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'Massive' ancient wall uncovered in Jerusalem

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posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by punkinworks
reply to post by Picollo30

Because there is nothing to debunk, its an old caananite site, what is there to debunk.
We know that the caananites were there,and that jeruselum is a very very old site.
It wouldnt surprise me that people had been building walls around the springs in the area for 20,000 years or more.

Not really. About 9,000 .
In a town called Jarmo Iraq. Soon to become Mesopotamia
Then Babylon. Now. The shock and awe center of the minds of modern fools.
Jeruselum was only a suburb.

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by marg6043

Any one with a brain and eyes can see the pyramids from the ground.
Max age for one in Egypt approximately 6,000 yrs ago. Precision stone work.
Southern Hemisphere maybe 3,500. Pre Olmec. Yucatan.
Precision stone work.

Both far superior to the wall in the OP.

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 09:33 PM
what about levitation through sound?

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 09:16 AM
that is awesome, i love anything that defies modern science, engineering and the history books... we think were so smart..

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 09:41 AM

Amazing how they, the mass media, always pass the meme that nobody knows how it was done as if it has to be done by something other than humans.

This is how you're kept stupid folks, you're immersed in media that limits possibility instead of showing you how plastic and potential life really is. Anything is possible.

So wake up and stop being lulled into slavery.

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 09:49 AM
Cool, I like the work the ancients do. It reminds me of the time my friend and I, at age of 8, started digging a hole to China on the edge of his parents property. In 3 days we had dug a hole 8 feet in diameter and 12 feet deep(we hit water,we lived on an island). Years later, the land behind his parents house was developed for a subdivision. The contractors did not fill the hole due to the fact that they would have to fill it with one inch of dirt at a time, compact it, test it, and then fill it with one inch of dirt again and repeat the process. Instead, they incorporated it with the sewer run off and capped it with a 6 foot diameter iron grate.

Now the average thickness of the earths crust is 4.7 miles. 1 mile equals 5280 feet. So the earths crust is on average 24,816 feet. At 4 feet a day, it would have taken 6204 days to break through the earths crust, or 17 years for 2 people working at an 8 year olds pace. To build an 8 meter high wall is not so impressive, and to bury it in 3,700 years it obviously wasn't a rush project.

I believe that humans today are to lazy to do anything by hand, except for the Amish. People 4,000 years ago had loads of time.

We should start a thread, "The New Wonders of the World, because the Old Ones really are not that Impressive"

I'll start with the super highways that cover the U.S.A, they are larger than all the pyramids in the world put together. Way more impressive.

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by Mindmelding

That guy and his ability to move those big concrete blocks hardly proves anything. It certainly doesn't prove that was how ancient people created Stone Henge. Notice who his system requires VERY FLAT surfaces to work on. The blocks are perfectly square edged as well. The stones at Stone Henge are not. Some of this technology might have been used but it's his OPINION and hardly proof. So don't post the video thinking or asserting that it is. It's your OPINION.

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 12:44 PM
what about Baalbek? how could a human being lift that colossal stone of 1200 tons?

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by Picollo30

One human being cannot. A lot of them,with appropriate tools and planning, with a lot of time available, could. And not only lift, but transport it from quarry nearby. Quarry is still there by the way. With one huge stone left. Those stones are from Roman time. Recorder history by the way. Little green man with transporter beams would be noticed.

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 01:05 PM
if modern machinery can't lift the 1200 ton stone how could a bunch of workers do it with primitive tools? levers and ropes? sorry man but i dont buy that bull#

and i didnt said anything about aliens, but i believe levitation through sound was used, a technology that has been lost. there are recent accounts that monks used it in tibet to lift large stones.

i believe it more than the alien intervention and the ropes/levers/brute force theory you are proposing

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by Picollo30

Modern machinery , with no real need to lift heavy monoliths because things can be constructed on site, can lift more then 20000 tons. This is twenty stones like in Baal Bek together.
And if lifting more weight was economically needed, it could be achieved easily.
Nazis were designing 1000 ton tank in WW2. This is your rock moving by itself.
Our civilization is technologically so much more capable then Roman, that we can place several tons on other planet. It is a little more complex then moving a 1000 ton rock for a mile.
Those kinds of technological "achievments" are simply not needed due to more cost-effective methods. This is why you do not see buildings built with monoliths.

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by Zosynspiracy

Of course it proves something, what are you, a moron? It is proof of concept, if you have anything resembling a formal education, and at least your ability to write and surf the web suggests you do, you should be familiar with this concept.

Yes, all those ancient monoliths and structures could, and probably were I may add, be built by humans just like us, and it's just fantasy to assume aliens had to do it. More than fantasy I find it insulting.

Just because stupidity is rampant now, largely due to ponerology imo, dosen't mean it was always like this. Ancients could have been very smart indeed, much more than the current egomaniac deluded psuedo intelectual academic twits paint them as being. We are not the pinnacle of civilization, again imo.

