posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 03:49 PM
Aw are still just a young thing....really you are. I will be 44 soon, and now I've relaxed about it, I love it.
As for being grumpy and disagreeable, some of us were born that way!
*Whippersnappers" does seem to be an age inspired's like we are programmed to come out with ridiculous words at certain hormonal
stages of life. You only really have to worry when you catch yourself saying *kiddiwinks*....ok? Until then, we are still young and
Running to the loo....just do some pelvic floor exercises dear! Now....squeeze and count to five! ;D
Prices shock me too. As do the ages of policemen. I swear the guy I saw in uniform at work the other day was 12 years old, and his female sidekick
looked like she was 85lbs max. I hope they're black belts in almost everything, cos I thought they were going to a fancy dress party.
Swap lethargic for laid back, and remember it takes only one.
"I listen to news radio".....sorry love, but there really is no excuse for that..............
Have a wonderful day tomorrow, and eat LOTS of cake!
[edit on 3-9-2009 by caitlinfae]