reply to post by EdCase512
By Not seeking the answers to the beginning of our root.
Does this not leave us in ignorance of ourselves and vulnerable ???
"Ignorance is bliss" so it is often suggested.
But not without its consequences!
What we know allows us to be.
But what we don't know kills us.
Some, or little knowledge is a very dangerous thing.
It is only by knowledge, that we remain.
It is a bit like dropping a person, whether male or female, in say the middle of jungle, completely alone and as you know, in most cases they die
within a few days, due to the lack of knowledge of themselves and their environment.
On the other hand, if that person was pre informed and had survival knowledge, they may be able to survive ?
If we are destroying our environment, as we are told, it is because of our ignorance, both of ourselves and our environment.
Perhaps by finding our root, we may be able to understand what we are and our environment (universe experience).
This could lead to freedom to explore our universe and ourselves ???
What I am suggesting is, that our universe, may or may not be, all there is to our real identity?
Many assume there is nothing else, because of ignorance i.e. not aware of anything else, because of lack of knowledge about themselves.
Just because we are lacking knowledge, does not necessarily provide understanding