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1943, 1983, and 2003... Coincidence? I think not.

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posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 02:02 AM
According to David Wilcock and the 2012 Enigma and a few of other sources, speak about the cycles of harmonics in earth’s grid ………….. At the peak of these cycles in earths grid is during Aug 11th-Aug 17th. (approx)

Every 20 years time this harmonic cycle in earth’s grid is at its height of volume of energy and its peak is reached during approx Mid August. Now with that said, the importance of these date references and harmonic cycles in the earth’s grid will bring to your attention the occurrences. August 12th 1943 (other references’ will argue the date to be in October, I really not sure which account of the date is true, but the year is of most importance) Philadelphia Project happened. A rip in the fabric of space and time… Under secrecy the US military orchestrated the event that caused the USS Eldridge to disappear for a short period of time and then reappear in a different location. How did they do this? An enormous amount of electricity via a host of antennas placed around the vessel and a vast amount of electricity jolted through antennas. (Keep this point in mind for future reference). The real reason why this experiment was created is more detrimental to humanity that just cloaking ships, a rift/ star gate was created.

August 12th 1983… Montauk Project. Again the harmonic cycle in earth’s grid is at its peak which allows experiments that involve a rip in time and space is much easier to occur. (Best of my knowledge at least) During these harmonic cycles and the events that are created to take advantage of these cycles are not by accident. (And not in Humanities best interest)

Now for the most interesting point of this thread… August 14th 2003. Again, at the peak of the 20 year Harmonic cycle. A point that I would like to bring up at this time is how Hollywood gets their ideas on Sci Fi movies... Is it by accident that most of the Sci Fi movies (Back to the Future, Time Machine, 12 Monkeys, and DejaVu to name a few) that involve creating a rip in the time and space continuum involve some kind of machine or location, but more importantly an enormous amount of energy? Watch these movies and you will see what I mean. Is it a coincidence that a rip in the space and time continuum was created in 1943, 1983... And 2003?

Yes, I said 2003... August 14th 2003 is 20 years and 2 days from the last known rip in the space/time continuum. Al Belick prophesized the importance of this time frame months before anything had occurred. On August 14th 2003 the largest blackout in US history occurred and lasted for 4 days. Many states on the East coast and parts of Canada lost thier power source and blackout out. (Google this date to see more)The reason the media specified the cause of this black out is irrelevant as we all know (or should know by know) they lie to us.

So my point of this and I have not read anywhere else on the internet about the occurrence, the date and the importance of these events, especially 2003. It is no coincidence that this record black out just happened on the peak of earths 20 year harmonic cycle. It’s no accident that this occurred exactly 20 years and 2 days from the Montauk Project and 60 years from the Philly Experiment. They are still very much creating Rifts/Star gates... in 1943, 1983, and 2003, ALL of these dates are in exact correlation with each other and the harmonic cycles of earth.

The great blackout of 2003 was a direct consequence of the secret government/ET Agenda involving the correct date of earths harmonic cycle and an enormous amount of energy to create ANOTHER massive rip in the time/space continuum. This block ops type stuff is still happening and there is direct proof. Another incredible source that blew me away was the voyagers 2 book that gave the date of August 12th, 2003 as another important experiment to create a rip in the time/space continuum. This book was published in 1999. Truth is indeed stranger than fiction.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 03:23 AM
Hmmm cant ay I have heard of this before, but then again i cant remember the 2003 blackout so that tells you how good i am at remembering.

Sounds like a logical theory could you provide me with any sources?

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 03:30 AM
Well, 43 to 83 is 40 years, what happend in 63 ??

43, 63, 83, 2003, 2023 aso...

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 04:27 AM
quite a good theory, be good to see if anyone comes up with some info.

never heard of this 20 year cycle though. it scientifically proven?


posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 05:46 AM
Your taking for granted the small little matter of "A rip in the fabric of space and time" actually happened. As far as i know this has not been proven whatsover..

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 06:00 AM

Originally posted by ChemBreather
Well, 43 to 83 is 40 years, what happend in 63 ??

43, 63, 83, 2003, 2023 aso...

The culmination of Project Rainbow, better known as the Monatuk Project. Here are some links...

There is a great deal of information about this in this forum, (use search feature) and on the www. Use your search engine.

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