posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 07:55 AM
Originally posted by mental modulator
Me too, I think at the high up state level the strategy might be to FURTHER screw up Obama's image/presidency. They might stare him down, but I think
they know damn well we do not need a civil war nor do I think they REALLY want one. Such an act would not only kill countless, it would also
officially put us in third world status fairly quickly.
I disagree completely.
We have enough documentation to prove CIA/military involvement in massive drug smuggling since the 1960's. All this time this government has been
putting our citizens in jail for involvement with drugs.
We have enough documentation to prove that the US government has consistently overthrown democracies and set up dictators or Vichy-style governments.
During this process we have engaged in torture (the actual practice of torture goes back at least as far as Vietnam), death squads, disappearances and
every other form of state-sponsored terror. Since 1946, the US has been training the military of Central and South America nations in the US tactics
thru the "School of the Americas". All this time, the US government talks of Making-The-World-Safe-For-Democracy.
We have documentation that proves "Gulf of Tonkin" incident was a lie. In fact, Admiral Jim Stockdale was one of the pilots flying cover for the
Destroyers Maddox and Turner Joy. He wrote a book and states that there was no attack whatsoever on August 4, 1964. Released NSA files agree.
Almost 60,000 Americans and several million Vietnamese died for this lie.
We have documentation that proves that the joint chiefs approved an operation called Operation Northwoods to commit terrorist operations inside the
United States. This plan called for hijackings, bombings and exploding remote control aircraft -- then phony evidence would blame the terrorist acts
on Cuba. Kennedy refused to carry out the plan.
We have documentation of Operation Mockingbird from the CIA. This operation has worked to control and utilize the mainstream media to disseminate
misinformation and propaganda. They also use US reporters to collect intelligence overseas.
We have documentation to prove that several trillion dollars was missing from pentagon accounts on September 10, 2001. We have documentation to prove
that elements of this government carried out the false-flag operation on 9/11. This attack was used as a stepping stone to launch aggressive wars in
Afghanistan and Iraq. The "laws" passed since this attack have largely destroyed the Constitution and Bill of Rights. We have completely
destabilized the middle east, killed in excess of a million people and watched the treasury being completely looted. Now the pentagon is
"requesting" to put almost half a million troops on America's streets.
Our government has been working against our ideals abroad for many decades. Now they are bringing the terror home to us. If these massive government
crimes are not just cause for the total breakup of fedgov -- what is??