posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 01:22 AM
Okay, I know that this is a dead horse now, but reading thought this has made me think of a few things. Just tossing out ideas, for the sake of
discussion, ya know?
First- the future / past tense…these issues should not be held against the story, unless the original Italian source is provided. For all we know
the OP is maybe what I would call a "D student" in English.
Second- images from the future...Do you think that they will still know how to encode JPG files in 2091? How many of you could play one of the
cylindrical records from 100 years ago. Or record an 8track tape for that matter? Text is a far better format for longevity.
Third- tech involved…if I were a betting man, I would say that something that could receive messages from the future would be connected in the
present. It would not have a crazy IP address, and the posts would not show up from whatever future city they were made from. They would show up
from the gateway that is rebroadcasting them out. That’s how *I* would do it, at least…