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Andromedan Presence near Earth [pt. 1]

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posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by Mind1universe
reply to post by Kaifan

Then you judge me to the point of insulting me.

You my friend need to get off your high horse and focus about your own life and stop projecting like a horse who lost his cart.


So you see, you were lead again, and still you didn't get it.

I'll clue you in, all i said was with the purpose of having you said these words to me
, and you of course did, as expected, and that's sad you know, because, well "you can't see".

I don't know why you feel insulted, can't accept criticism from someone you think is just some regular human and not a high spiritual being connected with the universe and the light? well sorry i can do nothing but say what i feel and want to say, and if you don't like it, you are completely free to look away and avoid reading my words.

And you do read on the net, after all, you are reading this thread and you believe in what he says, even try to protect it, you are, at this point, working for him, but you can say a lot of things, words and more words, the truth in the end is, if at least one person get mislead from reading all stuff and loses a chance to live a better life, all those who helped in protecting that lie are due to pay for it, eventually, yeah, not by me, nope, i don't feel better than you, nope, i don't feel special, and nope, i am not trying to insult you, but clearly you can't take other people's words if they don't align with your own ideals, i don't care, you are not who started this thread, i asked him and i ask you again, stop thinking that because i am saying this words i have a big ego, i am just simply stating something, don't be so delicate that you can be broken by the wind, don't panic.

I am ignorant, but clearly you think you aren't, as your own words let us know.


[edit on 14-9-2009 by Kaifan]

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by Kaifan

He is not from Adrowhatever, he is from earth, and nowhere else, i know.

You know this how?

You try to speak of experience, yet you have NONE. I have survuved the cold war,Viet Nam, the crash of the areospace industry, the beginning and middle of the fuel wars, the mid east,the streets of Seattle, and my list can go on and on.

I have experienced American Indian Vision and Spirit quests, sweat lodges, and was even honored with the title of "Fire Tender". I have studied every religion on Earth, and taken the best of them to synthesize my own system (this is a part of the teachings of Thelema...but I don't expect you to understand that).

You and a few others here have misplaced your priorities. You should not be judging others, you should be preparing yourselves for the changes that are in store for you.

You have eyes, but can not see, you have ears but do not hear, you have a mind but can not think. Try meditation sometime, it will do you a world of good to still your mind, and listen the voice that is left.

You think that time alone does not equal knowledge, and you're right. Yet, more time gives one mor opportunity to learn, time gives one more opportunity to understand. Knowledge plus understanding equal wisdom.

You have some knowledge, do you have understanding? I think not...

You speak of light and darkness. Personally I feel equally comfortable in either, for there is nothing in the darkness that is not there in the light.

In any case, if you feel the need to respond to so by answering my question.

[edit on 14-9-2009 by AnthraAndromda]

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by Mind1universe

I agree with what you are saying, its just that I disagree with the way love and fear are used, so that, in real life, where it is imperative to connect the dots and open your eyes to not only how negative this controlled 3D reality is and understand how others perceive this, for they do not live like this, and are asking for us to come into their world and join them, many call seeing reality as fear based, and many percieve taking good self care and choosing to relocate to safety as fear based. That is a childish idea of love and fear.
Love and light and truth all have their own frequencies.

Your words are wise.


[edit on 14-9-2009 by Unity_99]

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by Kaifan

But there is a responsibility when you open your mouth.

There is a double responsiblity taken on board when you start judging others. Because you don't speak for others. As we've seen.

You haven't seen any error in your judgment, because your unable to apply self awareness to your own life as its more comforting to project judgement onto others.
Alway's remember when you finger point at someone else it always comes pointing back at you so.,
Face yourself

Face yourself

Face yourself

No point, in pointing elsewhere just get the point of it.

When you make an inaccurate judgement of me or someone, it means your not really fully responsilible in what you say and do. When I've called you out on it. This is now showing you where you haven't taken any responsibllity for what you said I've also given time to explain simple perspective to you that we need to apply to us all. Self judgment always. Self honestly always, self love always and self respect always.

