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Feds go hog wild promoting swine-flu shots

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posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 10:54 PM
CDC spends $16 million on 'outreach' to convince Americans to get vaccine

With plush swine-flu toys stocked on its gift-shop shelves, citizens earning $50 to attend forums on the virus and an additional $50 for those willing to take a vaccine, it's a $16 million swine-flu shot bonanza hosted by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

As part of a massive public relations and research campaign, the CDC has been hosting as many as 10 swine flu forums in nine U.S. cities before Labor Day – and it is shelling out as much as $50,000 for a program that pays citizens $50 when they register early and attend the events.

I didn't find this on any other thread, but found it reassuring.

[edit on 29-8-2009 by googolplex]

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 10:58 PM
this money will disappear as fast as TARP money did...
with, or without a single shot 'fired'.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 11:01 PM
It's nice to see our hard earned $ @ work....NOT! First comes the 'fuzzy, cozy' incentive about their wonderful product....SOON it will change to: Horror! Get the shot or you will die!!! They are soooooooo predictible...but then so are the sheeple!

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by eventHorizon

By the phrase "Shots fired" I would think you mean people being forced to be vaccinated? If that is what you mean? Well, it's aleady being done in the UK, Australia and the homeless in the U.S. are taking the shots for $49.00... Look for them coming to your town soon lol

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by googolplex

I guess sometimes it could kinda be fun being stupid, but you don't want to push it too far.

Back off.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 11:14 PM
Plus they will pay you to be guinea pig, and there giving mutiple doses to people to see what is max dose, to kids also.
One of the symptoms can be paralysis, that's worth 50 bucks.

I missed link when first posted sorry

[edit on 29-8-2009 by googolplex]

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by son of total newbie
reply to post by googolplex

I guess sometimes it could kinda be fun being stupid, but you don't want to push it too far.

Back off.

If you can't read that's your prob, go collect your 50 bucks will be in your town soon.

Back on!

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 11:22 PM
Let anyone who wants to have the shot get the shot. Its that simple.

When they die a slow painful death without any healthcare covered under their symptoms then we can say..We we're right...We told you, you shouldn't have taken the vaccine.

I can't help but feel like this massive healthcare reform and vaccinations aren't somehow related in some obscene way I'm sure....

The CDC, just like the WHO is trying to instigate fear into the public to get these shots. Even though the facts aren't there and this virus itself is awfully suspicious.

I firmly believe the virus was manufactured in a lab somewhere as a biological weapon. Yet now- its clearly the vaccinne thats the problem. Let me remind you all that this vacinne contains traces of mercury- mercury in which in children can cause autism. So before you listen to your school district give you the old CDC shoot em up campaign...Think about your children.

As always- just simply stay away from needles.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 11:26 PM

Originally posted by googolplex

Originally posted by son of total newbie
reply to post by googolplex

I guess sometimes it could kinda be fun being stupid, but you don't want to push it too far.

Back off.

If you can't read that's your prob, go collect your 50 bucks will be in your town soon.

Back on!

A shot? No thank you. I saw someone die of GB syndrome, I tried to help them.

This topic is pretty wide and deep. What preservative is used for IV chemo? Hmmm.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by son of total newbie

Well I'm pretty sure it's not mercury, and as far as I know there is none.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by AceOfAces

"I can't help but feel like this massive healthcare reform and vaccinations aren't somehow related in some obscene way I'm sure....

The CDC, just like the WHO is trying to instigate fear into the public to get these shots. Even though the facts aren't there and this virus itself is awfully suspicious"

All this stuff is connected. It's part of the NWO de-population plan. The NWO people have openly said that there are too many people in the world, and that there should be a program of population control. Sometimes, world wars are the answer, sometimes a localized war helps, but sometimes you need a good old fashioned pandemic, or a plague to kill off millions. If one doesn't come along on it's on, you make one.

Now do you get the picture. You can have my place in line, no need to hurry, there will be plenty of shots for everyone, step right up.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by googolplex
reply to post by son of total newbie

Well I'm pretty sure it's not mercury, and as far as I know there is none.

Well that's pretty good. As long as you are sure.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by mrpotatohead
Sme people don't believe the Government is capable of Genocide, but this is from 1974, they must really be gung-ho now.

On Dec. 10, 1974, the U.S. National Security Council under Henry Kissinger completed a classified 200-page study, “National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests.” The study falsely claimed that population growth in the so-called Lesser Developed Countries (LDCs) was a grave threat to U.S. national security. Adopted as official policy in November 1975 by President Gerald Ford, NSSM 200 outlined a covert plan to reduce population growth in those countries through birth control, and also, implicitly, war and famine. Brent Scowcroft, who had by then replaced Kissinger as national security adviser (the same post Scowcroft was to hold in the Bush administration), was put in charge of implementing the plan. CIA Director George Bush was ordered to assist Scowcroft, as were the secretaries of state, treasury, defense, and agriculture

[edit on 29-8-2009 by googolplex]

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 11:56 PM
The V.A. has finally given up on giving me a damned flu shot after months of recorded messages every time the phone rang and me hanging up on them.... I took myself off of 2/3 of the stuff that they were giving me, went in for my annual physical and was told that my cholesterol and blood pressure had improved.... I also lost a great deal of weight and just feel better in general.... It is the pharmaceutical companies that are controlling the country more so than the elected officials.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by hypervigilant

Yea My one buddy went to VA and got last shot but I don't think he is going to get anymore.
He had that scope up the rear thing but at least he was in right place at right time, and didn't get HIV or Hep C.
He did have a mild stroke though, is that side effect of flu shot?

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 01:27 AM
reply to post by googolplex

I don't know about the stroke but I always read up everything that I can find on the net about medications and I am under he impression that a lot of times when you are prescribed something for one condition it will either create another or aggravate an existing low priority condition into something that is life threatening.... I was a physical and mental basket case expecting death to days away at any given moment.... There were quite a few guys my age that went to sleep and didn't wake up that were on some of the same meds that I was and I had to make some changes..... I think things are better now but I want to be able to feel better and more productive than I am and ingesting more chemicals certainly is the last thing I am going to do unless I am sure it is not hurting me and providing some benefit.

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