with H1N1 it hasn't been that bad, a bit worse than the regular flu. However, the vaccines might still be dangerous as they haven't been properly tested, vaccine companies have no liability etc.

Those are just a few things that seem to be hitting at roughly the same time. And all are based on quantifiable facts, not mere speculation.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 05:31 PM
Take a look at all the political dissent going on at this time.

Consider that some big bad event would stop all that and unite us against whatever/whoever the delcared enemy.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by OhZone

You must understand they want a revolution. War costs money. Except this time the US Government will ask the UN for help and hand over our sovereignty outright.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by SwearBear

I can't find a single thing in your post that hasnt been said before here and did not come to fruition. Obviously it was bird flu not swine flu etc etc but I am just seeing more of the same.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by fleabit
Well Rocket, aside from the financial woes, your list is hardly a harbinger of things to come. You have things listed that are far from being proven. The other stuff... well, that happens every single year. There is always a crisis in a country, there is always a war going on, there is always terrorist attacks, there are lies, scams, huge coverups, that's a regular thing. This year is no different.

The only thing that's standing out is the financial situation we are in. While it's a mess, I don't see cities clearing out because of it.

Of course, there is also that we see this sort of thing all the time, and all the time, nothing comes of it. EVER. There is never martial law, there is never huge disaster, as much as many here would like them to, as odd as I find that attitude.

I think October will be a regular month, with the same approximate # of crisis, issues, and yelling between parties.... nothing will change.

awww DUDE...

... this new crap floating around is a new strain of swine flu mixed with bird flu never before seen.... swine flu been around since the 70's... as for your remarks in reference to my post being nothing new, you are right...we aint seen anything like this since the 1930's, which makes it nothing new... LOL

Do you understand that the national deficit is spinning like a gas pump as we speak? Do you understand I do not like it when people rob my 4 yr old Son of his future? Do you understand I am not alone in these concerns and that people all across this nation are already on edge about the list of things I mentioned? not "proven" ? hahaha Which one you want proof of?

...All I'm saying is that this path we are on cannot withstand much more. We are anticipating the TRIGGER my friend... and our intentions are NOT to be caught off guard because we are NOT as stupid as the sheep who detest being pushed aside when its time to get the hell out of the wolfs path.

Naysayers? LOL ...yeah thats me allright. I once stood watch over a silent nuclear confrontation having vowed to incinerate a million people if called upon to do so simply because I figured it was all a lost cause anyway right?

This fall two things are going to happen. 1) Its going to get cold and you are going to turn that Thermostat up, and 2) you are going to get billed for it. ...GUESS WHAT BABY I promise you aint going to like cap and trade. And you can thank Obama for his energy tax system which he himself stated is going to bankrupt the coal fired power plants.
Thats "Naysaying" too huh?

How about lets "NaySay" some more stuff, like nay nay nay, we wont need to get flu shots this winter. We dont get flu around here....Besides, there will be plenty enough to go around for everyone regardless that the CDC and Homeland security says otherwise... regardless that its expected to kill 90,000 people... nahh

How about YA YA YA lets all go bury our head in the sand pretending this is all going to go away, because we know when good men do nothing evil gives up n plays fair. Everything is just "peachy" the way it is so if we let the IDIOTS running things keep spending money like the $h!T grows on trees, eventually it will....
Matter of fact, lets print some more money and pretend its worth the same thing it was before we did that. In fact, we can use it to bail out the next big corporation by printing so much of it, that even the debt is meaningless anymore...

Oh Wait a minute, I got an idea... how about we hope for the best and plan for the worst. In fact, while we do a little research and planning, we'll even kick around some ideas about how ugly this might get and see how far it is we should be prepared to go in response... or does THAT sound too much like we are BASHING YOUR CORRUPT SYSTEM TOO HARD ???

PROOF you say? Sure buddy , take your pick n I'll go dig up a link..

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 12:47 AM

Originally posted by fleabit

Of course, there is also that we see this sort of thing all the time, and all the time, nothing comes of it. EVER. There is never martial law, there is never huge disaster, as much as many here would like them to, as odd as I find that attitude.

...and you completely missed the fact that local New Orleans government under orders by FEMA were going around disarming its citizens during Katrina right?

