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Forced Quarantine Document Leaked!!! Iowa Health Officials Engage in Damage Control Over this paper

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posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 08:30 PM

DES MOINES, IA – Health leaders in Iowa are reassuring people that there are no H1N1 related quarantines being ordered. Rumors started swirling after a quarantine form was found by someone on the internet. Polly Carver-Kimm from the state health department says that it’s simply a template that was made months ago. She says folks shouldn’t expect to see it

This new's article has the document in question as well.

I encourage you attempt to obtainment your stat's version of this letter. I dbout that this letter is only in one state.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 08:38 PM
Well, Obama said there would NOT be mandatory shots. He didn't say anything about mandatory quarantine though.

I would refuse a mandatory shot until death, but if people really start coming down with the flu. I'll gladly hide away until it's over.

[edit on 2-9-2009 by muggl3z]

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by muggl3z

He also said that he would get out of the war

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by Vinveezy

Not to mention ending torture, rendition and government spying. All those things we can go ahead and expand.

Remember, Obama has all those horrible powers that Bush passed. (Military Comissions, Patriot Acts... etc)

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 09:05 PM
I like this little line here...

"I can tell you that there are no plans to issue any quarantine or isolation orders this fall for H1N1,” said Carver-Kimm.

CAN tell?

I wonder what she CAN'T tell, as I bet the devil is in those details.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by orderedchaos
I like this little line here...

"I can tell you that there are no plans to issue any quarantine or isolation orders this fall for H1N1,” said Carver-Kimm.

CAN tell?

I wonder what she CAN'T tell, as I bet the devil is in those details.

You're right. That does imply there are things she CAN'T discuss with us lowly citizens.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 09:43 PM
Obama said there the immunizations would be voluntary, but that is the official statement on behalf of the federal government. Now the states are allowed to make there own policy. Check out Massachuetts for example.

Now I wouldn't think I would have to worry about good ol' texas doing something like this now would I? Or would I? Let's see....our good ol boy conserative govenor Mr. Perry wanted to make our 12 year old girls get mandantory HPV shots.
We did stand up and get that one shot down, if not familiar this was a comspiracy that blew up in his face (in bed with a big pharma that made the stuff).

Now for my next point....the fed won't/can't order it....but let's review some will participate in the national 55mph speed limit or no highway will make your legal drinking age 21 or no highway how about you will have mandantory policy of quarantine and/or vaccination in the event of pandemic or no federal assistance from medicare or FEMA or whatever....that they can and will likely do IMHO.

Good luck all.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 09:46 PM
I hate to wax alarmist, but considering how bureaucracies function one must consider that as repulsive as the alleged template is/was, can you imagine the minutes of the policy-making meeting from which this legal device was born?

"Hey! We'll need a form!"

"Oh yeah, you're right!"

"Put that in the minutes, 'We need a form.' Good idea!"

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 10:17 PM
Here is a long standing draft of the Texas plan as regards to mandatory confinement and their thoughts regarding this. It does say that in phase 6 it should be considered for people exposed who don't adhere to voluntary confinement. It also mention it being done at home and with social services.

Involuntary confinement Difficult to enforce
Governor may declare a public health disaster
giving Commissioner additional authority
Depends on situation, e.g.non-cooperation with
voluntary quarantine

Texas pandemic flu plan draft PDF The above is from Appendix G

I can tell you this has been part of the plan for years and is not anything new. I suspect some of the states have been lax in planning and are overreacting at the last minute

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by muggl3z

Exactly. He is the KING of double speak

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by texas thinker

The founding father's build America with the stat's having more power than the federal government (even the supreme count ruling's could be over ruled on the state level. same as all amendment's.) Well i guess not?

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 10:45 PM
Take a look at the wording used

shouldn’t expect to see it

That implies that you may see it and why make a template if you’re not going to use it? It is a waste of time and money and further more I believe you will be seeing this soon good find OP star and flag for you.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by ashnomadonte

It is a waste of time and money

Exactly... That is what our politicians excel at - wasting our time and our money.

But this kind of legislation disturbs me. It could easily be implemented as the groundworks for setting up a fascist government. If somebody wants to seize power and gain control of the people, then how better to do so than by having access to their home and belongings at any and all times? "Hey this family has guns! They could be used against the almighty emperor. These are treasonous villains! Away to the *quarantine camps* for them! Johnny, 'these ones have *swine flu* and are a danger to the public, and to the federal powers!' Put that on the official report." ... Anybody suspected of anything could have their property searched and violated, the evidence tampered with and destroyed (the bill allows for that too), and then the innocent civilians hauled away without reason or proof. The citizens would have no say or any power to defend themselves legally. It sounds eerily similar to the former Soviet Union's Secret Police."

What is this place coming to? I used to call this country home. It was the land of the free...

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 04:06 AM

Originally posted by muggl3z
Well, Obama said there would NOT be mandatory shots. He didn't say anything about mandatory quarantine though.

I would refuse a mandatory shot until death, but if people really start coming down with the flu. I'll gladly hide away until it's over.

[edit on 2-9-2009 by muggl3z]

and your buying that,,,, he will say federally,,,, but state rights can trump the fed laws if not "specifically set out in the constitution"

so they will do this state by state and he can use that little tag line

remember how eric holder just made the DEA stop prosecuting pot shops in cali,,, because there state laws trumped the gov't's

same deal,,, just in reverse

also probably why there is the media blackout on the maine or massachusetts flu laws that tthat just passed and are threads for on the main page

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