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Heaven is Space/ Angels are Aliens

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posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 08:33 AM
dont have time to read the thread but for whatever its worth after reading the title i completely agree, anyone who doesnt see the alien agenda/relgion connection is a blind fool. It really is hte truth, this is NOT to say "God" is your traditional grey...even the aliens/angels obey God who exists outside of their sphere of influence. The heart of relgion is true and just, its just the players who are hidden from culturally accepted norms.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by Republican08
S and F.

Just curious though, on something that's bugged me in this.

People who believe in Allah, are Muslims, mainly, people who believe in God, are theists.

What are people who believe in Alien life that sprung up life on earth?


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by Republican08
S and F.

Just curious though, on something that's bugged me in this.

People who believe in Allah, are Muslims, mainly, people who believe in God, are theists.

What are people who believe in Alien life that sprung up life on earth?

Has anyone established such a term yet?

I'm guessing "Ancient Alien or Ancient Astronaut Theorists".

It sure is difficult to explain when a religious person asks me if I believe in "God".

I do, but not in the same sense that church dogma has created.

God=Extraterrestrial scientist

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by G8tor
I've read about this and it makse sense to me.
My question I was stargazing the heavens are space then what is hell? does it exist? is it a spiritual torment where our souls are trapped here on earth unable to ascend...I thought about it many times.
S&F my friend.

Guess what?

I'm thinking of starting a thread about this....According to Sumerian stories of the bible (Anunnaki history on Earth), humans were created to 'til the soil', just as it is stated in the bible. So my thoughts are:

African gold mines.....

deep deep down in the Earth....


Enki(called the serpent or Devil) commanded the slaves in the pits as he was not welcomed to rule uptop with the other gods (remember they despised him because HE was actually the one on our side, not the Lord God)


Hot gold mine pitsthat slaves were forced to til in=HELL
edit on 26-3-2011 by ButterCookie because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by ButterCookie

Much simplified, somewhere I met something of sort: "What do you want they to disclose,
that we are living dead." But it is not even this way IMO. Simply the new paradigm is still
hanging in the air.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
In my opinion you are only 50% correct.

There are some extraterrestrial races which posed as "Gods" and "Angels" in ancient times. But they posed as something that really does exist: Spiritual/Celestial Realms.

In other words, just because extraterrestrials exist and posed as higher beings, does not mean that spiritual realms dont exist.

Maybe they did not pose at all and they are higher spiritual beings. Maybe they are it.
Think about it, we are just begining to mess with stuff like astral projection, this advanced aliens might have evolved beyond this realm.
edit on 26-3-2011 by pepsi78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by pepsi78

I agree!

Some people state, 'Aliens posed as gods', or 'Aliens exists but god made the aliens'

There seems not to be a logical connection. The ancient word for higher (advanced) beings was Angels, and their commanders (aka Lieutenant, Captain) were called Gods.

They don't seem to want to place a physical, mortal, box around 'god'....they want him to still exist.

They don't want to acknowledge science or technology in the mix whatsoever.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 02:21 PM

I'm thinking of starting a thread about this....According to Sumerian stories of the bible (Anunnaki history on Earth), humans were created to 'til the soil', just as it is stated in the bible. So my thoughts are:

If they were that advanced why not use more efficient methods like robotic assembly to mine what they needed and why would they need gold to repair their atmosphere.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 02:27 PM

They don't seem to want to place a physical, mortal, box around 'god'....they want him to still exist.

God exists, I don't know about all the mithological gods, to me god is the creator that created planets and so on, more of a force, entity than a guy I see it.

We try to picture everything physical, what if these beings are etherical, non physical in nature.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 02:35 PM
Sorry buttercookie but you are thinking very ordinarily and misunderstanding the use of the words.

Heaven is a place you go to in your mind, the universe is a reflection of the state of the mind.

Angels are mediums of the mind. They are yourself delivering a message to you in a way that your mind can translate and understand.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by pepsi78

I'm thinking of starting a thread about this....According to Sumerian stories of the bible (Anunnaki history on Earth), humans were created to 'til the soil', just as it is stated in the bible. So my thoughts are:

If they were that advanced why not use more efficient methods like robotic assembly to mine what they needed and why would they need gold to repair their atmosphere.

When we say that these beings were more advanced, we simply mean they had evolved and established civilization and technology much earlier than are trying to set the scale as to which degree they were advanced.

Even if you are not comfortable with the term 'aliens', then still, aren't the beings in the bible (spiritual or physical) more advanced and posses technology?

ability of flight
civilization established with heirarchy (Eloheim, gods, angels)
genetic engineering

Why is it so hard to see that the race of beings that traveled from the 'heavens' as an advanced species??
edit on 26-3-2011 by ButterCookie because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by onequestion
Sorry buttercookie but you are thinking very ordinarily and misunderstanding the use of the words.

Heaven is a place you go to in your mind, the universe is a reflection of the state of the mind.

Angels are mediums of the mind. They are yourself delivering a message to you in a way that your mind can translate and understand.

So you feel that the bible is only allegorical, and not real accounts of recorded history?

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by ButterCookie

Maybe we are talking about the Annunaki, they are clearly physical beings.
But they are not part of any gods, they were put here to watch over and messed up, crossed the line, had sex with doters of men, they were teaching humanity stuff, they are clearly here after the creation, they have nothing to do with the original creation, maybe alteration of things. The Summerian texts resumes more on them and not to any original creation. I tend to think they are not the original creators of life on earth. Most books like the book of enoch are very clear, they came after we have already multiplied on the face of this earth.