Do your best
Don't take things personally
Don't assume
Be gentle with yourself

I am from another universe btw. (incase your not aware) I had many lifetimes in Andromeda, far reach galaxy, many here on this galaxy representing many races from all walks.

Your not one to judge.

The one never judges.

[edit on 14-9-2009 by Mind1universe]

[edit on 14-9-2009 by Mind1universe]

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 09:46 PM
Hey Y'all

I just wanted to say that it is quite refreshing to see that most of you are, to a greater degree, prepared, or preparing yourselves for the comming changes. The events of the next couple of years will be unequalled in Human history, most of you will do well.

There are some here who are lost, we that are not may have to resign to the fact that not everyone can be "saved", there are some, that no matter what we say will not start to think, will not find themselves, tis sad.

What I feel need to be remembered is that disclosure is going to happen, the real people need to stay on top of this single event so that those who have enslaved mankind have their power stripped away, and all of mankind is elevated to the heights they are deserving.

Light, life, love, and liberty

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

I know these negotiations are taking place, and respect you for being diplomatic, however, I'm not going to be about this, we have been subjected to the grey program and abductions and it wasnt appreciated. Zetans are not associated in anyway with Pleiadies, Sirius or the Andromedans, nor are the associated in any way with the Federation or the Andromedan groups that are stationed in various locations. Zetans are renegades and are associated with the annanuki. As citizens of the milky way, they actually have no entitlement to earth, no rights to our dna, to our situation, bar the one right that all would have, and that is that a hostile race, mind controlled by the old empire, would not be allowed to ally with the federation or positive groups.

But since they are a part of the old empire, their involvement is as "handlers". Not only do humans have the right to wake up and not be so willing to easily be bought of by consumer products and entertainment to allow atrocities to be done without a mass resistance and non-compliance, but they also have the right to ensure that negotiations take place with the positive people with no slave drivers present. Gee its no wonder the common citizens have not been given a voice.

That being said, I do believe in returning unconditional love to all species. May they choose the way of love and light themselves.

However its also true that if the people simply walk outside and ask for help, in large numbers, this will be over.

[edit on 14-9-2009 by Unity_99]

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 10:08 PM
Earth mother earth has to be thanked to carry the vehicle to manifest the golden light of completion. This should tell you the love that is carrying you to complete.

It has never ever been done this way before. Remember we all came here from all walks to come as mortal imprisoned by the mind.

It is your soul that will change the world. And the face of existence. Start with imagining the impossible and bringing all races to earth. They are all coming here. It is the walkers of the earth that will face jugment of truth.

It is you that we have been waiting for


posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 04:52 AM
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

See, thats the problem...YOU have decided that there is "something there" even if there isn't. Now, you are determined to uncover it.

No, you’re wrong again. Starting this thread and proclaiming you’re an alien whilst wanting solely to talk about exopolitics etc. and answer questions from the breathless masses, all whilst your true belief system and background story is based on the occult just comes across as devious.

Why not mention it straight off if it is such an integral part of your life? Or is it that you know full well that Crowley does not have the most salubrious of reputations and therefore any association with him or his works might taint your “message”?

For what it's worth; I DID come here with an honest heart. If you knew anything about the teachings of Crowley you would have known this from the start, but alas, your conditioning has made you prejudiced against esoteric philosophies, expecially those of Crowley.

Honesty dictates doing something for all the right reasons. I am on this thread for all the right reasons; I’m not here just to be belligerent for the sake of it towards your beliefs, or be a serial skeptic, nor am I following any “agenda”. I just don’t believe you are an alien, and so far you’ve produced nothing to dissuade me from that opinion.

That doesn’t mean that I cannot be dissuaded.

