posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 08:28 PM
Thanks for the replies, the only big change in my life recently has been me going back to college. I took a year and a half off to do film work. I'm
not a very emotional person so not many things really get to me. I'm very very logical.
I had a strange dream experience this morning. I woke up early around 6 with a headache from all the jungle juice I was drinking lastnight at a party,
ended up staying awake till around 9 or so. I started slipping into a dream, then my roommate would make some kind of noise and id barely wake then
slip back into another dream, then another noise would wake me and i'd slip into another. this happened about 4 times in about 30 mins. Each dream
was different, one was adventurous and I will sliding or skiing down a hill, one was with my dad all bandaged up and it made me very sad, i dont
recall the other ones really... I thought it was interesting how I had that many different distinct dreams in that short of time. I felt really good
when I woke up for good on the last. I felt very rested and relieved.