...New Orleans
...and Kansas

..Nothing came of it? FEMA is riot control babe, not disaster management. That is why they botched the whole aid and assistance effort down there. people got WOKE STRAIGHT THE HELL UP, because they were under the common MIS assumption that FEMA was there to help fix the boo boos. FEMA is tear gas and swat teams. "You want aid call the red cross", is what they were telling people. Homeland security CAME OF IT. Interdepartmental communication CAME OF IT...

Dónde están sus documentos?

THIS is how your governement reacts to your genuine needs for clean water, medical, and sanition during a DISASTER WHICH NEVER HAPPENS bub... when the towers fell and good ol reliable FEMA was there to clean up the mess? oh no, wait, that was me and some buddies, with cutting torches and 1,100 firefighters, search team crews and forensic investigators. FEMA

Wanna talk about Ruby Ridge? Waco? Wounded Knee?
...Lets really get BUSY bro...lets talk about how our own Government refuses to protect our borders because all those votes from illegal immigrants win elections. Lets talk about how a murderer sits in congress for 40 years and gets a heros burial. Lets talk about soldiers on welfare, and converting a military and intelligence budget into a surplus so 3000 people DIE because your retaliation for the COLE is a bombed out pill factory...

You are one last broke back camel away from a NAZI state in this country when disaster strikes "friend", so, when the TRIGGER gets pulled this time, arm up or shut up, because when the $h!t really does hit the fan, NATIONALLY, you will either get on board or get mowed down by the system you ignored and shut out by those who prepared and, just so you know, 'friend" where there is no law anymore, I AM THE LAW. Don't come to my camp crying foul thinking you are owed any measure of sympathy or civility by the people who certainly will defend that which is valued above the liberty you enjoy today at their expense. There will be no "credit" and no "quarter" for the parasites that have bled this nation of its honor, freedom and fortune.

ANYONE shouting down or flaming preparations or the need to be ready, or the suggestion here in this thread that others do likewise is undermining the principal that your ass will pull your own weight when the day comes, like it or not, and suggesting you prepare yourself is NOT friendly advice, brotha, its a freakin WARNING. I aint packin yours. ...but I got a 50 cent solution to you thinking that I did

Survival begins with a HISSSSSSS

ADVICE: Go mooch attention from the "Why cant we all get along" crowd. I'm sure they got room for you in that thread. We trying to get some points on the table here. Matter of fact, go join a state sanctioned militia group bro, that way we never have to worry about you again. Once you hit that watch dog list, you'll be with the first crowd of "clueless" they come for...

...stay out of the woods tho. I hear there is going to be tens of thousands of happy campers singing tunes like Bad bad Leroy Brown and Coward of the County...roflmao

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 01:17 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous Avatar

You must understand they want a revolution. War costs money. Except this time the US Government will ask the UN for help and hand over our sovereignty outright.

I have been saying the same for some years now. Events will continue to escalate, and the worse thing is that violence could even become about race, since Americans are going to want to blame somebody they can put their hands on, and when the violence starts, and since most of our National Guard are overseas in the largest deployments since WWII, and for some states it has been the largest deployments in the history of the state, the Obama administration will as the UN for help, and they will send in UN troops.

Remember that ALL of Obama's nominees, and administration are advocates of giving our sovereignty over ot the UN. They are advocates for population control by draconian laws. they are advocaes of disarming us not only militarily but also disarming all citizens.

We have been set up for the elites to implement a one world Socialist government.

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 02:41 AM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

From what I understand the Federal Government is counting on as much chaos as possible...

They are funding and supporting La Raza and various other gangs and movements.

They are also putting foreigners in American Uniforms to carry out detaining American Citizens and Martial Law so that the Militia and American Citizens will think it is the US Military and other Agencies doing it to them to cause get Americans to fire on each other.

I will just say this... if someone shows up to your door to confiscate your guns or arrest someone and only one of them speaks english, then study the rules of the Geneva Convention.

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 03:11 AM
reply to post by m khan

I wouldn't be so sure about that, I posted a statement on my Facebook against the vaccine and I got a s# load of abuse for daring to question its safeness! Apparently it'll be my fault if peoples kids die from swine flu because they didn't get the vaccine when my only statement was 'Research the vaccine before you proceed to get it.'

The Government and media are doing fantastic at making people desperate for it.

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 03:26 AM
reply to post by JennyJen

Indeed the brainwashing is working for some. Unfortunately for all of us.

