posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 03:19 PM
Already being discussed here:
as I said ont that thread:
This is absolute BS
1. Why wait 29 years to come forward?
2. What type of fertiliser?
If it's just manure that is not going to burn readily.
I read/took it as agricultural fertiliser either bagged or in bulk. If it was compound fertiliser this will not burn at all so we have to assume there
was probably a high Ammonium Nitrate concentration in this fertiliser. Now, as someone already pointed out fertiliser oxidises and doesn't burn
To get this alight you'd need an accellerant like diesel or petrol. Now, start adding that to a truck load of fertiliser and setting light to it and
you're gonna get your bright light but there's also a good chance you're also gonna get a 30ft crater and a load of flattened trees, not to mention
rather a loud bang.....!
3. So he sets light to said truck / trailer and then hangs around to watch it burn. Then he sees some guys with guns, gets scared, hitches up said
burning vehicle or trailer and tows it to the road where it is 'safer'.
This is utter utter utter BS
How stupid do TPTB or the papers think we really are