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need some moral support here and ideas for what others have done

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posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 11:52 AM
I ordered some 55 gallon barrels to my parents houses (4 each) and some dehydrated food, only a 2 month supply.

They arrived yesterday, and now I am getting calls from them yelling at me and telling me I am an idiot and that nothing is going to happen, why am I like this and just because I think there will be hyperinflation (I never mention the other worse case scenarios, like camps and orchestrated downfall etc, thankfully) and such doesn't mean that it will happen, that they dont have room for it (forget the massive full basements they have that no one uses) or that I should be saving my money.

So as if it wasnt bad enough I had to order it to two locations because they are divorced (dont care about the divorce part, believe you me everyone and I mean everyone is better off for it) but I still had to order double the amount of supplies.

So now Im just here because well I spent a few grand on these things, money not a big deal I have enough of it, but still I guess I just needed some reassurance that did the right thing. I mean I am away from them now so if or when SHTF I just didnt want to worry about my parents having enough to eat or drink (I was going to order year supplies of food but thought that would be to much, considering they dont have any other preparedness plans).

Has anyone else had experience with this type of thing? Both getting the ear full and the trying to get family or those close to you who arent near where you are prepared in some sort of way?

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 12:06 PM
I've been telling people for quite awhile now to be ready and have told them to imagine not being able to go buy stuff at the stores.
Of course nobody takes it seriously but me.
Don't let people keep you from what you're know what you are doing and why you are doing it so keep it up.

Its better to be the guy who falls asleep with a smoke detector then to be the guy who takes a handful of valiums and falls asleep with no smoke detector.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 12:11 PM
Trust me when I say that a lot of people are preparing for trouble not unlike yourself. If you are going to take the leap and determine that you want your parents to have options that's a good thing. Even if they don't know it.

All that really matters is that you are happy w/ your choice.

I got my sister to grow a garden this year, but she wasn't too into it. I also tried to get her to get laying hens again, but she didn't. Unfortunately people don't want to hear what may lay ahead. I've tried to encourage but I don't spell it out.

I have friends who have been trying to convince me to buy a house for the past year, especially now that the market seems stabilized, but I have no interest in buying now. They don't get it, and I don't spell it out to them. I keep a fair bit of information on my facebook account so they can see it if they want. That's as far as I go in trying to wake them up.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 12:16 PM
You may want to take the lighter approach and remind them that the tiny ants work real hard Spring, Summer, and Fall, to lay in a store for the certain Winter.

Animals have more instinct than modern man. Modern man has become accustomed to determining a need, going to the store, and getting instant gratification.

Those days may not be here forever.

Tell them that this is not a panic move, but one that in an increasingly uncertain world - prudent.

Do they have savings accounts? Why?

Same thing here, but with a different medium.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 12:47 PM
I believe the phrase is..
"An Ounce Of Preparation Is Worth A Pound Of Cure"
In this case, I would say your preperation is worth a hell of a lot more than that.
Your parents will think you are a prophet if the SHTF.
You only had good intentions in mind my friend.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 02:39 PM
Do like the government and MSM do, play the terrorist card.

Try telling them that it's a well accepted fact that society is three meals away from total anarchy. Ask them what would happen if terrorists managed to bomb major fuel stores and there wasn't enough for supply trucks to get through to the supermarkets, maybe that would convince them that having emergency supplies would be a good idea

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 07:37 PM
I am a 36 year old father of 2. I have a good job, House, car etc... But most of my family think I’m nuts

All of my survival gear is hidden away... if you visited my home you would never know... it’s not like I’ve got Gas Masks and Shotguns hanging on the walls

Luckily for me my wife agrees with me... We take this society for granted, like it’s always gonna be here supporting us. I guess the Romans thought the same thing.

Nothing last forever and it’s always good to prepare for the inevitable change that history has shown us happens every so often.

Unfortunately though some people will never listen until its right in front of them... I think it’s just too frightening for some people to even consider so they just keep telling themselves it could never happen. Just hang in there Desolate Cancer and ride the storm. Your parent will eventually calm down... they may mock you a little but one day they will thank you.

Good luck

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 07:39 PM
rather be safe than sorry

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 07:45 PM
Just a thought.
You have $$ for a SHTF sit and still live with your parents?
Not that it is bad , just sounds odd...
If my child was trying to be that prepared, he better do it in his own home not mine.
I raised him, and know he is able to hold his own, and I am positive that I do not want him bugging out @ my home!