As to my supposed prejudice against esoteric philosophies; show me one that isn’t just another method of agenda-based, behavioral control concocted by Man and I’ll be interested. That goes for religion, too. And before you or anyone else decides that I am the Atheistic antichrist incarnate, let me just say this; religious or secular philosophies may well be the product of intellectual, but very human, brilliance or the mind of the Universe itself; they may well be designed and intended to ease our journey through life; they may well hold truths that many are blind to whilst many others see clearly.

But what they all do is divide opinion to the extent that we are willing to shed blood to follow them.

So, if just one was actually dictated/channeled/inspired by a benevolent – or even mildly concerned - higher power, then where’s the tell-tale failsafe that would disallow it being utilized by Man to dominate Man? Is choice that failsafe? Well, in that case that facility must be faulty as the choice to use religions etc. to gain power over our minds and hearts has been seized by the elites for their own use.

Please, go and learn the truth...them perhaps we can have an intelligent conversation.

And there’s me expecting an intelligent conversation to be two-way, as in a question is asked and it elicits a response.

Speaking of which, care to answer this from my previous post?

Well, here’s a suggestion for you; contact the Three Amigos (the owners of this site) with your findings and ask them to finance the tests. They will have all the necessary independent contacts to fulfill your criteria. I am sure they will jump at the chance to be at the forefront of this revelation because if you are telling the truth and are proven to be an alien, then they will have the scoop of the century.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 05:15 AM
reply to post by Mind1universe


She is from Andromedia. Souls on this planet come from all over the cosmos. There is nothing of a big deal about it.

(That’s He by the way). How do you knowAnthraAndromda is an alien? Please cite some kind of corroboration for us poor skeptics. Go on, change my perspective.

Oh, don’t worry. Now I know how you know:

I am from another universe btw. (incase your not aware) I had many lifetimes in Andromeda, far reach galaxy, many here on this galaxy representing many races from all walks.

Jeesh. Some days you just can’t move for the amount of aliens on ATS.

Sorry, but in my opinion somehow you come across as being something of a “follower”, just saying the right thing to please the teacher. Often, that behaviour will catch you out:

Remember this? (my emphasis): is run by a mob of sheep. I got banned on the paranormal forum recently for speaking about UFO disclosure. Irish people as a whole are more brainwashed than America because for years that Irish people have been aware of reality the money and celtic tiger has melted our brains to the point that the only god there is really is material comfort and money.

Which is a massively offensive generalization. Then we get this:

There is a double responsiblity taken on board when you start judging others. Because you don't speak for others.

And this:

When you make an inaccurate judgement of me or someone, it means your not really fully responsilible in what you say and do.

Can anyone say “sour grapes”? Can anyone say hypocrite?

Just my 2cent.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 05:18 AM
reply to post by blujay

Good grief.

I just gave a star to someone who has me on ignore.

And blujay is a staunch defender of the possibility of alien presence on earth...

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 05:38 AM

Originally posted by Beamish
reply to post by Mind1universe


She is from Andromedia. Souls on this planet come from all over the cosmos. There is nothing of a big deal about it.

(That’s He by the way). How do you knowAnthraAndromda is an alien? Please cite some kind of corroboration for us poor skeptics. Go on, change my perspective.

I am conscious of the source and gain my light and knowledge from it.

Oh don't worry. Now I know now you know

I am from another universe btw. (incase your not aware) I had many lifetimes in Andromeda, far reach galaxy, many here on this galaxy representing many races from all walks.

Jeesh. Some days you just can’t move for the amount of aliens on ATS.

I don't feel the need to tell people this info. It's up to you what you take from it. As your a skeptic you are limited to this reality that is clouded by darkness.

Nobody is from earth ignorant one. If you were you would be able to look directly at the sun and be anything you want to be without any limitation.

You are a cosmic spiritual being living on this earthly world in a physical vehicle. You haven't even used the full potential of the human body and mind. If you did you would not be arguing with me now.

You have so much wisdom and knowledge to learn. The closer you are to this track you will remember who you are.

Sorry, but in my opinion somehow you come across as being something of a “follower”, just saying the right thing to please the teacher. Often, that behaviour will catch you out:

Oh ok.

