posted on May, 14 2004 @ 02:36 AM
Hope you don't mind the post - I'm new here but dropped in because I was searching for string-of-donuts contrail info on the internet and found your
board (nice, by the way), and the info about the Aurora you've been posting.
I live near Edwards AFB in So. California, US, and we get donut contrails over our house almost every day, sometimes several times in a day. Today I
watched a white jet leave a contrail that expanded into the string of donuts, and I popped into the house and got three nice digital pics of the
trail. Usually the contrail is accompanied by two or more "normal" trails, from other planes, perhaps escorts; this was the first time in a while
I've seen one alone.
Unfortunately I couldn't see any details of the plane itself. The underside was white for sure, and the jet was either leaving contrail from two
exhausts, or the exhaust was split by a blue or clear jet of something.
Anyway, just wanted to let you know it's not a rare occurrence here. I can post the pics if anyone's interested.
Thanks again for letting me post.