posted on Feb, 18 2003 @ 05:11 PM
Talk about a straw man argument. What land grab is Israel setting up to make? What, maintain its own land? What country is it trying to grab?
Syria? Egypt? Come on, throw the dog a bone; work with me!
When do you expect the war to be? Maybe he (Hussein) should be given more time to prepare? More time to comply? Compliance needs no extra time.
More time to disperse what he has already made to those who will use it, and to give more time for field commanders to prepare to use the agents
against our troops? Have you ever been in MOPP 4 in the summertime? Remember when you trained in it in the desert when the temp was hovering around
100 degrees? Remember how the only way you were able to have it on for the full ten hours was to lifet your mask up to let the sweat pour out before
you drowned every so often? In reality you don't have the luxury of lifting your mask up, breaking the seal, to let the sweat drain out. Do you
want to put the troops in that situation?
Face facts. If Hussein was not a threat, he'd have complied. He would have had sanctions lifted and he would be making alot more money and gaining
alot more conventional power. That isn't what he wants.
I'm weary of this type of discussion. What it boils down to is either we wipe Hussein off the earth, and still possibly be attacked by operatives
already here with crap we don't want to have our families breathe in, or sit back and do nothing and then still be attacked. Remember, France and
Russia and Germany aren't on their top two hitlist, but we are.