Remember this? (my emphasis): is run by a mob of sheep. I got banned on the paranormal forum recently for speaking about UFO disclosure. Irish people as a whole are more brainwashed than America because for years that Irish people have been aware of reality the money and celtic tiger has melted our brains to the point that the only god there is really is material comfort and money.

Which is a massively offensive generalization. Then we get this:

There is a double responsiblity taken on board when you start judging others. Because you don't speak for others.

Judgment is here on this world and humanity is been judged. There is no offensive generalisation. and many sites like it are dis info, mis info and media frenzy designed to prevent self honesty, self judgement, self love and self responsilibilty.

The site is run by ego to keep us all following.

And this:

When you make an inaccurate judgement of me or someone, it means your not really fully responsilible in what you say and do.

Can anyone say “sour grapes”? Can anyone say hypocrite?

Just my 2cent.

Call me what you will.

[edit on 15-9-2009 by Mind1universe]

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 06:26 AM
reply to post by Mind1universe

I am conscious of the source and gain my light and knowledge from it.

Explain what that means. Not the airy-fairy pseudo-philosophical responses that usually follow from “aliens” here on earth, but just the nitty-gritty reality of what that last comment means.

Can I ask a question? From your responses, it occurred to me that you have a belief system; what is it?

I don't feel the need to tell people this info.

Well, sorry to point out that you’ve contradicted yourself again, but you’ve contradicted yourself again. You just told us you’re an alien, so you obviously do feel the need. After all, no one forced you to say that, did they?

It's up to you what you take from it. As your a skeptic you are limited to this reality that is clouded by darkness.

If there was anything positive to take from it, I would. You see, your kind of specific belief is often self-righteous and frequently self-centered, and has more than a hint of superiority about it. It’s an “us and them” attitude and that should not apply to anyone who has real spiritual insight, should it? You would be concerned about my “skepticism” and not look on it as my being an ego defender or a hater, but someone who has not yet seen the truth.

Don’t agree with that conclusion and still think you’re this glorious cosmic spirit, full of love and light?

Nobody is from earth ignorant one.

“Ignorant”? There are few, if any, alternatives to that word that do not have negative connotations. Language is a really good indicator of a person’s intent and mind-set. Please refer to my above statements about “superiority”.

If you were you would be able to look directly at the sun and be anything you want to be without any limitation.

K-Pax, is that you?

You are a cosmic spiritual being living on this earthly world in a physical vehicle.

My as yet unsubstantiated theories follow that line of thinking.

You haven't even used the full potential of the human body and mind. If you did you would not be arguing with me now.

Yet, you’re here “arguing” with a mere, basic human, so following your logic, you haven’t reached your full potential, have you? Why are you answering me otherwise?

You have so much wisdom and knowledge to learn. The closer you are to this track you will remember who you are.

That sounds mightily like something from an indoctrination programme. Who did you say you were with?

Judgment is here on this world and humanity is been judged.

Meaning what? We are judging each other, or humanity is being judged, or has been judged? Your response is a little unclear. I’d expect something a little more erudite from such an enlightened being as yourself, or is that asking too much?

There is no offensive generalisation.

In relation to your comments that the Irish are “brain washed”? Yes, that is pretty offensive, totally your opinion, unverifiable and can be countered thousands of times over by the example of the common man in the street. Just watch the outcome of the next general election and see the democratic anger of these brain washed people. and many sites like it are dis info, mis info and media frenzy designed to prevent self honesty, self judgement, self love and self responsilibilty.

Are you being serious? It’s a discussion forum populated by normal people. Ever been in an Irish pub? You’d here the self-same arguments and discussions. Disinfo my backside.

The site is run by ego to keep us all following.

Until you get banned, that is. How does their plan work then, then?

Call me what you will.

