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Mark Lloyd - Obama's "Freedom of Speech Czar" (FCC Diversity Officer)

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posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 07:17 AM
Obama has done it again .... another Czar who just looooves the communists.
(interesting pattern ... isn't it? )

Obama created a position for Mark Lloyd. He is to be the FCC's 'Diversity Officer'.
Here is a quote from Mark Lloyd - His book can be found here - and how he feels about freedom and the press.

"It should be clear by now that my focus here is not freedom of speech or the press. This freedom is all too often an exaggeration. At the very least, blind references to freedom of speech or the press serve as a distraction from the critical examination of other communications policies.

"[T]he purpose of free speech is warped to protect global corporations and block rules that would promote democratic governance."

This is the guy that Obama has raised up in the FCC? :shk:

Open Market

Many officials in the Obama Administration are sympathetic to Marxist regimes. For example, Obama’s appointee to be the FCC’s “diversity officer” is Mark Lloyd, a big fan of Venezuela’s socialist dictator, Hugo Chavez. Although Chavez has shot unarmed demonstrators, Lloyd has called socialist Venezuela a model, praised its authoritarian leader’s “incredible revolution” and defended his attacks on independent media. Obama’s nominee to be Assistant Secretary of State, Arturo Valenzuela, has a reputation as a loud defender of Venezuelan dictator Chavez’s terrible record on freedom of the press.

News Busters

Lloyd is in fact a Saul Alinsky disciple. In his 2006 book entitled Prologue to a Farce: Communication and Democracy in America, he calls for an all-out "confrontational movement" against private media. He wants leftist activists - through incessant political pressure - and the government - through the creation of a totally untenable operating environment of fees, fines and regulations - to work together to force the commercial broadcasters out, to be replaced by public broadcasters.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 07:36 AM
Lloyd is going to be the one to bring back the so-called 'Fairness Doctrine' to censor free speech from the public airwaves. And the socialist hate machine is promoting this censorship.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 07:37 AM
Great thread, FF!

I need to do some research on this guy and what he is proposing, because on the face of it, it is incredulous. His views on free speech should terrify every American.

And this new shoehorn designed to implement the Fairness Doctrine (or worse) called 'localism' - does he really think he can get away with it?

This is another tack that Obama is taking to destroy America and tuen it into a socialist state. No way, not on my watch!

First they go after the radio and TV media. Next, they will come after us. No way, no how!

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 07:44 AM
Van Jones is gone thanks to conservative bloggers and Glenn Beck (love him/hate him, he did help bring this to light).

We need to do the same with this joker.

Obama's little house of cards is falling.

Van Jones was just the start.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by mikerussellus
Van Jones was just the start.

Well, there's something we can agree on. Beck is already going after each and every one of Obama's Czars, even if he knows nothing about them.

Glenn Beck's Next Target

How has Sunstein become so controversial? Basically, conservative Websites have read his iconoclastic, theoretical writing and pumped up the bits that sound really strange.

I don't blame you guys. The same tactic was used with Sarah Palin (her church, etc,) Barack Obama, McCain, Jones... Every politician and association today has to pass a strict test of having NO skeletons in their closets... And I don't know anyone like that. Good luck to Obama getting his cabinet filled within his 4 years. LOL The GOP is on the freakin' rampage because they're not in power, and if they can help it, they won't let anyone by who doesn't have a perfect record...

On topic, Mark Lloyd would NEVER be able to do what is being imagined by Beck and his followers. It would simply never flush in America. Our First Amendment rights are to precious to us, whether left or right. He may wish he could do this, but there's simply no way. It's a suggestion that Beck will be pushing and people will be freaking out about, but we'd never let it happen. None of us.

And there's no reason to believe that Lloyd would even try it, in my opinion. He may like the idea, but he'd be an absolute fool to try, and Obama would be stupid to let him.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 08:08 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

Ok BH, then why does this guy have a job? It's like having Michael Jackson run a day care center !(may he rest in peace

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 08:23 AM
Sounds like the old BBC that the government ran in the UK. (pre 1968)

It ran only what the gov allowed.

The only other programs you could get were pirate radio operating offshore of the UK. or short wave broadcast

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by ANNED

Radio Caroline! Loved it!

But you're right in terms of what the MSM is doing today in America!

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by mikerussellus

Why would you think I have the answer to that? I've never heard of him before this morning, and the only information I've seen so far is all wrapped up in the hysteria. What? Do you think I have a hotline to Obama's brain? I wish I did! If I did, things would be a lot different than they are.

