reply to post by retroskull
I was more missile than bomb ordinance in the Nam.
Napalm was primarily used to remove the oxygen from the lungs of the enemy.
I guess that is why I sorta subscribe to the A3 scenario.
The aircraft looks good enough at a quick glance, if the cosmetics are correct, to be mistaken for a commercial craft.
That baby could launch a missile, smart bomb or precise unmanned crash and fit almost any of the 911 criteria. A missile launch or smart bomb and a
fly over are also possible.
This is why I post the content below.
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New Documentary - 100% Proof - No Plane Hit Pentagon
By: plunger Tuesday June 16, 2009 5:26 am
A brand new Documentary irrefutably proves that a missile, fired from a jet, hit the Pentagon on 9/11 - the latter fleeing the area after the attack.
The attack jet was an A-3 Skywarrior from Raytheon's fleet, flown by a crack, US fighter pilot, disguised as an American Airlines Passenger jet. The
A-3 is designed to land on aircraft carriers, and eyewitnesses on this video recount that they saw a very low-flying aircraft flying very slowly,
wings wobbling, then banking right on final attack approach to the Pentagon - then throttling-up and bugging out of the area (simultaneous with the
explosion) after firing the missile. Karen Kwiatkowski and others instantly on the scene confirmed the aroma of cordite (high explosives).
Raytheon, maker of Patriot and Tomahawk missiles, watched its stock take off after the 911 attacks. Purchases of call options contracts on Raytheon
stock increased sixfold on September 10, 2001. Americans (too many) do not know that Raytheon executives were killed on 9-11, or at least wound up
permanently missing, which may be a more accurate way of saying it. It is who wound up missing that is most interesting.
Raytheon and 9/11
2001-09-11 Stanley Hall Raytheon Director of Electronic warfare program management. Raytheon did the retrofit of the A-3 that hit the Pentagon, where
Bush claimed Flight 77 hit it. Disappeared on American airlines Flight 77, the one that supposedly hit the Pentagon but did not.
2001-09-11 Peter Gay Raytheon VP of Electronic Systems on special assignment at the El Segundo, CA division office where the Global Hawk UAV remote
control system is made. Raytheon did the retrofit of the A-3 that hit the Pentagon, where Bush claimed Flight 77 hit it. Disappeared on American
airlines Flight 11, the one that supposedly hit the North World Trade Tower I.
2001-09-11 Kenneth Waldie Raytheon Senior Quality Control for Electronic Systems. Raytheon did the retrofit of the A-3 that hit the Pentagon, where
Bush claimed Flight 77 hit it. Disappeared on American airlines Flight 11, the one that supposedly hit the North World Trade Tower I.
2001-09-11 David Kovalcin Raytheon Senior Mechanical Engineer for Electronic Systems. Raytheon did the retrofit of the A-3 that hit the Pentagon,
where Bush claimed Flight 77 hit it. Disappeared on American airlines Flight 11, the one that supposedly hit the North World Trade Tower I.
2001-09-11 Herbert Homer Raytheon Corporate Executive working with the Department of Defense. Raytheon did the retrofit of the A-3 that hit the
Pentagon, where Bush claimed Flight 77 hit it. Disappeared on United airlines Flight 175, the one that supposedly hit the South World Trade Tower
These are not only the type of people but they are the people that would be assigned to UAV type projects involving Mode 4 and Mode 5 upgrades. Why
would they be in Boston and those planes coming from that direction and from north of Manhattan Island?
That 16 foot tunnel through three rings of the Pentagon is only made by a directional blast weapon. Rumsfeld has even slipped up and mentioned the
missile that hit the Pentagon.
Some have seen the Pentagon parking lot camera video and the white trail of smoke. Jets do now leave white trails of smoke at sea level, but Thiokol
powered AGMs do, at all altitudes.
When you see the security camera footage at the Pentagon, note that it does not include a plane, but does include a low-level white contrail,
precisely what would be expected from the exhaust of a Thiokol solid-fuel rocket motor - fired from a very low level.
FAA Chief, Norm Mineta, testified under oath before the 9/11 Commission that he personally witnessed Dick Cheney in the bunker beneath the White House
on 9/11 directing the events as the plane approached the Pentagon for at least the final 50 miles of its flight. Despite frantic calls from his
subordinates to do something, Cheney allowed the plane to approach the world's most highly fortified building, uncontested. Following Mineta's
testimony, he was fired.
The cab driver who claimed to have had his cab struck by a light post, allegedly sheered-off by the approaching jet-liner, admits on camera that his
wife works for the FBI, and the entire incident was staged to create a cover story for what ACTUALLY occurred at the Pentagon on 9/11. No jet hit any
light posts on 9/11. That was all staged the night prior.
The Inside Job is in fact, proven.
Attacking the messenger without actually watching the film is unacceptable. Watch this film and share it with everyone you know. The coverup is as
vast as the conspiracy. Everyone in Congress knows the truth. ALL OF THEM.