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High-Ranking German Official Gravely Concerned about Flu Vaccine

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posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 05:16 AM
'The swine flu vaccine has been hit by new cancer fears after a German health expert gave a shocking warning about its safety.

Lung specialist Wolfgang Wodarg has said that there are many risks associated with the vaccine for the H1N1 virus. The nutrient solution for the vaccine consists of cancerous cells from animals, and some fear that the risk of cancer could be increased by injecting the cells.

The vaccine can also cause worse side effects than the actual swine flu virus.'

Read more here:

Please flag to get as much attention on this issue as possible.



[edit on 5-9-2009 by Aelfrede]

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 06:14 AM
Here is another other related article:

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 09:15 AM
Oh my, I just caught this news on Dr. Mercola Site, I can not believe that This is been posted in ATS and have not received enough attention.

This is incredible, what in the hell big pharma is doing to us human beings?.

Cancer cells from animals in vaccines? swine flu?.

Are they trying to kill us or just making sure we get sick enough to required their crap for the rest our life, now targeting children, pregnant women and young adults.

Pregnant women to be injected with cancerous cells? know that they have developing fetuses in their womb.

Is our world going crazy or what.

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 10:30 AM
Hi Marg,

I know it's crazy! Hopefully this will get more attention. This has to get in public knowledge as much as possible.


posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 10:31 AM
This is Dr Wolfgang Wodarg's english version of his website:


posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 10:46 AM
'After many reports following the original essay in northern Germany's "Schleswig-Holsteinischer Zeitungsverlag (sh:z) Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg's statements on the so called "swine-flu" and on new methods of the production of vaccines has lead to many echoes in different media. Germany's Boulevard-Newspaper BILD published the following Report:

Does virus vaccine increase the risk of cancer?

07.08.2009 - 15:29

The swine flu vaccine has been hit by new cancer fears after a German health expert gave a shock warning about its safety.

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg is a politician and a specialist in lungs, hygiene and environmental medicine. He is the chairman of the health committee in the German parliament and European Council.

Lung specialist Wolfgang Wodarg has said that there are many risks associated with the vaccine for the H1N1 virus.

He has grave reservations about the firm Novartis who are developing the vaccine and testing it in Germany. The vaccination is injected "with a very hot needle”, Wodarg said.

The nutrient solution for the vaccine consists of cancerous cells from animals and "we do not know if there could be an allergic reaction". But more importantly, some people fear that the risk of cancer could be increased by injecting the cells.

The vaccine - as Johannes Löwer, president of the Paul Ehrlich Institute, has pointed out - can also cause worse side effects than the actual swine flu virus.

Wodarg also described people’s fear of the pandemic as an "orchestration": "It is great business for the pharmaceutical industry,” he told the ‘Neuen Presse’.

Swine flu is not very different from normal flu. "On the contrary if you look at the number of cases it is nothing compared to a normal flu outbreak,” he added.

The chairman of the health committee in the European Council has urged for a careful and calm reaction to the virus.

Up until now, the producers of the vaccine did not know how many orders they would have by the autumn, but the German Government is now a guaranteed customer. Even the pharmaceutical companies are trying to exploit the fear of the swine flu pandemic.'

Original report can be viewed at:



posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 07:01 PM
Is sad that people here in ATS that are concern about the swine flu vaccine has not caught up with this one, perhaps your tittle should have been "Cancer cells in swine flu vaccine" that would have attracted more people in to the thread.

I means this serious.

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 07:17 PM
would anyone really consider taking a "flu" shot in the first place

YES...because our media tells people it's OK and will keep you safe and flu free

WOW, watch the Lemmings fall over the cliff or drown


posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 07:21 PM
heres another reason i dont really want to be taking this shot, i dont want to be injected by cancerous animal cells, hell no!

We will see how the goverments react to this in the monring then

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by huntergatherer

I wonder what in the heck the big pharma is thinking about, I guess us humans are not in their minds.

Still, more and more facts about the swine flu are coming out, people are not dying in masses and so far is not as deadly as the seasonal flu.

Also because people are getting sick and just getting over it, no longer many states are to test for swine flu, if you show symptoms of flu it will be immediately tag swine flu.

I don't expect the flu to mutate as that will mean that the vaccine big pharma has developed with no do a darn thing anyway.

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 07:48 PM
Anyone would think they were trying to kill us all... Oh wait.

I have said it already but I will say it again, they can stick this vaccine where the sun does not shine because I wont be sticking it in my flesh. The day they demand I take it is the day I head for the hills.

I say NO!

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by SmokeJaguar67

Good on ya! You tell them who has freedom of speech! I say No too!!

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by SmokeJaguar67

This is the kill shot

all in place ready to go

no more saying no

die free or die their way

The Arrivals

here it is GOOD vs. evil, positive vs. negative..........choice

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