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Wal-Mart Shopper Slaps Crying Child

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posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by tjack
I'm sure many will say this but if this had happened to MY kid, it would be me having to show up in court, probably for something really really bad. I have to wonder if I would have had the wherewithall to stop beating that man after he was rendered unconcious.


They'd have to pull me off him. No one touches another person's child. Not in any century.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 11:45 AM
You can tell by looking at that jerk that he's a natural born a-hole.
Yes a crying or misbehaving child can be annoying, but it's up to the parent to handle it, not some old bitter troll out in public.

I hope he gets the atomic beatdown while he's in jail... and after Big Bubba finishes with his... um... behind... I hope someone slaps him because he won't stop crying.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by Trams
It's a shame that you people judge him. Hes the last person you should judge, how about you guys start with yourselves. I'm sure you guys are all saints. We don't know what he was going through. Sure he could have controlled himself, but I'm sure there was this one time that you couldn't control yourself with all the # going on. I think that this thread reflects the world.

It reflects how we judge without thinking it all through. It shows how we "solve" the problem by saying what kind of man he is, and what he deserves. Understandable that most people wouldn't have hit the child, but what about other situations. How long before one of you will be in the news. I'm sorry I just needed to say it.

This a No-Brainer, This situation doesn't warrant critical thinking
If anything he should have walked away or notified management. To hit a child in public especially one that is not yours is just wrong.

[edit on 2-9-2009 by Guru97]

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by DOADOA

Two year olds will cry. They're 2. and have no reasoning skills, and can't fathom a 2 yr. old toddler who doesn't understand very much of anything needing to be slapped for any reason.

If the child was 5, then it qualifies as a tantrum. 2? she might be still cutting teeth at that age. And parents can't react - or overreact - to every cry.

Granted, a screaming child in a store gives me a headache, but I'd rather buy some aspirin than witness a parent placate or coddle or reward a child for their bad behavior.

And since this grumpy looking stranger felt the need to correct a crying toddler, he'll be rewarded with a few slaps from federal corrections for his bad behavior. Unlike the toddler, I have no sympathy for him.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 11:54 AM
Being a parent myself I know the hardships of learning but he went over the bounderies, you might have well as just slapped the mother in her face then the child, because that' is where the sting was felt.

I am surprised the family that was present didn't kick the crap out of that man, I would of.

Seriously kicked the crap out of him.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 11:59 AM
If he will slap a 2 year old he has no connection to, I guarantee this, he has assaulted people before.

I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up having a criminal record. If he doesn't, he probably should have got one a long time ago.

If he didn't have one before, he's got one now. He earned it. That man is still alive so I'd say it turned out pretty well for him.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by Trams

There is no excuse ever, under any circumstances for his behaviour, short of the two year old actually jumping out of the stroller as the aforementioned Jedi Knight to attack Mr.I-Should-Wear-The-Vader-Mask.

I'll judge him alright. That is what all those lovely things called neuronal networks you house in your head are for. Looking at information and making judgement calls based on that information. I refuse to stop using my brain because some people find it mean.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 12:10 PM
Just my 2 cents on the matter - perhaps that is all it is worth

Number 1... NO ONE should EVER strikes another person unless in defense!
Number 2... NO ONE should ever strike a defenseless person!
Number 3... NO ONE should ever strike another person's defenseless child REGARDLESS of the circumstances!

Had this been my child, whether I was there or not, I would have hunted this POS down and kicked his ass up around his ears! I hope to God that they put this piece of crap away - for his own protection! I guarantee that his popularity with the general public is at an all time low!

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 12:10 PM
One time I was in the superstore, a mother infront of me couldnt get her kid to settle down. He wasn't crying or yelling or anything, he was just sitting in the cart being excited to be out; asking about magazines and chocolate bars and if he could have one of the snacks when they got home. Anyway the mom was getting more and more annoyed and she kept telling him to quiet down and when he wouldn't, she did one of the sickest things Id seen anyone ever do. When she thought no body was looking she quickly pushed the cart forward then sharply jerked it back. The little boy who had been standing or sitting in the cart obviouslyfell backwards and the back of his neck hit the railing of the cart, right below his head. He looked like he was going to start crying, looked at his mom, and then just shut up.

