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Haaretz News: New Ad Campaign Targets Jews 'Abducted' by Inter-Marriage

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posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 02:08 PM

Haaretz News: New Ad Campaign Targets Jews 'Abducted' by Inter-Marriage

The Prime Minister's Office and the Jewish Agency unveiled an aggressive advertisement campaign for the Masa project ...

One video clip likens Jews who marry outside of the religion to missing persons, with fake notices and pictures which drive home the point.

As part of the campaign, similar "missing person" notices will be plastered on walls around the country.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 02:08 PM

Masa hopes the campaign will spur the public to commit to the cause of preventing marriage to non-Jews, which Jewish Agency officials believe is tantamount to a "strategic national threat."

The head of the campaign, Motti Scharf, compared assimilation to the critical water shortage.

"Even though this is an existential problem, the public in Israel is displaying apathy towards it because the process is slow and not dramatic, out of sight," he said. "The time has come to put the issue on the table."

Further reading at link:

Now ... imagine if you will if Prime Ministers and Presidents ran Ad Campaigns

which targetted

whites who married blacks .. or jews ... or muslims

IMAGINE if Presidents and Prime Ministers ran ad campaigns

in which Whites who'd married blacks, or a jews

were described in posters as Missing Persons !

IMAGINE if intermarriage between whites and blacks
were described by Prime Ministers and Presidents as
a 'strategic National threat' !
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by St Vaast

You are absolutely correct re: the reverse discrimination. In this case it seems to be somehow "alright"; when in fact it is simple hate, and prejudice.

I remember MSM covering the large purchases by Israeli Men of Russian women during the mid 90's. Yes, the white slave trade in this fashion was covered on the MSM.

The Israeli men of course would only keep them as "indentured servants". They would pimp them out as prostitutes, and at the same time take them as wives to bare children..... at the same time; prostitute by day, and waiting on the guy by night. The excuse was that overall conditions in the former USSR were horrible, and the women had a better life now.....

Any ways, good job finding the article.


posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by sanchoearlyjones

Thanks, Sancho

and thank you for the re-play of the Slave Trade active in Israel and obviously sanctioned by the Israeli government

This description of marriage between jews and non-jews as being (in the eyes of the Israeli govt.) tantamount to 'Abduction' is blatant

it's not just 'an Israeli thing'

it's a jewish thing

and it's not only sanctioned by the Israeli government ... it's an official campaign

whereby 'non jews' are clearly likened to 'Abductors'

And when the Israeli government comes out openly and describes

integration between jews and any others as being 'worse than the water shortage'

then what jews and the israeli government are saying is:

integration between jews and non-jews is a BAD THING and must be STOPPED

Yet it's jews/zionists/israelis who have PUSHED this 'BAD INTEGRATION' policy on the rest of the world !

It's jewish agencies --- using UK, US, Australian, Canadian, European governments --- who have foisted 'multiculturalism' and 'integration' and the terms 'racist' and 'racial discrimination' on the REST of the WORLD !

All those of us who have attempted to alert people to this jewish agenda .. this 'multiculturalism' ********** were accused of 'anti semitism ' !

NOW that jews/zionists/israelis/jewish dual passport infiltrators of other nations governments have ACHIEVED their destructive 'multicultural' agenda .... NOW they have COME OUT with the TRUTH .. FINALLY

NOW they have bastardised entire nations' populations and done their utmost to destroy OTHER religions ..... NOW they have initiated as government policy their intention ALL ALONG, which was to clean any TRACE of 'multiculturalism' from the jewish community

I hope all the liberals who bought the 'multicultural' agenda feel like idiots now

They were being played for fools all along by jews, who have turned around now and given all those bleeding hearts the big kiss off .. the big finger .. the big laugh in the face

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 03:16 PM
I have known in the biblical sense a number of Israeli and Jewish women and let me tell you they do have a problem on their hands!

Jewish and Israeli women tend to need a firm and strong demanding hand and voice to be satisfied and satiated. They are notoriously domineering themselves though so a man has to be incredibly dominant and forceful to quell their own counterproductive and self defeating impulses for dominance.

Israeli and Jewish men are simply not well suited, adept or inclined towards this task. While their religious traditions teach orthodox and scripturally correct men that gentiles are their slaves, us poor gentiles are plagued by Hebrew women who long to be our slaves.

I try to do my part and train them properly and send them back home as far better wives and lovers than when they ended up on my door but frankly I wish there was someone I could present a bill to for the service, they are real pains and challenges to accomplish such an outcome.

I wish Jewish men would get their acts together, the burden of their incapability gets a little much to bear and pick up the slack on sometimes.

