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President Obama To Address Congress - Wed 9/9/2009.

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posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 02:57 PM

President Obama To Address Congress - Wed 9/9/2009.

President Barack Obama will address a joint session of Congress on health care reform in prime time on Wednesday, Sept. 9, a senior official tells POLITICO.

Obama plans to give lawmakers a more specific prescription
for health care legislation than he has in the past, aides said.

Congress technically returns to Washington on Sept. 8, the day after Labor Day. But many members had planned Sept. 9 as their first workday, so Obama is seizing the first moment when he will have max impact.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 02:57 PM
I think this will be a watershed moment. I sure hope the President doesn't
take up everyone's time to simply say the same thing he's been saying for
the past 8 months.

IMO, he needs to say exactly what he will, and will not accept,
in the final health reform legislation. President Obama is an
excellent campaigner, but we're not seeing strong, decisive
leadership.. which is where the rubber meets the road and
what really counts in a U.S. President. -CWM
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 2-9-2009 by carewemust]

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 03:15 PM
I completely agree with you! If nothing else, it should be a lively session and one well worth watching! But I really hope he draws some lines, shows some strength and lays it all out there. I'm looking forward to it!

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by carewemust

I can already tell you what he is going to say.
- Nothing -
A lot of vague words that mean absolutely nothing.
I advise you to ignore every single word that he says.
Just watch what he does.
What he will be doing is sliding a Trojan Horse Canadian Health Care
system into the details under the new and improved front page label.
-KennedyCare -

I plan to watch a Jurassic Park DVD during his meaningless speech.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by Eurisko2012

I know two families who moved to the USA (2006 & 2008) to get health
insurance because the Canadian system wouldn't treat their critical illness
right away. Putting all of us on a system like that would be cruel! I don't
think President Obama is intentionally cruel, but I do know for a fact that
he's getting bad advice from the people he least on this issue.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 03:30 PM
Did anyone catch the Mill Myoers interview with Bill Maher last Friday? It was an excellent interview. Bill Moyers is a class act with the experience, knowledge and unbiased perspective that was refreshing to me. When discussing Obama's shortcomings in pulling the country together on health care, Bill Moyers said that Obama has just not used the correct metaphor to connect all Americans together.

Bill Moyers appeared on "Real Time with Bill Maher" Friday night for a long conversation, much of which focused on health care. When asked by Maher what would be a metaphor that could change the current thinking on health care, Moyers answered "we're all in the same boat." He went on to talk about the moral message that health care reform would send, which is that "we are in this together."

"I don't want to live in a country where I am on a hospital floor getting an operation that costs $25,000, and two floors above me someone is being denied that same surgery because he or she has no money. What kind of a civilization is that?" Moyers said.

I sure do hope that Obama can pull the country together on the health care issue. Metaphor or not.

BTW: Here is the interview. It's well worth the 30 minutes.


EDIT: for those that do not know who Bill Moyers is, here is a Wiki link that gives his credentials:

[edit on 2-9-2009 by Aggie Man]

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 03:43 PM
WOW he just wont take no for an answer will he?!

So lemme get this straight. He is going to rephrase everything so it sounds better, and put it up where everyone has to listen for the "peer pressure" effect.

I cant think of a single time in history when a government has been able to shove something down our throats with out serious repercussions. It is what makes us Americans.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 03:44 PM
I got to give credit to the man. Remember this is a conspiracy site.

Obama goes in front of Congress pleading the case that both parties must work together on healthcare and do what is right for America. He will relate some healthcare horror stories to show why healthcare is needed.

He will then walk away with a load of publicity of how he is trying to get the two parties to work together. How he is trying to get the Republicans involved.

Then about a week later, maybe less, the Democrat members of Congress will begin to complain that the Reps are not willing to budge, are uncooperative, are holding healthcare back, don't care about America, etc. and load and behold they will pass it without the Republicans participation.

Obama gets his healthcare and walks away smelling like a rose because he tried to get the Republicans involved.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 03:52 PM
I hate to tell him this, but the train left the station at least a month ago. The American people have made up their minds and so have the members of Congress. There's nothing he can say at this point that will have any significant effect.

If I had to guess, it'll be nothing new anyway. He's just going to set the stage for the Congressional Democrats to steamroll the opposition using reconciliation in the Senate, thereby defeating a filibuster attempt. Dumb move politically, IMO, and one that will backfire, but they're clearly getting desperate on the issue.

