posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 04:28 PM
Originally posted by open_eyeballs
reply to post by severdsoul
sure man, i think most of us would settle for such luxuries (land, house, no bills.....) must know the ownership of such things puts you
in the top 10% of the world richest..right?
the sad part is, if people were not chasing the dollar for all the things not needed and investing in things they do need, it could not only be
possible, but very real for a majority of the country.. look at how much cash we waste each year on gadgets and junk that we realy dont need.. I'm
guilty as the next, although i am very picky on what i waste cash on and how much real useful value i get from it. People buy new cars all the
time.. sure they are nice.. but do we realy need a $30K car? the most i have spent on a car is $6K cash. sure you have to do work to the cheaper
ones.. but new and sparkley is not always better.. Want a truck.. New Dodge 4x4 will run you $50K ... my old ford cost me $3k and runs like a top gets
me every where i want to go, on and off road.. sure it has a few dings from hunting, and is not shiney.. but in the end, its just a car..
but how would you react when put in a position that could make you ultra rich and powerful? or at least never have to worry about feeding your family
again for the rest of your life, and live in a world that treats you like a king?
not much a family man wouldnt do to put his family in that kind of situation...
You have a point there.. but i would suck at it.. once i had enough to support my family i would bail out and be gone... i'd like to say no way i
would do it, but it would be tempting. thats for sure.
Power, and treated like a king, naa not me.. i'm not that type of person.. I dont like the spot lite, or fame.. years ago use to play in a band,
nothing big , local only, i played bass because they needed someone, i enjoyed it, but after a few weeks, i got a wireless hook up for the guitar and
i would sit in the back and play.. while as they say being on stage is the biggest high you can have.. its not for me.. i'd rather blend in and not
be noticed and enjoy life.
[edit on 30-8-2009 by severdsoul]