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 11:07 AM
The 4th Geneva Convention covers this mess.

Article 1 ... Persons taking no active part in the hostilities, including members of armed forces who have laid down their arms and those placed hors de combat by sickness, wounds, detention, or any other cause, shall in all circumstances be treated humanely, without any adverse distinction founded on race, colour, religion or faith, sex, birth or wealth, or any other similar criteria.

Article 4... Persons protected by the Convention are those who, at a given moment and in any manner whatsoever, find themselves, in case of a conflict or occupation, in the hands of a Party to the conflict or Occupying Power of which they are not nationals.

Article 35... All protected persons who may desire to leave the territory at the outset of, or during a conflict, shall be entitled to do so, unless their departure is contrary to the national interests of the State. The applications of such persons to leave shall be decided in accordance with regularly established procedures and the decision shall be taken as rapidly as possible. Those persons permitted to leave may provide themselves with the necessary funds for their journey and take with them a reasonable amount of their effects and articles of personal use.

In applying the provisions of Article 39, second paragraph, to the cases of persons required to leave their usual places of residence by virtue of a decision placing them in assigned residence elsewhere, the Detaining Power shall be guided as closely as possible by the standards of welfare set forth in Part III, Section IV of this Convention.

Art. 49. Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive.

Art. 53. Any destruction by the Occupying Power of real or personal property belonging individually or collectively to private persons, or to the State, or to other public authorities, or to social or cooperative organizations, is prohibited, except where such destruction is rendered absolutely necessary by military operations.

The Occupying Power may not requisition foodstuffs, articles or medical supplies available in the occupied territory, except for use by the occupation forces and administration personnel, and then only if the requirements of the civilian population have been taken into account. Subject to the provisions of other international Conventions, the Occupying Power shall make arrangements to ensure that fair value is paid for any requisitioned goods.

Art. 57. The Occupying Power may requisition civilian hospitals of hospitals only temporarily and only in cases of urgent necessity for the care of military wounded and sick, and then on condition that suitable arrangements are made in due time for the care and treatment of the patients and for the needs of the civilian population for hospital accommodation.

The material and stores of civilian hospitals cannot be requisitioned so long as they are necessary for the needs of the civilian population.

159 Articles and 3 annexes....and I see US violations already regarding Iraq War detainees

Un freakin believeable

Correct me if I'm reading/interpreting this wrong, but, according to the way article 4 is worded, do I actually have to renounce my citizenship as an American National to be afforded Geneva Convention rights when my own country attacks me? Damn

Lawyer? Lixical analysis geek? ex POW? Anybody?

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by RocketScientist

Sorry mate but these laws have been overruled by a higher authority! GW decided that those rules do not apply to his country hence he created The Homeland Security. Interesting book "The End of America" by Naomi Wolf explains very well what is going on. Of course there is another law that exceeds the ones you outlined... Martial law!!! Scary times ahead.... History does seem to repeat itself...

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by jtma508
reply to post by JayinAR

Why? Because people BELIEVE this stuff. And they spread it around and expond on it as fact. Read the posts. The one above yours is calling the people who DON'T subscribe to the hyperbole 'sheeple'. The fact is, the vast majority of this anti flu vaccine crap has been initiated as politcical propaganda. And averyone buys into it and parrots it back. There is no 'mandatory' vaccine for the general population but you can't convince some people of it.

This may not be exactly the same as yelling 'fire' in a movie theater but it comes close. When the GOP was in-office they controlled this country using fear and paranoia. Obama gets in and he attempts to dial that back. Remember those days when the pressure came off? Now, much to my personal amazement, the far right/GOP has found a way to play the fear game even when they're NOT in office. When will people learn? It's you people who are the sheeple. You're being used as pawns.

I've grown-up being a survivalist. I believe in being prepared always and have as little trust in the government as anyone here. But this is getting ridiculous.

Amen to this. It's fine to have a healthy skepticism for the government, but NOT everything is a conspiracy.

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by elemental475

Originally posted by jtma508
reply to post by JayinAR

Why? Because people BELIEVE this stuff. And they spread it around and expond on it as fact. Read the posts. The one above yours is calling the people who DON'T subscribe to the hyperbole 'sheeple'. The fact is, the vast majority of this anti flu vaccine crap has been initiated as politcical propaganda. And averyone buys into it and parrots it back. There is no 'mandatory' vaccine for the general population but you can't convince some people of it.