I did not just give opinion on this thread, I gave PROOF OF CONCEPT. Deal with it, and sorry if I shattered a few teenage fantasies about alternative history ripped off from Stargate.

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 10:03 PM
The heavier stones at Baalbek were never moved. The three very large stones that were moved were around 800 tons.

The Egyptians were able to moved stones around 1,000+ but they did so very rarely due to the difficulty and expense.

The heaviest stone moved without modern powered technology was 1,600 tons by the Russians.

Reply to an earlier query. Nothing to debunk, just good old science looking deeper into mans past.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by AlwaysQuestion
Does make you wonder how its achieved?!

Certainly if purely man-made then they had some clever construction processes and some clever people to work it all out.

I'll sit and marvel at some of the modern buildings / processes on the 'disco' channel, yet these guys managed to shift and build on a massive scale.

IMHO People were far more advanced than history teaches.

I agree whole-heartedly... don't forget about Archimedes and his contraptions. Some of which, using levers, moved a giant claw that grabbed Roman ships out of the bay of Syracuse and upended them. That must have been a freaky thing to see.


And not to mention the Antikythera Device

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by Mindmelding
reply to post by Zosynspiracy

Of course it proves something, what are you, a moron? It is proof of concept, if you have anything resembling a formal education, and at least your ability to write and surf the web suggests you do, you should be familiar with this concept.

Yes, all those ancient monoliths and structures could, and probably were I may add, be built by humans just like us, and it's just fantasy to assume aliens had to do it. More than fantasy I find it insulting.

Just because stupidity is rampant now, largely due to ponerology imo, dosen't mean it was always like this.

Well to be honest, although I completely agree with your sentiment, previous cultures claimed it was "the gods" who did these types of things when found. The Celts, when encountering structures from the megalithic period said it was the gods who had built them. So it stands to reason that the superstitious of today would claim ET built them... ET is simply the new myths.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 12:49 AM
Thanks for posting this article, nice find. Of course as a poster above mentioned that if you dug pretty much anywhere there you might find other structures, but this is the largest found to date, that is significant, also the time period of it, and the fact that the spring is currently in use and has ties to the location yet it has only now been found.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by HunkaHunka

Rereading my post I did come off a bit of an agressive a-hole, but in my defense the post which I was replying to was idiotic. To even attempt to pass facts off as opinions and to claim something so on topic was unrelated is typical of a manipulative mind and I'm not having any of it.

And are you sure ancient cultures claimed it was the Gods? Could, by chance, it be that it is modern cultures that claim that ancient cultures claimed that x was because of y? See what I'm getting at? There's tons of bad history out there Hunka, and changing a phrase like "for the Gods" to "from the Gods" would be typical screw up our academic casts would make these days.

All this without even going into more or less obvious agendas of memetic manipulations with an intent on mass mind control and elitism, which is the same as saying the psychological science of the NWO.

That Archimedes thing was great though, and I admit to not having heard of it before. I bet some of the Romans soiled their sandals seeing that thing in action.

[edit on 6-9-2009 by Mindmelding]

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 08:06 PM
What is nice about this discussion is the fact that people here are interested in the old ways.
I make my own axes and spear points (arrowheads also).
My friend can make a rope from a roadside weed in a few minutes.
Another showed me how to fire a ceramic pot in an open air frying pan.
What I have found remarkable is that a technology that endured for literally millions of years,
(stone tools) actually evaporated in most parts of the world less than four hundred years ago.
Man survived by stone tool use for millions of years .
You would think flint knapping would have become genetic but it didn't.
I encourage everyone to do all the research you can do on the past.
It has broadened my perspective and faith in humanity completely.
Knowing where you come from can light the way for your future.

[edit on 6-9-2009 by Donny 4 million]

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by Bspiracy
It's been proven time and time again that we know nothing of our history in the mainstream. I'm pretty darn sure that someone knows who and how these were created but it's probably buried under a mountain of other knowledge deep within some Vatican chamber labeled "Stolen Secrets Vault 0035".. which of course is next to all of the other 4 digit number vaults labeled "Stolen Secrets"

There needs to be a thread started regarding all of the ancient structures that "Baffle" scientists. The OP would be very long indeed.


Most probably 'The Holy Grail' explains it all....

This is great stuff... this is what i look for on ATS... proof! Proof of things that are visible to the all seeing eye... things that we can go see ourselves... Ancient or not... there's still a lot out there to discover...

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 06:53 PM
Frankly, I don't believe anything Zionists say even if it sounds legit because I assume they only make up stuff to justify their stealing of territory. It's always "see, we were here before you so this land is rightfully ours". I wouldn't doubt they dug a hole and made the contents look ancient. I'm surprised no one has commented on this.

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