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The Pineal Gland and the Third Eye Puzzle.

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posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by InfiniteOmnipresence
I think the pineal gland is simply the physical part of our body that is also referred to as the "mind's eye." I'm one of those crazies that believes that the pineal gland can receive information from other dimensions! I believe this due to personal experiences I had. I've only had 1 vision in my whole life, but it was the most intense experience I've ever had!

Count me in as one of the crazies! I don't know much about the third eye or the pineal gland, but I have done some chakra-meditations, and have found that the third eye is possibly the most psychically sensitive area. It's possible that the visions we experience during dreams etc. come from this area.

My advice to anyone attempting to open their third eye is to meditate habitually. Also, I find rubbing your forehead gently can help you tap into it.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by masqua

In other words, it acts exactly like the other two eyes most mammals have.

All I'm saying is that when we dream or visualize, then that is the pineal gland in action. We actually 'see' things that don'r exist in reality outside of our selves.

This has been playing on my mind somewhat. It may be the wording. Do we see things outside of reality or do we see things outside of our reality? Fine point I know, but a big difference. And, if that is the case, doesn’t it depend on what we see our reality to be? For example, to say that we all use our pineal gland to visualise and imagine is fair enough, but the scope of each individual must vary, or alternatively it becomes keener or more creative the more we attempt to push out of it. There may even be hereditary factors. For example, could a pineal gland only ever fed on airport novels and daytime soaps be capable of some of the feats of imagination that Leonardo Da Vinci produced? Therefore, though it is an inherent ability to us all, it is an ability that requires nurturing, and or developing, for it to realise it’s full potential.

I am wondering at what point we developed this skill, or if the pineal gland is something that goes back to when we were ‘sightless’. It could explain a lot.

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