This may not be exactly the same as yelling 'fire' in a movie theater but it comes close. When the GOP was in-office they controlled this country using fear and paranoia. Obama gets in and he attempts to dial that back. Remember those days when the pressure came off? Now, much to my personal amazement, the far right/GOP has found a way to play the fear game even when they're NOT in office. When will people learn? It's you people who are the sheeple. You're being used as pawns.

I've grown-up being a survivalist. I believe in being prepared always and have as little trust in the government as anyone here. But this is getting ridiculous.

Amen to this. It's fine to have a healthy skepticism for the government, but NOT everything is a conspiracy.

If you have been getting your news from anywhere other than NBC, ABC, CNN, etc, you would realize obummer uses fear even more than bush. Most all current politicians are scumbags, liars, hypocrites and crooks (including and more than most obama) who use fear, calm, and all other forms of manipulation to fit whatever the current agenda is. And if you still think obama is above that well then I have a bridge for sale. That's where his genius is, in making people believe he isn't lying and he does care.

Of course no one has said there is going to be a mandatory vaccine NOW but if you really have a healthy skepticism of your government then you know the motive to do it exists. Whether it is just "because we know best" or the least likely "viral load" conspiracy, you can't say even if they thought they could get away with it they wouldn't.

The sheeple are the people who believe EITHER party is their friend. The poor and minorities are the pawns of the democrats and those who like guns or religion or freedom are the pawns of the republicans. The political parties have us (not me) duped into picking teams like you choose which football team to call "yours". You basically pick a jersey to root for, doesn't really matter who is wearing it.

[edit on 11-9-2009 by I_am_Spartacus]

[edit on 11-9-2009 by I_am_Spartacus]

[edit on 11-9-2009 by I_am_Spartacus]

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 07:26 PM
This thread is very far advanced so what I say may not be of much interest but I wanted to get it down here anyway. Four or five years ago I was on a Toronto city bus and happened to pick up a small tabloid newspaper that had been left on the bus by someone who'd finished with it. There are several of these printed in the metropolitan area

I had not seen this one before because it was from the other side of town. (Toronto is quite large geographically.) Anyway, there was a very short article saying that a military (i.e., army) crowd control exercise had taken place in the suburb at the west end of Toronto, complete with civilians posing as demonstrators.

What caught my eye was that the report said that the "demonstrators" were chanting "Give us drugs, give us drugs!"

I didn't see it reported anywhere else. But it kind of shook me when I saw it. To me the optics of it were just all kinds of wrong.

Anyway, that's the story.

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 11:07 PM
Good God Almighty it took me a long time to read this whole thread. I had things to say but its from pages so far back, its pointless now. Anyway, I have emergency supplies ready in case something happens but I still feel so un prepared. The budget doesn't allow for much but I guess some is better than nothing. Anyone have any good CHEAP survival book suggestions like what kinds of plant to eat and use?

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 05:20 AM
reply to post by concerned190

Food For Free - Cheap as chips!

When all Hell breaks loose. - Really good book for survival tips!

If # were to hit the fan in the US, how would the rest of the countries in the world react? If the fema camps were in effect, surely the other countries (particularly England) would have to follow suit, otherwise the government would be under great pressure to get involved? Does everyone think that this would be a global crisis or just isolated to the US?

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 05:31 AM
reply to post by JennyJen

What would other countries do. Hmmmm it seems to me they would be like two ants on a anthill looking at the people arguing and fighting and saying to each other that it is just a question of time before we rule the world. The English are still upset that it took the USA so long to get to WWII and those who know how much money USA took from the UK and in 25 years here is all I have ever heard on a regular basis... Don't expect much from them. Also most of the food in England are imported from her past enemies so there is not spare to ship to the States. Have you ever compare an American dinner to what the English calls dinner? They still put bread in their sauages calling them Bangers. American get married with 14Karet Gold Rings and the English get married with a 9Karet Gold Ring. 24-14 = 10k other than gold 24k-9k leaves 15 parts not gold. I am not making fun of the English trying trying to point out that they don't have it to send to our aid.

It will be up to each and every American to have planned for the event and take care of each other. IMHO that is.

[edit on 9/12/2009 by IceHappy]

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