posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 07:31 AM
I had a vision. I was awake when it happened, not even at home. My consciousness was basically put into a white area. It was like the matrix
loading room in that movie, there was just nothing, it was all white. No walls, edges etc. In front of me was like a being that looked like the
sun basically. A golden like color.
I was asked if I wanted it to end. I said no, there is still good out there(kind of corny, but eh). But it wasn't like "me" that was answering,
another deeper/part of me. And then I seen myself driving down the road from the outside, and then I was back to where I was in my body. There
weren't any traveling moments or anything, it was instant. The entire thing happened in the blink of an eye in time here.
I immediately said - I am god and I am arguing with myself as a description of reality. Which is to say I recognized that the father was within me,
as well as others etc. I didn't even really think it, it just came out and I just understood it.
I thought I was going crazy. But over the next month and a halfish I gained understanding about many things, and I had an entirely different
perspective on the world. I was seeing things I never seen before, and whenever I wanted to understand something it was given to me, and then I
would see confirmation in the oddest of places. It was like synchronicity at first, but after gaining the understanding I realize it just seemed
that way. All that I was seeing now for the first time always was there, I just never noticed. Now I see what people do on like a subconscious
level for lack of a better word.
Then about 3 months later I started to notice a few Jesus quotes here and there. I basically seen my experience defined in John 14. As I talked
about the stuff, some people pointed out other things that blew me away on a deep level. I had never heard anything like this when I went to church
as a kid.
Jesus did and said all that I had learned. I didn't think anyone had a clue about this stuff, and then I find Jesus talking about it of all people.
When it happened to me I didn't like religion at all, I was an agnostic. Before it happened I was pretty distraught about the world and started to
question reality.
And then came the "Paulites" who started quoting Paul and telling me it was just my imagination or a demon and that I didn't understand Jesus.
And then I read Paul, and I seen everything I learned not to do, and why I disliked religion so much.