I was seriously sickened, she could have so easily really hurt her own child like that. I wanted to go over there and slap her myself but my bf stopped me.
I know sometimes it is hard to be a parent, especially if you are a person that has very little patience and doesn't know how to manage that (becomes easily annoyed). I mean some people just genuinly have less patience than others, but that is in no way the childs fault and they should never be treated ill because of something that is your own trouble and that you fail to work on.

I really feel I shoulda gave that lady a peice of my mind, but Im sure she would have gotten all up in my face, "EXCUSE ME! Who are you to tell me how to raise my child, Mind your own buisnesss!" or whatever.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by Aeons

I agree its one thing to correct your own kid, its another to have some complete stranger slap a kid down.

Not a kid a toddler for gods sake come on. Now I could see if he got caught in a world where babies are holding the world hostage, but really now wtf get a grip.

Not directed to you but in GENERAL.

[edit on 2-9-2009 by menguard]

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by A Fortiori

Originally posted by tjack
I'm sure many will say this but if this had happened to MY kid, it would be me having to show up in court, probably for something really really bad. I have to wonder if I would have had the wherewithall to stop beating that man after he was rendered unconcious.


They'd have to pull me off him. No one touches another person's child. Not in any century.

You have taken the words right out of my mouth. There is NO excuse to EVER lay your hands on another persons child EVER! NO EXCUSE!

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 12:18 PM
OK, I only got halfway through this thread before getting disgusted by those blaming the mother. Why was she in Walmart? Could it be getting antibiotics for the child with an ear infection or something of the like? I read nothing in the source that said she took a tantrum. Maybe the kid is sick? Ever think of that? What's she supposed to do? Leave a 2 yo home alone? Sorry for your past discomforts but jeez, think about this before you put your annoyance before the mother and her child.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 12:21 PM
Apparently, it worked.

I see some of the most ill-behaved children out in public, yelling, screaming, crying, wailing, and the whole time, I absolutely KNOW they need a good ass-whipping.

My kids NEVER misbehaved in public. Not as two-year-olds, not as teenagers.

They were disciplined as required.

It's a responsibility, it's truly a troublesome thing to do, but many parents are not doing their children justice.

If the man had picked the child up and whipped his ass, I wouldn't have a problem with it.

There's a dual purpose in that ass and it's location, and sitting is just one.

To slap a child, for any reason is not to be tolerated.

I was with my wife and parents at a mall, and saw a man roughly dragging a small child who was visibly upset. The man cuffed him roughly up side the head in front of us, and I told him,

"You don't need to be hitting him anywhere near his head."

He snarled, "mind your own business."

I told him that this was my business.

I followed them from a distance, and he really popped the kid out in the parking lot.

I walked up and slapped him so hard, I thought I broke my wrist, but couldn't tell as my hand was stinging so badly.

I left a bright, red handprint on his face, and he cowered.

I asked him, "doesn't feel so good does it?

I took his wallet out, retrieved his driver's license, and left, reporting him to child services.

Parents, do you job.

And use that butt for what it was intended for. Delay only makes a problem worse.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 12:23 PM
I was looking around trying to find information on Noise Pollution and came across a website that lists decibel levels for different sounds. Here is a partial list for comparison:

Decibel Levels of Daily Noises

NIOSH has compiled a list of the decibel measurements (dBA) for common noises you might be exposed to each day at home, work or during recreational activities. A decibel is a unit that expresses intensity or power. See what your exposure is to unsafe noises with some of the following examples:


* 50 dBA - Refrigerator
* 50-80 dBA – Electric shaver
* 50-80 dBA – Electric shaver
* 60-95 dBA – Hair dryer
* 75-85 dBA – Flushed toilet
* 80 dBA – Ringing phone
* 110 dBA – Crying baby
* 135 dBA – Noisy squeeze toys


* 40 dBA – Quiet office/ library
* 65-95 dBA – Power lawnmower
* 90-115 dBA – Subway
* 105 dBA – Snow blower
* 120 dBA – Ambulance
* 140 dBA – Airplane take-off
* 180 dBA – Rocket launching from pad


Question: Which sound has greater potential to damage your hearing - a baby's cry or a jackhammer? If you answered the former, a baby's cry, you were right, according to information provided by a representative of the Center for Hearing and Health.