[edit on 2-9-2009 by vor78]

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by jam321
I got to give credit to the man. Remember this is a conspiracy site.

Obama goes in front of Congress pleading the case that both parties must work together on healthcare and do what is right for America. He will relate some healthcare horror stories to show why healthcare is needed.

He will then walk away with a load of publicity of how he is trying to get the two parties to work together. How he is trying to get the Republicans involved.

Then about a week later, maybe less, the Democrat members of Congress will begin to complain that the Reps are not willing to budge, are uncooperative, are holding healthcare back, don't care about America, etc. and load and behold they will pass it without the Republicans participation.

Obama gets his healthcare and walks away smelling like a rose because he tried to get the Republicans involved.

Hardly... Obama's presidency has been shot to hell and gone...

The machine is grinding him as we speak, easy dispatch, Palin/Chenny 2012!

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 04:47 PM
Maybe Obama will, in this speech, remind Republican Congresscritters that "We won." Get over it.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 04:57 PM
OBAMA to discuss 666 on 9.9.9

Are you guys aware that Sepember has now been declared national preparedness month?

Let's get ready!


posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 05:18 PM
What I really like about this President is that he's keeping the news
media pretty much in the dark about what he's going to say tonight,
and it's driving them nuts. Gotta luv it!

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 05:59 PM
I think we're going to see Obama tell it as it is.

The time for games is over.

Whether you're on the side of reform or not, debate time is over. Town hall meetings are over.

I think it's clear to see that both sides are clearly divided on this, except for a few people.

I think there are a few Republicans who are on the side of reform, while there are a few Democrats on the side of no reform.

I'm a strong and proud liberal, and it's time for reform.

If the GOP is against us, so be it.

We tried bipartisanship! We tried to work with them, but many of them refused to do so! You can't force bipartisanship, so if they don't want it, fine.

If they want to continue calling Obama a socialist, fine.

If they want to continue calling Obama a Marxist, fine.

I'm done with name calling, and I'm done with members of Congress who are backed by insurance lobbyists saying that health care reform is a bad thing.

I'm ESPECIALLY DONE with the whole crap that "Fox News is the bringer of truth on health care and Obama."

Fair and balanced... Yeah, right...

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 06:00 PM
this is all bunk! he is going to TELL us what he is GOING to do, there won't be real questions, just more of what HE wants to do getting done no matter what.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 06:01 PM
Oh thanks I almost forgot, it's time.

I predict doom.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 06:07 PM
Government run health care is DOA, no matter how much Mr. Obama wants it.

Epic Failure!

I want to see Mr. Obama totally break down in tears and cry like a spoiled child, and be consoled by Nancy Pelosi, and Barney Frank.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by RRconservative

More like Inhofe ranting in his Christian dogma that God will smite the US and Obama if health care reforn is passed.

(I believe in God, so I don't want ATS to take it that I'm putting down Christians)

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by Eurisko2012

WOW! You actually made one post without gushing over either Glenn Beck or Sarah Palin!
Make sure you never listen to anything Obama actually says, that would
mean thinking, we can't have that!
Sorry, but I can't understand not listening. I listen to, and read right wing stuff all the time. to learn and be informed, not exist in some dogmatic insular universe.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by Mak Manto
I think we're going to see Obama tell it as it is.

The time for games is over.

Whether you're on the side of reform or not, debate time is over. Town hall meetings are over.

I think it's clear to see that both sides are clearly divided on this, except for a few people.

I think there are a few Republicans who are on the side of reform, while there are a few Democrats on the side of no reform.

I'm a strong and proud liberal, and it's time for reform.

If the GOP is against us, so be it.

We tried bipartisanship! We tried to work with them, but many of them refused to do so! You can't force bipartisanship, so if they don't want it, fine.

If they want to continue calling Obama a socialist, fine.

If they want to continue calling Obama a Marxist, fine.

I'm done with name calling, and I'm done with members of Congress who are backed by insurance lobbyists saying that health care reform is a bad thing.

I'm ESPECIALLY DONE with the whole crap that "Fox News is the bringer of truth on health care and Obama."

Fair and balanced... Yeah, right...

Actually, there is only a small division. A minority of people want it. A majority do not, and that is what is causing the uproar.

Do you blame the people who do not want it, though? I mean . . . they government can't even get the DMV right, much less Social Security and Mediccare. And now you want to let them have a go at this beast?

I have three things that can fix the problem.

1.) insurance reform

2.) tort reform

3.) competition

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