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Schools Ban Touching To Fight H1N1

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posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 12:57 PM
Let me add...

No more touching?


What about Sports?

What about *High Fives*...?

What about Cheerleading and the famous Pyramid...

What about VOLLEYBALL! OH MY GOD SHE TOUCHED THE BALL and then my kid touched the ball and got sick and DIED!!!!!!!!!

What about FOOTBALL...

(I wonder if anyone will see the irony in that)?


No, touching is NOT going to stop the spread of the flu...

Anyone who thinks it is - is purely, and simply, a terrified sheep and we need to have patience with them, and love them and inform them...

This is about CONTROL folks.

From day one on up.

Find peace where you can

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by silo13

Are you kidding? (not the sarcasm, please)

They children might catch cooties from playing Ring Around The Rosie

Many have associated the poem with the Great Plague of London in 1665, or with earlier outbreaks of bubonic plague in England.

Interpreters of the rhyme before World War II make no mention of this; by 1951, however, it seems to have become well established as an explanation for the form of the rhyme that had become standard in the United Kingdom. Peter and Iona Opie remark:

"The invariable sneezing and falling down in modern English versions have given would-be origin finders the opportunity to say that the rhyme dates back to the Great Plague. A rosy rash, they allege, was a symptom of the plague, posies of herbs were carried as protection, sneezing was a final fatal symptom , and 'all fall down' was exactly what happened."

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Good catch.

But playing the game didn't stop the spread now did it.

Point made.

(Not slamming you, just saying)...

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by silo13
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Good catch.

But playing the game didn't stop the spread now did it.

Point made.

(Not slamming you, just saying)...

Oh no, I did not take that you were slamming me, and my point was made about the game.

This is is as ridiculous to me as a bunch of people running with buckets to the dyke where the boy held his finger to plug it up, after it has already broken.

If this was really as important as they say it is supposed to be then W.H.O. would have had the border quarantined long ago, and in so many smaller words :

Too little, too late, and toodles to catching it now...

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 04:18 PM
Seriously, chill, ok? I do have a couple of constructive comments, the others I won't bother with.

Originally posted by silo13

The policy is unorthodox and could be difficult to enforce, but Nassau Health Commissioner Dr. Maria Torroella Carney says it's a good way to educate awareness.

Educate awareness of what?

Awareness that germs can be transferred. Please don't tell me that your mother didn't teach you to cover your mouth when you sneeze or that it's a good idea to wash you hands a lot if you're sick.

Just another step to teach kids from birth to alienate those around them.
Don't trust anyone.
Don’t touch anyone.
Live in the virtual world.
Don’t share with anyone.

And why?
Because the flu is an AIRBORNE VIRUS!

That wasn't my quote.

Although I don't agree that it will reduce illness I do think that maybe, unlikely but maybe, it will "educate awareness".

Again, ‘educate awareness’ of what?
And if it’s not going to - even in your opinion - help, why freak kids out even more and enforce even more rules on them?

You really think kids are freaking out? Lol... they are laughing about it.

They won't enforce this - they won't be able to.

Wanna bet?
It will have family against family, kid against kid, and the police will be called in.
Mark my word, it’s happened before.
Kids have been arrested as young as 6 for touching in school (young as 3 if I remember correctly).
For Hugs.
That is beyond sick.

Lol, I just have nothing to say but please, chill, before you have a coronary. Seriously, family against family? Kids being arrested? Do you really think that the average American is running around freaking out about the swine flu? LOLOLOLOLOLOLLLLL.... no, I know no one who is freaking out. Seriously. Even the school has been talking about how ridiculous the whole swine flu thing has gotten. I don't think it's had the effect the makers of if wanted it to.

I went out and bought some germx wipes for my children to use at school so they didn't have to go to the restroom all the time to wash their hands. School's been in session for 1 week and already there are 5 cases of swine flu in my child's school.

And you think germ wipes are going to help?

So, you’ll be first in line to make sure your kids get a flue shot I take it?
I hope the best for you and yours, I mean that.

Absolutely the germ wipes are going to help. THEY KILL GERMS - lol.

Please don't take a condescending tone with me young man,
, No, I won't be taking the flu shot nor will any of my kids. I don't think the vaccine is safe nor is it necessary. Why would you think that because I'm not freaking out (like you are) about how this ONE school is handling things that I would be totally uninformed about the swine flu and the vaccine?

[edit on 1/9/2009 by Iamonlyhuman]

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by Now_Then

That's what I was thinking, too. If they can't touch each other that's one thing, but it wouldn't do any good unless they stayed away from each other, breathed different air, and didn't touch anything at all.

Not going to work. Closing the schools is the only way to keep the healthy kids healthy and the sick kids from spreading it, assuming sick kids stay home.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by Iamonlyhuman

Ya know it absolutely amazes me people think I'm a male and thirteen because of my handle.
And 13 is my favorite number.

Now, beyond that - if you think a ban on *touching* is going to help, then more power to you, and, the ones who think it's going to help.


In my opinion - it's abhorrent, ridiculous and will result in nothing other than control and further, establishment induced hysteria.

So, we'll wait and see wont we.


posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by silo13
Just another step to teach kids from birth to alienate those around them.
Don't trust anyone.
Don’t touch anyone.
Live in the virtual world.
Don’t share with anyone.

Yeah, it’s going to become harder and harder for kids to interact normally.
Or what we knew as normal when we grew up.

Devide and conquer.

Flu my Aunt Fanny - it’s divide and conquer.


Isn't this what Issac Asimov tried to warn us about?

They even have the robots all ready to order.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by wrill

I thought you might be interested in seeing this thread since it correlates with this topic.

CDC Leaked Documents: Forced Quarantines & Secure Detention Centers!

I cannot say whether it is legitimate or not but it sure looks like it.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by silo13

I love your post, its so true yet ignored in society today.

I'm guessing the school thought they had to come up with something/anything that would be good PR and most importantly give people the idea they are doing something, even if it's moronic.

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