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 07:57 PM
I've been telling family and friends for the past year the the # is coming and prepare, they all think I'm nuts except for a few. The ones who think I'm nuts and doing nothing are the ones who get all their information from the MSM on TV...the ones who see what is coming don't watch TV but get their info from the internet...
I don't make a lot of money but have bought what is needed equipment wise (Bang Bang), I continue to stock up on food daily as the money comes in.

I made a dehydrator out of a old freezer and dehydrate food weekly to store.

I built a still for ethanol production out of a old beer keg, even obtained a TBI permit for it.

I'm in the process of building a "WOOD GAS GENERATOR" to run machinery such as electrical generators off of nothing but wood.

I've purchased Gas Masks, Radiation detectors, Radiation Dose Meters, Potassium Iodine tablets, 2 Night Vision scopes, IR lights, Wireless Spy cameras, Motion detectors, Alarms with trip wires, Plastic 55 gal. storage barrels, 500 lbs of dried corn, Hundreds of packages of vegetable seeds, ... Etc

It's coming, Don't let anyone tell you differently...prepare's almost too late.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 08:12 PM
I have such empathy for you but no real advice. It is the same here for me, I have to put aside for the relatives who will not have when it all comes down, and it is already happening.

They have bookoobucks, I dont, they assume that their comfort levels are untouchable, I know what poverty feels like, I have had to adjust to the inflation and was not in denial as they are.

I called a close relative this am to ask if I could go do some stocking up for winter for them, and they just figure its more of my paranoia.

Turned me down flat and said oh we have plenty, I tried to say no you dont, but stopped short because I have already been down that path with them too many times.

So I skrimp and save. I save for all of us, but you know when it does come down, they will be mad at you any way. They will just figure you and your paranoia hit pay dirt this time.

So, I guess if I had to give you support it will by saying, at least you know that you are doing this for your piece of mind and not for theirs because they dont care, they are in denial.

So simply stick to your guns, do what makes you feel secure and let them know if they love you, then to humor you, and just accept gracefully.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by KAKUSA

Where did you get the 55 gal drums? How much? Sounds like you are really giving yourself some piece of mind, after all once you have done all you can then you can just sit back and feel secure that you have done everything possible. Nothing left to do but enjoy yourself and family.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 08:59 PM
in oregon , there is a joke among people who have lived here for genarations .

every 7 years you have a big flood (20 ft over stage)
every 7 years you have a big wind (120mph )
every 7 years you have a big freeze ( black ice for days )
every 7 years you have a big crash ( 20% unemployment )

so that the weaklings and the out of towners will leave .
oregon is to pretty for just any one to live here .

the point is... bad things happen , your not a survivalist , your experianced in the way of the world .
your not awaiting a specific event , riots in the streets , the canadian invasion of america , armys in the book store ....

your waiting for the next unremarkable black out caused by a hungry squarrel eating thru a power line and setting in motion a rolling black out that takes down the grid in three states for a week .
or any one of a million natural problems that make you worry about your folks...

tell them " get over it " you care about them , its better than a christmas card , peice of mind is expensive .

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by Desolate Cancer

I ordered some 55 gallon barrels to my parents houses (4 each) and some dehydrated food, only a 2 month supply.

They arrived yesterday, and now I am getting calls from them yelling at me and telling me I am an idiot and that nothing is going to happen, why am I like this and just because I think there will be hyperinflation (I never mention the other worse case scenarios, like camps and orchestrated downfall etc, thankfully) and such doesn't mean that it will happen, that they dont have room for it (forget the massive full basements they have that no one uses) or that I should be saving my money.

So as if it wasnt bad enough I had to order it to two locations because they are divorced (dont care about the divorce part, believe you me everyone and I mean everyone is better off for it) but I still had to order double the amount of supplies.

So now Im just here because well I spent a few grand on these things, money not a big deal I have enough of it, but still I guess I just needed some reassurance that did the right thing. I mean I am away from them now so if or when SHTF I just didnt want to worry about my parents having enough to eat or drink (I was going to order year supplies of food but thought that would be to much, considering they dont have any other preparedness plans).

Has anyone else had experience with this type of thing? Both getting the ear full and the trying to get family or those close to you who arent near where you are prepared in some sort of way?

Don't you love how ungrateful people can be sometimes....

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 09:26 PM
What you did was a great thing, everytime I try and help my parents,

they say im interfearing, their just not aware, like we are, just hang in

there! YOU know you did the right thing, and thats what matters!

Some day they may thank

[edit on 3-9-2009 by truth/seeker]

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 10:12 PM
Face it: you're a nut.

You see, only nuts go around actually thinking about "what if", and only nuts would spend hard earned dollars on stuff they don't need yet.

