reply to post by thereaintnospoon
I agree, Martin Luther King set the standard. He was a true activist, who preached peace, unity, and equality. He truly believed what he stood for.
All resistance should be based off of his tactics. Any revolution that can be passive, and nonviolent, should be done that way.
But, there is a point where peace is just no longer an option, and fighting back is all that is left. Martin Luther King's civil rights movement
would have been futile in a totalitarian nation. When I think of the NWO, I picture something along the lines of George Orwell's vision in the novel
Nineteen Eighty-Four. For example, King's tactics would've been disastrous in a nation ruled with an iron fist, such as under Joseph Stalin or Adolf
Hitler. He would have been instantly executed under government orders, along with all of his family, and along with anybody even suspected of being a
follower of what he preached. If a Jewish person was to have made public speeches and held public demonstrations in Germany during Holocaust, fighting
for his rights and the rights of his people, yet advocating that Jews only use peaceful methods and never fight back forcefully, do you think it would
have been successful at all? Or, what if the US government was ruled by the Ku Klux Klan back during King's time? He would not have even made a dent.
Instead, he would have been slaughtered instantly, along with his family, friends, etc., and made an example out of.
When it reaches that point, where TPTB will execute you, your family, and anybody suspected of agreeing with your ideals, and only do so on suspicion
that you might want to resist their absolute authority, any chance for peace goes right out the window. It is sad to say, but it is reality. Some
people are are sick and twisted beyond what you and I can imagine. I've taken quite a few history courses, and have learned some of the atrocities
that have occurred under these heinous dictators. The type of things that I don't even know how to put in words. The type of things that I cannot
ever begin understand how somebody can be so cruel sadistic as to do them. These are people who are, in the very essence of the word, evil. I do not
use that word lightly; it isn't just something we should toss around at a whim. With people like this, any type of human communication or compassion
is out the window. They cannot be reasoned with, they cannot be swayed, they cannot be just, they cannot be humane. Try as you may, but it simply
doesn't work that way. When dealing with people like this, there is no inbetween. If you aren't 100% with them, then you are against them, and die a
slow, painful death. Oppression under these people either becomes permanent, and continually grows worse; or you can fight against it by any and all
means necessary.
I am one of the strongest advocates for peace and compassion for living beings; but when backed into a corner and left with no alternatives, I say
fight with all you have.
As a response to your shadow government comments, I agree that it is near impossible to fight. However, that is why it is a continuous cycle. They
will always remain, trying to play puppetmaster. But people will always be there to storm the stage when the hand behind the puppets is revealed, and
the find out it's all a scam. They gain control again, only for the puppetmasters to write a new play, with new characters and puppets. It's a
never-ending struggle.
And about the F-17s, I was just trying to lighten the mood a little bit, since I know my responses were (and still are, as seen above in this one)
getting a little bit heavy
. I wasn't really trying to call you out, just to joke a little bit. I didn't mean any offense meant towards you.
... If it makes you feel better, China has a JF-17. And, a jet called the YF-17 was built as a prototype for the US, but never put into production.