At 115 decibels, the sound of a baby's cry can begin to cause hearing damage to a person next to a child after just 15 minutes, reported Dorie Watkins, an industrial audiologist for the Center for Hearing Health. The jackhammer doesn't quite measure up, measuring "only" 105 decibels, she noted; but that level of sound also can cause damage to the inner ear after one hour, according to medical and science standards.

Here is an excerpt from a website that discusses Noise pollution in Georgia:

Noise Pollution

Subjected to 45 decibels of noise, the average person cannot sleep. At 120 decibels the ear registers pain, but hearing damage begins at a much lower level, about 85 decibels. The duration of the exposure is also important. Apart from hearing loss, such noise can cause lack of sleep, irritability, heartburn, indigestion, ulcers, high blood pressure, and possibly heart disease. One burst of noise, as from a passing truck, is known to alter endocrine, neurological, and cardiovascular functions in many individuals; prolonged or frequent exposure to such noise tends to make the physiological disturbances chronic. In addition, noise-induced stress creates severe tension in daily living and contributes to mental illness.

Now, we can see that babies cry at an average of 110dBA. And we see that hearing damage starts at 85 dBA. So, a crying baby is a source of damaging Noise pollution. I wonder what the laws are in Georgia and if it would be possible to FINE the parents of screaming/crying children. THAT would be a huge deterrent that would cause parents to be attentive and parental.

[edit on 2-9-2009 by Aggie Man]

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by intrepid


I can put up with it for 5 or 10 minutes.

Think of the mother who will have that screaming all day..

If it bothers me too much, I will leave...period..

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
OK, I only got halfway through this thread before getting disgusted by those blaming the mother. Why was she in Walmart? Could it be getting antibiotics for the child with an ear infection or something of the like? I read nothing in the source that said she took a tantrum. Maybe the kid is sick? Ever think of that? What's she supposed to do? Leave a 2 yo home alone? Sorry for your past discomforts but jeez, think about this before you put your annoyance before the mother and her child.

Ever heard of a drive through pharmacy? Just sayin'

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by Aggie Man

Oh my God. Are you actually trying to make the case that children are DAMAGING POLLUTION to your dear self.

Man. We are so going to be annihilated by our less prissy human breathern.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 12:27 PM
Things like this could be so easily avoided if parents started acting like parents and if stores would begin ejected those who refuse to manage their children properly. Dude definitely was in the wrong however I think the people here calling for his near death at the hands of prison inmates and righteous mothers with chainsaws need to take a step back and see that they are over reacting in a serious way. A smack that barely leaves the skin red does not warrant a death sentence, yet thats basically what most here are in favor of without putting it in so many words.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by Aggie Man
Ever heard of a drive through pharmacy? Just sayin'

Actually no I haven't. As each script take 15 minutes I don't think it's a viable enterprise. We're not ordering burgers here.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 12:29 PM
Ok, my $.02.

Walmart, a noisy low budget store IS an appropriate place for a noisy child. Its a regular daily activity public property place, no reason for silence, or for people to be concentrating or anything like that. So theres wailing kids at walmart? I expect this anytime i go to places like walmart, kmart, the grocery, etc. Get over it.

On the other hand....Movies, nice restaurants.....NOT appropriate places for unruly noisy children. These places i find it the height of rudeness for parents to drag noisy wailing brats they cant control to disrupt a nice evening out that other people have PAID for and are looking for a certain type of atmosphere. You KNOW if your kids are the right fit for places like this, or if your parenting skills are good enough to maintain the atmosphere that people go to these places for. If its not, or if your not, then DONT GO THERE!!

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