To my knowlege before ancient summer they came and formed atlantis ?
So the summerian tablets are only refering to the Annunaki, but creation predates ancient summer and has nothing to do with summeria or the annunaki.

edit on 26-3-2011 by pepsi78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 02:56 PM
The Bible states the birds fly in the Heaven so therefore it is very, very, close to the ground surface. Biblical writings do speak of fallen angels as aliens. We have a book called the Bible, that has not been wrong yet nor can anyone prove it isnt factual. There are no books other than this written about Aliens from over 2000 years ago, yet you still believe they exisit.

Here is some stuff to blow your mind.
A Christian Perspective on UFO’s and Aliens

Another; Christian Symposium Offers Different Take on Aliens at Roswell UFU Festival

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 02:59 PM
What a great post! I personally feel like this is how things happened. I mean, if you read the Bible and replace God and angels with aliens it seems to make so much more since. A lot of people don't get that when this all did take place the people were probably so shocked at something they'd never even imagined that when they wrote it, they had to give everything a name. Over time it just kind of spread like a wildfire, like gossip, and changed. Now we have so many different religions that all seem to focus on one god when really it's more than likely the same god everyone else worships.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by wonderworld
The Bible states the birds fly in the Heaven so therefore it is very, very, close to the ground surface. Biblical writings do speak of fallen angels as aliens. We have a book called the Bible, that has not been wrong yet nor can anyone prove it isnt factual. There are no books other than this written about Aliens from over 2000 years ago, yet you still believe they exisit.

Here is some stuff to blow your mind.
A Christian Perspective on UFO’s and Aliens

Another; Christian Symposium Offers Different Take on Aliens at Roswell UFU Festival

The word 'sky' was in use in that day and age, and it is repeated in the bible separate from 'heaven'

And those birds were not the birds you are thinking..

Those were flying craft
edit on 26-3-2011 by ButterCookie because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-3-2011 by ButterCookie because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 04:45 PM
All I can say is I was visited by a UFO when I was in my early teens. I'm 34 now but the UFO claimed to be Raphael. Isn't that an Angels name? He healed my blindness and blessed me with ability to see my own future.
edit on 26-3-2011 by libertytoall because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 01:42 AM
It can be as described by Frederic Myers in his afterlife messages.
In 1951 they have been rejected the subquantum level of the reality
suggested by David Bohm and it could be quite deliberate to divert
the attention from something already known.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by ButterCookie

Just semantics really...the story is the same.

Angels are 'extra-earth' creatures...
...and a small group given the role of protecting us...
...stole are soveriegnty and had intercourse with our women folk...
...and corrupted our plants and animals...
...and made it impossible for us to interact with other cosmic beings.

As a result humans have been quarantined until the mess can be cleaned up.

That's the story that emerges from the biblical and related manuscripts.

Religions have been useful in retaining the manuscripts so we can know about it.

edit on 27/3/11 by troubleshooter because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 01:55 AM
I have been thinking about this a lot lately. I have made plenty of mental connections in the bible to angels being aliens but it's unusual looking at it from the other way around. What I mean is that I have had some experiences that involved at least one individual who I am quite certain is an extraterrestrial being. Thinking of things of an angelic nature puts a whole new dynamic on something that is already extremely out of the ordinary for the average human mind. One has to be careful to not throw all practicality out the window when trying to figure something out that has such a mysterious nature... but the coincidences are extremely compelling.

Just another reason I would love to know the history behind the individual concerning their arrival here... assuming they had not always been here. A hunch tells me that isn't the case but without facts, who knows? I also have hunches that I know more than I think I know but since I don't know for certain, then I still don't know. I tend to imagine things about it that since are my imagination, I keep to myself most of the time unless I am just proposing an idea or being purely fictional for creative purposes which I think I always make evident in my writing. If I don't then it is something I truly believe or something that I have experienced with my senses while conscious.

So who knows, right?... but here is a problem I have with the concept. Most people of a religious nature, I tend to find that if they think they know what an angel is that has somehow landed on this earth- the being is automatically judged to be fallen and evil. Doesn't that seem like a common opinion. I have a couple of things to say about this.

God has sent angelic beings to this earth for different reasons. One example is to accomplish some task, another is a result of the being having been cast out of heaven. Whatever the case may be, god has the ability (if you so believe) to blot out sin upon repentance if he so chooses. Does anyone of a religious nature disagree with this? do you believe that god would not forgive one of his own children who asked for forgiveness of something they had done? It urks me to no end to see religious people claim that aliens, most specifically greys, are being without souls and not a creation of god... but if they are religious they would consider that god created all things because that is what religions pertaining to a singular god teaches. It's very annoying and this often comes from people who have no experiences with ETs or UFOs at all and have no logical reason to be afraid other than what they have seen on TV... which also aggravates me about people in the entertainment business. It's hard for people to not fall for frightening images and scenarios when there is nothing else to compare it to other than the lingering notion that these things are real because so many people accept them as such. No matter how close to an example something may be, a misrepresentation about an actual entity concerning something that would be a crime is still a misrepresentation and if such a thing were done about people who could be identified even vaguely, a possible lawsuit could ensue against the people representing such things. it's happens all the time when people take real stories from other people and depict them and do so in disparaging ways. How can we as a public expect those who might know of alien encounters to expose all that thy know when our culture in general is very reluctant to offer them even average rights. If they did decide to come to earth, as we would contemplate doing doing just the same if we thought there was a nearby planet with life... such as out of need, they would basically have no choice but to take over if they were dedicated to their survival because they would be aware just how intolerant we can be. If there is a hostile alien invasion, we are largely responsible for being so screwed up ourselves.

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