Already put across my opinion. And you’ve done nothing to dispel it. In fact if anything, you’ve confirmed it even more.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by JacobNH
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

Could you tell me who flies Triangle Ships? Dark grey Triangles, 3 orange lights in each corner. Fly extremely low, and are completely silent. I have the feeling there is a Reptillian connection, of which i don't believe is negative.

I will take a stab at this question, Human Beings pilot the triangle craft, I believe, and further, the US military has their very own fleet of these craft. I can't prove this, so don't ask me to, but this is that way of it. When, and if, TPTB decide to use Project Blue Beam, I believe these craft will be used to convince the population of a UFO invasion scenario.
Always remember this; whatever the military shows you, they really have technology 40-50, years ahead of that. Remember the Stealth Bomber, brought out in the 1st. Gulf War? It was built and flown in the 70s at Skunk Works. The government is really good and keeping secrets, and even better at lying abut it.

The Flying Triangle UFO Mystery

Mystery of the Black Triangle UFOs

A Look at the Triangle UFOs

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by Beamish
reply to post by Mind1universe

I am conscious of the source and gain my light and knowledge from it.

Explain what that means. Not the airy-fairy pseudo-philosophical responses that usually follow from “aliens” here on earth, but just the nitty-gritty reality of what that last comment means.

The source is all energy and matter at one singlarity in which you originate from. It is your soul a beacon of light and energy. This energy is conscious and eternal. The body in which you are in is the vehicle that carries you in this physical world. The light is never diminshed and the soul is the carrier of light from the moment this universe dispersed into fragments and separation.

When you start to allow your thoughts and awareness to come into your reality and life. You will begin to understand the meaning of what and why it is were are here at this point.

This is your journey. I have given you a perspective of what is existence from one point to this point in time. Your journey is to come to remember who you are and where you have come from. You have to realise that leaving body doesn't mean you die. You transform. The Universe doesn't die it transforms and rebirths and gives birth to others. You are apart of it and you are light.

Been aware that you are a soul, is the first step. Then again you may not believe that and thats your choice. I don't think it is anyone's place to tell you what is and whats not. You asked me a question, it's time for you to discover the answers to your own questions.

Can I ask a question? From your responses, it occurred to me that you have a belief system; what is it?

Believing in oneself, existence and you all.

I don't feel the need to tell people this info.
Or you could call it faith. I understand that this is only one aspect of existence and it's only one aspect of you. Believing that this is the only existence of you right now and nothing more, means you are in doubt about reality and your own being.

Well, sorry to point out that you’ve contradicted yourself again, but you’ve contradicted yourself again. You just told us you’re an alien, so you obviously do feel the need. After all, no one forced you to say that, did they?

I'm a cosmic being. I don't like the word alien
But I will tell you this. We are the only planet where most of the human species believe that life only exists on this planet. Because the matrix has indocrinated us to be blind of the possilibilty and questioning of life. The matrix and system knows life exist throughout the cosmos. it's infact teeming with life. There is evidence all around you.There is 300 billion stars in this galaxy. 500 billion in the other and trillions of other galaxies and many other universe. There is no ending to how big the universe is. One only has to open their eyes. We tend to inprison our minds to the system of our planet. This systems keeps us sheeple minded.

If there was anything positive to take from it, I would. You see, your kind of specific belief is often self-righteous and frequently self-centered, and has more than a hint of superiority about it. It’s an “us and them” attitude and that should not apply to anyone who has real spiritual insight, should it? You would be concerned about my “skepticism” and not look on it as my being an ego defender or a hater, but someone who has not yet seen the truth.

There isn't anything specific or self centred about it. It's not a belief system. It's not something you learn. It's something that is always there and yet to be known.

Don’t agree with that conclusion and still think you’re this glorious cosmic spirit, full of love and light?
I'm glorious in spirt but falted in human mind. Complete in soul. But not complete in mind, body and soul like us all on earth.
Earth is special for all existence has come to face this reality to bring this universe to the next stage.

K-Pax, is that you?

Yet, you’re here “arguing” with a mere, basic human, so following your logic, you haven’t reached your full potential, have you? Why are you answering me otherwise?

