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Answer to the whole expanding universe thing?

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posted on May, 14 2004 @ 12:29 AM
Hey, I just read a lot about stuff and I am not anything near a scientist but..

The way black holes have the massive Xray radiation pooring out of them has to be a heck of a lot of energy?

Super massive black holes seem to be in the center of galaxies, so putting two and two together couldnt the galaxies just be propeling themselves through space with the energy expended when stuff is hitting the event horizon or what ever ? I mean If there was a force or some outside pull or push you would think galaxies would appear to be push, pulled or squashed instead of generaly being a circular pattern around the black hole? After all, the galaxies have had billions of years to build momentum with the universes most powerfull engines at the center of each.

Ok waiting for a responce from one of the real scientist in the crowd?

posted on May, 14 2004 @ 12:51 AM
Like you I am not a scientist. However these kinds of things interest me. I posted something along the lines that there seems to be a pattern in the universe, just as you had mentioned that black holes form from collapsed stars, and that large black holes exist in the center of a galaxy, I had a notion that perhaps the center of the universe is also a black hole.

I have thought that both centrifugal force and gravity was responsible for the shape of a galaxy as that not all galaxies are spiral, but also can be a bar, bar/sprial combination, or even a ring if two galaxies collide.

[Edited on 14-5-2004 by Crysstaafur]

posted on May, 14 2004 @ 01:42 AM
The universe is expanding, if at all, in all dimensions at once. It's not just that the galaxies are spreading out, bu that space itself is getting bigger. Even in the black holes' even horizons

posted on May, 15 2004 @ 10:21 PM
I am very surprised no one has rebuted this does that mean it could be as true as any other theroy out there?

Most of the time when I put my hair brained ideas out there someone always has the answer...

posted on May, 15 2004 @ 10:44 PM
Your idea hasn't been refuted yet because it isn't very clear what your idea is..

Hey, I just read a lot about stuff and I am not anything near a scientist but..

The way black holes have the massive Xray radiation pooring out of them has to be a heck of a lot of energy?

>>>What? Yes, it is a lot of energy.. You really didn't plan this sentence out, did you? I think you're missing something.. a predicate? Not sure, English isn't my forte.
> Okay, this works off the logic that standing in a boat and blowing on the sails pushes you through the water. For one thing, that doesn't work. For another thing, there is nothing to push against. Space is, for needed purposes, nearly a vacuum. If you shoot an X-ray off, it doesn't cause vibrations in some substance that push you forward.. Once again, poor grammatical structure. > Black holes don't shoot the X-rays out around their equatorial regions. The galaxies do rotate roughly around them. X-rays shoot out of the poles. They likely are slightly warped, in the sense that their rotation does move in 3 dimensions slightly, and I think that this part of your theory is likely valid and interesting.

After all, the galaxies have had billions of years to build momentum with the universes most powerfull engines at the center of each.

>>> Not particularly, the galaxies likely have only been around for about 4.5-6 billion years, most of them out there are relatively new, from a newer, smaller generation, compared to the likely older generation that passed very quickly from the first 7 billion years of the universe. > We are all real scientists, we just don't all have degree's proving it. While I don't have a degree, I intend to have one soon.

Your topic, 'Answer to the whole expanding universe thing' - I'm not quite sure what 'thing' you speak of here. The big bang happened and light shot out. As light moves, it extends the boundary of the universe. We move within it. Done. Sure its more simplistic than reality, but it gets the job done!

posted on May, 16 2004 @ 12:45 AM
Well if the black hole was moving or spinning thourhg space it would most likely drag most of the galaxy along with it, AND you dont need something to push against to propel urself! How does a bloody rocket in space work then?!?! For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction!

posted on May, 16 2004 @ 01:30 AM

Originally posted by quiksilver
Well if the black hole was moving or spinning thourhg space it would most likely drag most of the galaxy along with it, AND you dont need something to push against to propel urself! How does a bloody rocket in space work then?!?! For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction!

Don't know if this is true but I have heard that rockets push on themselves...

posted on May, 16 2004 @ 03:47 AM
Your idea will be refuted right now.

I won't go into whether or not this explains the increased expansion, this isn't my field. But your theory doesn't account for pre-Black Hole time periods such as only a few planck seconds before/after the creation of the Universe and such.

I'd rather purport that the expansion of the Universe is due to time....simple as that.

Time and motion are proportionate, so that means as our universe travels along time, the shape of time (that proportion between time and motion), explains the shape of our universe...the speed at which it inflates rather.

For instance, if time were y=1/x our universe would expand at an exponential rate.

If the shape of time were y=2x then our universe expands at 2 times faster than it did the moment on.

Right now we observe that 2 times faster bit, but that may change and so on...

Anyways, cook that in your minds for a bit

posted on May, 16 2004 @ 04:32 AM

It's done!

Yeah, sorry, I couldn't help but say that..

Freemason, do you subscribe to inflationary theory, or anything else in particular to explain the non-standard expansion of the universe as time has passed?

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 08:39 PM
It was my understanding that nothing could escape from a black hole. Not even light and since x-rays are electromagnetic waves and travel at the same speed of light they shouldn't escape the black hole either. Even if they did they wouldn't be able to push the black hole though space because electromagnetic waves are just oscillating magnet and electric fields. The radiation that does escape from black holes is called Hawking radiation and has to do with particle anti-particle pairs being split up.


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