Look. Glen Beck is scouring these guys' pasts, with the help of his followers, picking out the stranger-sounding tidbits and blowing them out of proportion, and feeding them to you guys like pablum, putting scary ideas into your little heads about the possibilities of the socialistic, Marxist, communistic, fascist
government you're all just pooping your pants about. And you're sucking it up like mother's milk. And then you're proceeding to scramble all over the Internet, expounding on what you've heard, blowing things even further out of proportion to scare the bejesus out of everyone and put pressure on Obama to get rid of them, so you can then claim 'victory' and accuse Obama of "throwing him under the bus" or doing a "flip-flop".

It's pretty simple and pretty clear to those of us who are watching it happen.

It's all part of the GOP strategy to use the Obama-haters of the nation to do their dirty work... You don't think the Republican Senators and Congressmen and women want to be seen posting some of the more "out there" theories when they can use you to propagate them, do you? They just slip info to Glen and Rush, et al, and they pass it on to you and viola! Mass suspicion, fear, anger and "the people have spoken".

No, I don't know about Obama's hiring of this guy. I don't know anything more about this guy than what I've read here. It's a tidbit. It's like looking at 1/millionth of a picture and trying to tell what it is. Sorry, No can do.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

Beck is doing it because no one else in the media is.

Van Jones remarks that he himself made are the reasons that he got the boot.

Mark Lloyd is going the same way. No one is putting words in their mouths. Youtube, Beck, conservative bloggers, they are the vetters for this administration.

Lately, you have become the whipping post for the Obama administration here on ATS. I admire your resolve for defending an administration that has shown itself to be corrupt, racist, biased, and un-partisan. But you're fighting a losing battle here.
Internet has become the new "vetters" and people (as much as they would want to) can't run from their own remarks.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by mikerussellus
Lately, you have become the whipping post for the Obama administration here on ATS.

I'm sorry, I don't know what that means. But I'm not fighting a battle. I'm giving my opinions. I have long ago given up the idea of changing anyone's mind on the Internet. To be perfectly honest, I don't know you or care about 99% of the people I "meet" on the Internet. I don't really care what you think. That's how I can argue passionately with someone one minute and then be completely cordial to them the next. I don't give a flying flip.

I rarely hold a grudge because I would have to care about your opinions to do that.

The reason I do what I do is because it's fun for me.
That's it. It is entertainment. I enjoy stretching my mind, learning, researching, debating, and debunking. It's creative and challenging. It's fun. Nothing more.

Maybe some are "battling" here, but I know whatever happens in government is going to happen, and my words on ATS aren't going to make ONE BIT of difference. And I'm OK with that.

I have no desire to run from my remarks. If I think I have been wrong, I admit it. When I disagree with Obama, I say so. My ego isn't that big, contrary to what some believe.

Now, let's get back to this Mark Lloyd character and his plans to rewrite the Constitution, shall we?
If you want to talk about BH, her opinions and her place on ATS and the Internet, I suggest you start a thread about that. I would LOVE it!

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 09:13 AM

Now, let's get back to this Mark Lloyd character and his plans to rewrite the Constitution, shall we?
If you want to talk about BH, her opinions and her place on ATS and the Internet, I suggest you start a thread about that. I would LOVE it!


Lloyd just wants that pesky 1st ammendment done away with. There is too much freedom going on, and when his political party talks he wants all to listen to them and no one else.

They'd be sooo much happier in the old Soviet Union.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 09:14 AM
Here is the video of him endorsing Hugo Chavez, his polices and tactics to control the media. How can anyone in their right mind support this guy having power to influence our media?

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 09:51 AM
The problem with the czars that Obama has chosen, and people like Glenn Beck has pointed out, it is not just one statement, nor is it just a one time blip that is showing up. If it was just the one time thing, ehh, I would agree that the Republicans are just doing a witch hunt, but the more that is dug up, the more that is on record, the more you begin to see a mind set and that maybe, just maybe, Glenn Beck and others like him are correct. And none of them are wanting to even go on the record to make a case for themselves. If anything, the new Diversity officer at the FCC needs to back down, cause what he is doing reeks of censorship.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
feeding them to you guys like pablum,... And you're sucking it up like mother's milk.

Um ... no. That would be those that actually believed Obama's 'yes we can' ... 'change, hope, unity, transparancy' rhetoric.

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
It's all part of the GOP strategy to use the Obama-haters of the nation to do their dirty work...

