posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 11:32 AM
I think there is a very realistic possiblility of a nuclear outbreak of some kind. The knuckleheads at the top haven't got the nuclear bug out of
their systems yet. They are still looking for ways to skirt around the "mutually assured destruction", or, MAD consequence of the use of nuclear
I think that what we may see is an attempt by someone in the nuclear club to sucker nuclear punch someone else.
Another worrisome development is the assumption of a role in the world, by the United States, that one would formerly have associated with Hitler's
Germany, i.e., that of pre-emptive global aggressor.
This is something that also invites a sucker nuclear punch. This is a very dangerous situation. The Russians and Chinese are surely aware of the
intentions of an Obama advisor like Berzhezinski, who has made no secret of his hostility to those countries.
Do we need another Hiroshima or Nagasaki only this time with a bomb ten or twenty times more powerful or worse a handful of Hiroshimas and Nagasakis
to send us the message that we must be rid forever of the nuclear arsenal? It would seem so.
[edit on 3-9-2009 by ipsedixit]