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IDF Shoots Man In Foot While Handcuffed; Video Banned From Youtube.

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posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 07:51 AM
Disclaimer: As elsewhere!

Explanation: Oh [expletive deleted by OM!]
I was going to mention that I had noticed that mike of WRH had put up a new post to this issue with a note saying "its gone viral!", but as I was writting this post up I just checked the WRH website and its strangely down???
I was going to say that he may have been monitoring the story webwide and noticed a spike on ATS and couldn't help himself but to post about it[us?]! Ahhh the plot thickens! [insert spooky music here!

Anyhow I best be getting on with the task I set myself [Oh what a Fool I was! :shk: I'm grumpy with myself now cause I can't bump my own thread and it so needs my attention desprately!
But I'm committed now and that means NO RESPITE FOR ME OR THEM AT ALL!
SHAZAM! errr uhm? I meant GO ATS POWER!

I just realized my letter to the defence minister is going to involve more than just one letter as we just recently had a change of ministers [some debarcle as usual!] and so the original minister is sitting on the back bench now and it happened under his stewardship and so I'm going to snailmail him as well. I'm basically going to just ask both the old and the new ministers if they and or the Department of Defence, were ever aware or made aware of this incident and if they or the DoD were aware or subsequently made aware of this incident, then what was their official position is on it!

Personal Disclosure: In fact I think that will be the basis of all my letters to my government and opposition officials and departments etc. Yay shortcut! WOOTNESS and other such I'm going to go test out my uncles HD camera and see if I can get it to work! Might come in handy if I actually go to the embassy for some answers! If I do get it working expect me to post a musical thread as a test before I post back here ok! It seems I'm the only one whose got me tight on a chokerchain ATM, so I've whined a bit and I'm a sucker for underdogs so I'm cutting myself some slack OK!

Edited emoticon.

[edit on 1-9-2009 by OmegaLogos]

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 01:08 PM
Nice and revealing post! Anyone noticed the lack of "Zombie Bump replies" to this thread? (Or am I just paranoid?)

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 01:12 PM
Guys, guys, guys...

Please, do your research before jumping to conclusions. This video was NEVER banned from youtube. In fact, it's been uploaded for well over a year and can be found here:

The Israeli soldier is cruely acting out of the bands of established international law, however. There is no way to justify his actions. It's an unfortunate side to those with power. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

These types of videos are littered throughout youtube. They're not banned...

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by timbucktoo

Also, here is a news report regarding the incident... ALSO on youtube.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 01:51 PM
I haven't read through the entire thread, only watched the video itself, but this seems nothing mOar than a Huge propaganda piece.

How in Hades did that soldier "shoot him in the foot" when his rifle IS "aimed" in an Entirely different direction!?

... far in back of and away from the individual, out of range of the camera's frame?


WELL behind and Away from the individual in "custody". !?

They're blindfolded, so perhaps it's more a case of them attempting to Influence or Coerce something from them. ?

Total BS with regards the "shoots man in foot" claim, Either way.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 02:10 PM
Hey lookie me, I can photoshop too!


posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by Annie Mossity
I haven't read through the entire thread, only watched the video itself, but this seems nothing mOar than a Huge propaganda piece.

The incident was/is under investigation (it's not a new scandal), and was published on BBC a few months ago.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by PsykoOps


SO much ... the wrong angle and or elevation ... nice try though. Not.

Given the soldier's proximity to the individual, the "shot" would have impacted Well behind them ... no where near their foot.

[to add]

They'd have had to be pointing the rifle Nearly straight down *hint*

[edit on 1-9-2009 by Annie Mossity]

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by ravenflt
The incident was/is under investigation (it's not a new scandal), and was published on BBC a few months ago.

Under investigation for what?

I'm by no means an Israeli "sympathizer" nor do I condone much of what happens or takes place in the region, but this "video" is absolute and utter nonsense .. the soldier Did Not shoot Anyone in the foot.

It's SO obvious it's beyond funny.

Carry on, though ... as I'm quite certain Many will.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by PsykoOps

Hey, there ya' go!!!
I didn't see Your post at first, and was in the same apparent shock You were...

reply to post by ravenflt

Thanks For pointing that out as well

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by Annie Mossity

The shooter is right next to the front door of the vehicle and the victim is well behind the truck. Try again later

Btw, that bullet was a plastic bullet and it did hit and take the guy down quite brutally.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 06:16 PM
that just makes me sick.
no morals at all.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by timbucktoo
Disclaimer: As elsewhere!

Explanation: Awesome work! I was so blindsided by what I had read here and on WRH that I failed to even consider that! Thanks for denying the ignorance I wasn't even aware of until you posted! YOU ROCK! Totally STARRED!

Personal Disclosure: HD vid works! MuHAHAHAHAH!

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by Annie Mossity

Why must I be a voice of reason yet again.

A) The Israeli military HAS admitted to the incident,
B) The snapshot you drew a line on isn't the frame from when the gun was fired, he angled it more inward,
C) Watch when it is fired - you can see the ripple in his jeans by his foot.

There is no debate here. While this IS being used, in part, as propaganda by the Palestinians, it doesn't make what happened false. What is with all you conspiracy theorists
and thinking that everything is one big conspiracy. Sometimes things are just black and white.

End of story.

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