I'm not arguing with you. Your arguing this case and as your a skeptic your more likely to argue others, cus you have a lot of self doubts and insecurities in you. It's hard for skeptics to look within, so they look to others to validate and heal what they cannot complete inside.

In otherwords it won't work. The truth has always been inside you. You won't find the logic your looking for on the Discovery channel.

That sounds mightily like something from an indoctrination programme. Who did you say you were with?

I'm with now.

Meaning what? We are judging each other, or humanity is being judged, or has been judged? Your response is a little unclear. I’d expect something a little more erudite from such an enlightened being as yourself,

Meaning self judgment. Every soul on this world is now experiencing this to some level. Some more than others. Many projectionists, con artists, liars, non believers, egoists etc. Are still running from themselves. But humanity at a whole is now awakening. In other words everyone here has to face him or herself. Disclosure and alien life will not come here until this happens. Until we are able to take more responsilibilty within our reality and showing self love and express love.

In relation to your comments that the Irish are “brain washed”? Yes, that is pretty offensive, totally your opinion, unverifiable and can be countered

But we are. We all are. If you can't see that then your simply in denial. A re vote in Lisbon could spark a whole debate in this arugment and it's very varible to this point.

Are you being serious? It’s a discussion forum populated by normal people. Ever been in an Irish pub? You’d here the self-same arguments and discussions. Disinfo my backside.

What is "normal" what reality is normal and what reality can become normal if this is normal? It's dis info. Because it's distraction. It's the bubble gum society that keeps us all in the matrix.

[edit on 15-9-2009 by Mind1universe]

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by autowrench

Yes they may very well have been the TR-3Bs that are from the Vrill technology, we have seen plenty of those, and they have looked like they were monitoring us as well. They fly straight like normal jets, but have some extra abilities. Yet are silent with a vibrational resonance. They have a variety of different lights, some are 3 lights, sometimes orange, sometimes bright white, sometimes rows of colored lights. The real et fly in a rotational way and can veer off sharply, they just behave differently, fly differently, look a little different.
Much of the US technology came from the Nazi German Scientists.

[edit on 15-9-2009 by Unity_99]

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 11:09 AM
Hey I seen a ship or UFO very high up in the sky about 5am last night. It was round and white moving much faster than a normal plane. It seemed to go slower because the alitude is far greater. It would be just above the athmosphere. It looked a very big tbh.

But when this passed over. There was this really loud noise like cars passing by on a nearby road. But I live just outside a town in a quiet estate and it was 5am with one car passing every 5-10 minutes. This noise was like highway passing cars for 5 minutes. It was pretty confusing cus I seen no activiity around me. I looked up and the ship was gone. The noise began to die down too. Then I was thinking it must of been cars passing by. There was none and its was dead quiet for 20 mins after.

I also seen a flashing white light in the sky about an hour earlier. i thought it was a plain but then it just dissapeared after 6-7 bright flashes.

What races are finaly making themselves known? I have a feeling the Andromdians are on this one. They are the ones that seem to want people who are open to the higher vibration to know. I can also sense they want us that are at a higher vibration to awaken others. I am been shown there are many on their way here too.

They know that many people will be frightened if there was full disclosure. So our job is to awakan people and make sure they do not fear.


[edit on 15-9-2009 by Mind1universe]

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 11:18 AM
The Federation members, such as Andromedans, Pleidadians, Sirians, but there are many more as well. Acturians, Aldebarans, many more. When you go outside, ask for sitings, try to go out regularly and try to push your insight in the energy recognition to see if you can pick up if its a craft, and who is on board. If you keep trying you may get greetings. You have to go past the point where you think you're not getting something. Its almost subtle to begin with and its hard, you push gently past. Thats what I do now when I'm trying to read someone in source, who they are. Some just leap out strongly. With others you push beyond, and once you see it doesnt go away, the recognition will grow stronger.