They do have a real problem in this area and frankly I am all for this appeal to keep their wives and daughters at their house instead of mine!

I don’t often side with the Israeli State or the Zionists but this is one thing I can concur with them on.

By the way Mr. Prime Minister you owe me 6,456,123.12 cents for services rendered oh and a new set of sheets would be nice too!

Ask your wife where to send the check…she’ll know!

Edit to add: P.S. placing the check in the mail is fine in this case, please don't let her deliver it personally!

[edit on 3/9/09 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

LOL, Proto

It's great though, isn't it, that jews have finally revealed that their destructive 'multiculturalism' and the nonsensical inventions of 'racism' and 'racial discrimination' ARE FOR EVERYONE ELSE .. NOT for jews

It means NO one has to listen to any whining about 'anti semitism' ever again !

Wow .. who would have imagined that jews themselves would volunteer what we've all known all along --- it's THEY who are the racists !

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by St Vaast
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

LOL, Proto

It's great though, isn't it, that jews have finally revealed that their destructive 'multiculturalism' and the nonsensical inventions of 'racism' and 'racial discrimination' ARE FOR EVERYONE ELSE .. NOT for jews

It means NO one has to listen to any whining about 'anti semitism' ever again !

Wow .. who would have imagined that jews themselves would volunteer what we've all known all along --- it's THEY who are the racists !

We should be so lucky as far as never having to listen to the Anti-Semitism accusations ever again.

The Zionists and Israelis will just simply claim that another form of purposeful anti-Semitism is occuring to dilute their blood lines and make the race and the religion and ultimately Israel untenable as a result and will twist it as they always do to their advantage and cast themselves as victims instead of victimizers.

That is their strong suit and they always look to do that.

The only nation an American can hold dual citizenship and a passport in is Israel based on the same argument. Israel is surrounded by a sea of hostile enemies so the official story goes and every citizen is needed to bolster it's defensive numbers.

The reality is if it weren't for Hitler and the Holocaust they would have never achieved a critical mass of Jews in Palestine to form a viable nation.

Many Israeli's prefer not to live in Israel because other countries and nations offer better economic, cultural and temperate climates.

So basically any Jew who wants to be an Israeli under the Law of Return can travel on over to Israel get themselves a Passport have a little vacation, pray to their G-d that they don't actually have to live in the G-d foresaken dessert and hightail it back on a plane to a more civilized and prosperous part of the world.

The reason so much land theft goes on in Israel is no one in their right mind would want to live there if it wasn't for free!

Talk about an armpit and the Israelis and Zionists know it, and this is all just their latest desperate attempt to keep so Jews in the place.

It's like having a Zoo with no animals! You have to have some Jews there! Just like a zoo has to have some animals there.

Israel is one huge scam perpetrated by the Zionists to set the stage for a one world government and make the oil business more lucrative through destabilizing the prices through the threat of major Middle East violence brought on by the presence of the Zionist State and their policies.

Yes there are those book loving Christians and Jews who love to go there cry at the wall and say oh Jesus walked on these streets I can feel it, I can feel it, but the numbers of people who want to feel it all the time are pretty slim and the people kind of shady that do.

They have a problem populating the place and it's a fairly critical one and growing more critical all the time. Paganism and superstitioun is a progressively harder sell in a computerized, modernized, scientific world full of skeptics, and the climate and the business opportunities suck, and while they brought it on themselves by stealing the land, the reality is there is an ever present danger of violence by the irrate people they stole the land from against them.

It's a house of cards and one gigantic scam that it takes a massive propoganda campaign to keep going.

Modern day Israel is little more than a carnival side show aimed at bolstering the superstitions and pagan beliefs of all three of the Religions started by Abraham's kids. The rest of the time it's simply the headquarters of a vast mafia and criminal enterprise. Yes it's true the condom was invented thousands of years too late.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 04:11 PM
This just points out that they don't support the NWO. Edgar Cayce said there would be a tan race and we would all belong. Apparently they don't want that to happen.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 04:22 PM
Great. Another idiotic waste of money. And it would work too....

As for Israeli man failing to cope with Israeli women - are you sure you are not our prime-minister? Same scope of ideas and general understanding.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by ZeroKnowledge
Great. Another idiotic waste of money. And it would work too....

As for Israeli man failing to cope with Israeli women - are you sure you are not our prime-minister? Same scope of ideas and general understanding.

I can neither confirm nor deny that I secretly run the entire universe from the back of my 68 VW Microvan!

Women are very difficult creatures by the way, they are from Venus and us men are from Mars. It's darn near impossible to satisfy them unless you are a mind reader!

Or you use electric shock therapy, trust me I need the money for my electric!

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