Jeeze. I have no idea what Obama will actually say in this broadcast. But I guarantee you, me, as a grandpa, will have more influence on my
grandchildren than Obama will in a, what, one hour or less broadcast? Come on folks, if Obama even comes close to saying what JFK said many years ago,
"Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country." Then I might be rather happy for this message. Does that make
me a socialist? Hell, no. I read often statements by conservatives who proclaim that JFK was a conservative and he would roll over in his grave if he
knew what his democrat party has become. Maybe he would, but surely not for suggesting that citizens of a country owe something to their country, and
to the people who have fought and died for that same country in the past.
Apparantly, the parents in the U.S. are not successfully instilling in their children the idea that education is important, and that people need to
have knowledge to not only succeed, but to be able to make intelligent decisions.
Just last night, my 2nd grader grandson threw a big hissy fit, stomping about and yelling, because he had to read a bit of schoolwork. "Reading is
stupid!" he said. lol.
Ah, hell. I am off on a rant. Let me just say, if you are so afraid that you have such little control and influence on your children, that you are
scared to let the POTUS speak to your child about the value of education, and whatever else he might "try to cram into your childrens' minds", then
you have already lost the battle of raising your kids to be reasoning individuals.
Oh, I am so sorry that when I was a kid that JFK pushed physical fitness standards into the publc school system.
Apparantly, parents back in the
early 60's were failing, or at least the schools were failing.
Now is what Obama going to say to our children propaganda, and suddenly turn our children into little marxists?
Well, if so, then I suppose Obama is the antichrist and you are powerless to oppose him.