Chadwicks: Well nice to hear you blindly believe what NASA SAY they are doing, unfortunately what is spoken of is quite often not the same as the
truth regarding such. Believing anything NASA says is quite hard considering it is a fact they have been lying and hiding things and manipulating
their photos and so on, not only from the Moon missions but from Mars and others as well.
Regarding the Moon I have to quote myself from a previous post:
Now this is rather interesting - and shocking - as it backs up my previous article posted some time ago regarding the conflict between Earth, the Moon
and Mars. Feel free to read my previous article, The Mars - Moon and Earth Connection, here:
To further back up my claims that NASA is basically declaring war upon the inhabitants of the Moon, several NASA employees have confirmed that there
are extraterrestrial bases and life on the Moon. Other governmental employees have also confirmed this, from people in the Military, CIA , NSA etc.
Look up The Disclosure Project for more info on that, for example by watching the video below:
Disclosure Project Video
Obviously I do not think these plans have anything to do with NASAs official statements, which says they will bomb the moon to "look for water".
Ever heard about drilling? Or ground penetrating radars? There are many ways to discover water on a planet or moon that does not include bombing.
How likely is it, that they would spend billions of dollars on bombing our Moon to look for water, now after all this time, instead of using other
more reliable methods which they already have the technology for? Indeed, the very fact that they suddenly are turning a new interest on the Moon
itself is suspicious - they never got any people back there, in the last 40 or so years, even though the technology now obviously should be more than
advanced enough to do so considering they allegedly have done so before. My own opinion is that they discovered what was there, got into a conflict,
and figured the best way was to stay away - until now when they figured out they could as well blast them away up there.
Who knows what the consequences will be - if they are indeed carrying out this planned project I fear it may not be the best ones.
Say NO to the bombing of our fellow brethren and sisters of the Moon - we are all one and what we do to others affect ourselvs the same way.
While on the NASA topic I also recommend everyone to check out Secret Space volume 1 and 2 here:
Secret Space Videos
Read more about the NASA moon bombing project here:
NASA Moon Bombing can cause conflict with Extraterrestrial Civilization
PLEASE also check the following video with Dr Pete Peterson , another new whistleblower on the governments involvment with alien technology, and much
With Love and deepest Blessings,