As an example, pleiadian human nordics, are lyrean in source as I am, and they were brought there, like I was, when our home planet was destroyed in the wars. So, accounts of human looking pleiadians are actually Lyraeans. Pleiadians are an advanced race that are humanoid, green and slender, etheric kind of, high dimensional people, 7D, very positive.

[edit on 15-9-2009 by Unity_99]

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by Mind1universe


This is what disguists me.


Yes, i know. We are all one. But in that case, i am disguisted in myself. I am disguisted in how We can create something so stubborn, arrogant, and above all, something that has no respect for eachother.

Kaifan, Beamish, as our resident "Skeptics" i would just like you to please rise above he arguments, rise above this all, and please leave us to talk in peace.

I believe without you, (Yes that sounds harsh, sorry) we could have a very enlightening and beautiful conversation. This is a place where people should be able to converse about their own beliefs with others of a similar mind. I should be able to talk to these guys about "aliens" about the current situation without being bashed.

You wouldn't bash a religious forum because you didn't believe what they were saying.

I will kindly ask you to leave, i have a feeling you wont, but i want to take my chances.

Give up. All this does it create arguments, and in some, frustration.

Frustration > Anger > Aggression > Hate.

This isn't something i want to be part of anymore.
I want this to be a place of discussion, wisdom and knowledge.
You're not being civil about this, and most of all disrespectful.

Please, does us a favour and move on.

With all due respect, please.


[edit on 15/9/2009 by JacobNH]

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

I have this feeling the federation are hell bent on control. There is so many faction of races involved with us. It's really hard to understand what their real objective is. Everything manifested on here is out there. How the system is run is what is out there. It's like a mirror effect. The reason is humanity on this world has so many races within them.

I just want the races to trust humanity. I believe in this ascension. Otherwise I would not have come here. I love all races. I love my enemies. It's time we all started doing this. This energy is in dire need now.

I know I am one who represents all races. We simply are all one. We sacrifised our lives on this planet for the greater good. It's time we treasure this day.

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 05:07 AM
reply to post by Mind1universe

You’ve presented us with an agreeably benevolent viewpoint with your answer to my post. All very pleasant, ornate words and evocative sentences simply derived from various human philosophies and religions; Hinduism, native shamanism, Buddhism etc. There’s nothing innovative in them, in other words. The same sentiments and opinions can be found in thousands of pages of rumination and reflection throughout our history. Indeed, Googling any of your sentences directs the browser to countless websites that contain the same introspective approaches to the human condition.

And a lot of folks will assume that your words convey the truth – which they might in some form – and wish to listen at your feet.

But what if you’re wrong? What if you have misconstrued the real thrust of those particular paradigms and concocted a philosophy of your own making that is positive in attitude and that makes you feel fulfilled, but that is ultimately wide of the mark? Would you be willing – or even able – after posting such an authoritative response - to accept that your view of existence is incorrect?

I ask that as when I put this question to you:

Can I ask a question? From your responses, it occurred to me that you have a belief system; what is it?

you responded with:

Believing in oneself, existence and you all.

So that implies quite clearly that you place your trust in yourself. But then you went on to say (my emphasis):

I'm glorious in spirt but falted in human mind. Complete in soul. But not complete in mind

So what does that tell us both about you and your belief? Think on that carefully. If you can’t trust your own intellect as it is incomplete and at fault – and this by your own admission - then why should we believe anything that you tell us is true and correct?

Can you see my point?

I’m not criticizing you as a person, but the flaws in your logic. If you are saying that your beliefs are based on faith:

Or you could call it faith.

then that suggests that you have a deeply held conviction in your beliefs – not that you are in receipt of an absolute certainty - and that’s fine. We are all entitled to our own opinions, as until our individual or personal world-views are either unequivocally proven beyond a doubt or are confirmed to be erroneous, then opinions are all we have.

That is why I object to the way “aliens” approach ATS, as they always seem to have in their possession the ultimate truth, yet are as flawed in their thinking and objectives as any other human – which they always are.

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