And that means you, my friend, are the exception, the oddball, the wheel slightly off center. You're just not completely all there, because anyone with both feet firmly planted in reality would obviously not try to survive should the unthinkable happen.

Or would they?

Let's face it: people are sheep. They follow the most personable and likable leader, whether or not they really agree with those flowery words coming out of his/her mouth (I never mentioned Obama
). They follow a herd mentality. They cluster in cities where they are packed in tightly like sardines ready for consumption by those whom life has favored. They are used to provide an outlet for whatever thing those elite need of them. Their pay, their reward for their precious time, is sucked back into the system by the elite in return for the things they help make. Of course, they always wind up paying more then they are paid. That's called 'profit'.

But ever so often, someone is born with a type of birth defect. They are able to see beyond the material spider's web woven around them and understand what is happening. They usually wind up shunned by society in general. Why? Because for the elite to maintain their status quo, they cannot have anyone describing the world outside of their web. They need the sheep to service them, and they know that what they can offer in reward for this service is nothing compared to what rewards await a person who is free of their stronghold. Therefore, they need the illusion of the web.

Apparently, you are one of those who can see beyond the web of deceit and lies. Welcome to the group. But be forewarned that those with your ability will be persecuted, ridiculed, and held out as an example of what not to be or do. You, my friend, are dangerous to those in power, and you are therefore cursed to wear the brand of 'nutjob' to make sure you don't lure any more sheep from the herd.

As are all of us who regularly post in this forum, who think that this society we live under is a trap, who realize that the only consistency on the history of man is the inconsistency of any one society.

All you can do is to continue to prepare, and to try and leave a place for those you care for should you be able to save them. In the meantime, understand that you are the weirdo, the one who is to be shunned. For only in this way can your message of preparedness be silenced.

One can not be helped if they do not wish to be helped. That is a hard thing to come to grasp with. But it is true. I pray that should there be a need for your preparedness in our lifetimes, that those you love will come with you. I pray the same for me and mine.

But seriously, be ready if they choose not to come to you for help. They must make their own decisions. As we have made ours.


posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 10:54 PM
What a good son you are to plan for your parents future well-being. I can't get my son to help me move the couch. You may look like a nut job (or a disappointment) to them now but one day very soon, you're going to look like a savior.

If they never thank you, let me thank you for restoring my faith in humanity. You did a good thing.

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 12:17 AM
I appreciate the responses, its good in a way to see that I am not the only one struggling to prepare for others along with myself.

Originally posted by KAKUSA
I've been telling family and friends for the past year the the # is coming and prepare, they all think I'm nuts except for a few. The ones who think I'm nuts and doing nothing are the ones who get all their information from the MSM on TV...the ones who see what is coming don't watch TV but get their info from the internet...
I don't make a lot of money but have bought what is needed equipment wise (Bang Bang), I continue to stock up on food daily as the money comes in.

I made a dehydrator out of a old freezer and dehydrate food weekly to store.

I built a still for ethanol production out of a old beer keg, even obtained a TBI permit for it.

I'm in the process of building a "WOOD GAS GENERATOR" to run machinery such as electrical generators off of nothing but wood.

I've purchased Gas Masks, Radiation detectors, Radiation Dose Meters, Potassium Iodine tablets, 2 Night Vision scopes, IR lights, Wireless Spy cameras, Motion detectors, Alarms with trip wires, Plastic 55 gal. storage barrels, 500 lbs of dried corn, Hundreds of packages of vegetable seeds, ... Etc

It's coming, Don't let anyone tell you differently...prepare's almost too late.

You my friend are light ahead of me and the food water and gas masks. Do you have links to the plans you used for the ethanol still some of the other make # products?

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 02:00 AM
reply to post by TheRedneck

So you are saying I have been persecuted and ridiculed because of a birth defect? Well shouldn't this entitle me to something free from the government? Hey I know why don't we start our on nutjob parade, have a colored ribbon and print up bumper stickers for our families that say "I love some one who is awake." While we are at it we should have a nutjob awareness day.

Nah, but really, it does seem like a curse sometimes. I go through periods where I want to fit in with all the sheeple, but it never lasts long. I'm cursed with the inability to keep my mouth shut every time I see we are getting closer to TEOTWAWKI.

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 02:10 AM
reply to post by Desolate Cancer

Sounds like their ungrateful. If I have a child, I hope as an old man they would go out of their way to make sure I am able to eat for 2 months when things go bad.

Seriously though. People cannot imagine a day where a knife or a gun might be a greater necessity than Latte or mocha from starbucks.

And when that day might come, those people scare me.

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