posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 09:02 PM
"Third Eye" development & skills are rooted in optimizing glands in the body, particularly glands in & around the head. The subtleties of these
glands are lost on most people by continuous infatuation with materiality, forfeiting human values in honor of the inanimacy of material values, &
obsessing in & compulsing about insatiable consumptionism.
Developing glands, optimizing glands, synchronizing glands are the key reasons why yogis perform yogasanas, the physical poses people typically call
"yoga". This contrasts grossly with the dispositions & values conveyed in almost every "yoga studio" in North America, despite the plethora of
Sanskrit terms & vegetarian diets. Vanity of the body is most certainly NOT what yogasanas are about.
The glands are the first & foremost reason why yogis perform yogasanas -- not for leaping tall structures in a single bound, nor pulling locomotives
with their beards or genitals, nor bonding with a partner in the most pretzelsome poses.
Glands are like diodes, transistors, crystals & such in electronic equipment. Optimizing your glands makes it possible for you to vastly expand your
fields of perception & witness many things people are typically unaware of the existence of. Doing so will also have you accessing information
previously unacknowledged by even the most "intelligent" & "educated" of people in modern times. What did your friend have for breakfast? Where
are your children when you are apart & what are they doing? Where can you both find that product or opportunity you know you need to further your
success, & what are the best deal options "not on the menu"?
For decades, if not centuries, allopathic medicine practitioners proclaimed that the pineal gland was among other several vestiges of humanity's past
that have no relevance today, that the pineal gland was inert & irrelevant. In late 60s or early 70s, allopaths granted us permission to utilize our
pineal glands, for they had both discovered a secretion from it, & had converted that secretion into a patentable product. Such are the true motives
of allopathy & how constipated both truth & fact are while such intellectual, industrial, & informational bigotry rides predatiously upon the nature
of humanity & all life, denying truth & fact until an anticipated product development establishes the secretive knowers of such science in a selfishly
profitable momentum ... at the expense of humanity, human excellence & the furtherence of our, & other species.
Yogis have known for several thousand years what the pineal is about, & the influence developing it will do for the evolution of humanity. An active
factor in "third eye" development, optimizing the pineal gland awakens subtler realms of perception for practitioners of intuitional science. The
glands above affect the glands below, while a yogi, being a practical person, develops all their glands, or quiets them, concurrently in a progressive
Two factors interfere with the natural development & optimizaton of the pineal gland. We've already identified that allopathy spent centuries
denying it had any operative relevance in humans, whereas the pineal gland is the kingpin of what defines being human. The first factor that
interferes with pineal development has to do with the belief systems & mindframes of people, adults & cultures in which they live. Materialistic &
dogmatic mindsets will more rapidly debilitate subtler mind capabilities. Second to this stulting influence is the common factor of calcification of
the area around the pineal gland, with less nurturence getting to the gland, & less secretion coming from it.
Along with proper endocrinal exercises, yogasanas, one can vibrate the calcium from the pineal gland area. Roll your tongue back, pointing it toward
the roof of your mouth, then with a long deep breath, pronounce the sound "aauunnggg" till you feel an encompassing columnar vibrancy in the center
of your head.
[edit on 7-6-2010 by Mystical Sadhu]