Um .. no.

Obama's picks are radicals. They are racists. They are marxists.
They are VERY LOUD about their beliefs and what they want to do.

As much as you want to belittle those that EXPOSE Obama's nutters for what they are, the simple truth is that the problem is with Obama's people - NOT with those that expose them.

reply to post by Wimbly

Amazing, isn't it? :shk: The guy that Obama created the 'FCC Diversity Officer' position for, advocates political processes that can't stand tolerance.

[edit on 9/6/2009 by FlyersFan]

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 11:28 AM
Story Here

The FCC's new chief diversity officer laid out a battle plan two years ago for liberal activists to target conservative talk radio stations, and critics say they are concerned that he now will want to bring back the "Fairness Doctrine."

Mark Lloyd, who was named the associate general counsel and chief diversity officer at the Federal Communications Commission last month, is under attack for authoring a June 2007 report entitled "The Structural Imbalance of Political Talk Radio" and a subsequent essay, "Forget the Fairness Doctrine."

Shades of Chavez.
Give this Mark Lloyd a little power .. wonder what he'd do ...

Chavez Government Expands Censorship in Venezuela

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
reply to post by mikerussellus

I've never heard of him before this morning....

There-in lies the issue. And this is no personal insult, but it is symptomatic of today's media and the average American's ignorance or apathy. The administration was mistakenly convinced that most Americans are so apathetic about our nation's politics that he/they would be able to steal our liberty before we awoke. Why else did the heath insurance issue HAVE to pass before it was read and understood? Why else did the auto bail-outs have to happens so quickly. It's all part of the grand scheme from the left to "Fundamentally change America" as was put by candidate Obama just prior to the election.

Most do not know who these "czars" are because they are not accountable to anyone in the electorate, or Congress. They get no coverage by the MSM because ANYTHING our current president does is OK by them. Like Bernie says.....they have a slobbering love affair with this man. So much so, it makes reasonable people of both sides nauseous.

Thank God for the likes of Glen Beck.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 01:17 PM
There's more to this than is being discussed here.

The other part of our proposal that gets the dittoheads upset is our suggestion that the commercial radio station owners either play by the rules or pay. In other words, if they don’t want to be subject to local criticism of how they are meeting their license obligations, they should pay to support public broadcasters who will operate on behalf of the local community. Commercial broadcasters want to be trustees of public property but without responsibility.

Unlike newspapers and movies and blogs and cable channels, the federal government gives commercial broadcasters a free license to use public property—the airwaves. There are still more people who want these licenses than the government is able to satisfy. In exchange for this very valuable and scarce license, and federal protection against “pirate” (unlicensed) radio operators, broadcasters are supposed to operate in the public interest.

That’s the deal. The broadcasters like the free license and the free protection, but they just don’t want the public involved in telling them whether they are actually serving the public interest. For 80 years the public interest has been defined as, you guessed it, providing a reasonable opportunity for the diverse expression of issues of local importance.

And that is why the government can tell Citadel Broadcasting Corp. (for example) who refuses to air anything other than conservative talk show hosts, that they are going to have to pay a fine to be used to air a diverse view that serves the public.

This is not the Fairness Doctrine. Lloyd doesn't want to implement the fairness Doctrine. But if a radio station is going to use the airwaves, then they have a responsibility to serve the public interest. That's the deal.

I highly recommend reading Forget the Fairness Doctrine for a better understanding of this issue.

I don't feel educated enough about the FCC Broadcasting Rules to know what I think about this yet. But I believe that there's more to it than wanting to silence Glenn Beck.
No matter what I think of the guy, I don't want to do that. But I certainly wouldn't mind hearing a balance of opinion on the radio instead of the steady stream of right wing propaganda that it is now.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 01:25 PM
Mark Lloyd, FCC Diversity czar, wants to enforce “localism” with fines and fees, then turn over the funds to public broadcasting., where opinions and news are more “progressive friendly.”

In other words, the Fairness Doctrine” will be used to politically monitor and punish broadcasters whose views don’t reflect those of the administration.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

No matter what I think of the guy, I don't want to do that. But I certainly wouldn't mind hearing a balance of opinion on the radio instead of the steady stream of right wing propaganda that it is now.

The problem is that networks and programs like those of Garofalo and Franken can't draw an audience. If there's no audience, there's no "public interest."

I listen to NPR regularly and belong to 2 stations' membership, but they are neither "fair" nor "balanced."


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