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The Reptilian Connection

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posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 01:58 PM

The Reptilian Connection

I understand that. It is quite something to absorb from our conditioned version of reality. But, then, that is the very point. If you want to keep something from the people, give them a version of reality and possibility that is so far from what is really going on that even if the truth comes to light it will seem far too ludicrous and extreme for most people to believe it.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 01:58 PM
This article by David Icke about the reptilian connection suprised me. I myself believe that this world is controlled, its not a theory anymore its a fact. When I read this I related it to my understanding of how I view this materialistic fake world which we are truely not free from slavery. We are merely pawns in their big game of chess.

I don't want to give out too much infromation it's definitely worth the read.

I stumbled upon this while I was searching for the blood lines of the royal family.
I previously posted this on my blog...still trying to get the hang of the ATS controls.

I find it comforting to talk about this; skeptic or not it's good to express what you think. Normaly I just can't be open and talk about these type of topics people will critizied. Hope you ATS'ers enjoy

-feel free to leave comments.
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 29-8-2009 by G8tor]

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 02:20 PM
Imagine if livestock on our planet suddenly became very aware and realised our human intentions.
The panic would be inevitable they would become either very angry or feel very helpless.
The livestock would either attack their jailers or commit suicide to escape the torment
The human intent is to keep the cattle dumbed down.
Relate this to the reptilian agenda, its the food chain system of who sits at the top table controls proceedings.
It will always be the case keep the masses dumbed down fear etc.
What I write in this reply on this thread is so repeated here on ATS its not even a conspiracy anymore its plainly obvious in fact its groundhog day.
If you are not asleep its just covering old ground.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 02:53 PM
that's all it is, really. an ego based hierarchy of intelligence being used in push and pull to get the better of the "lesser" awares. if you feel that you may fall into the category of "dumber than your masters" you are not, you are in full control of yourself and that's what matters.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by thaknobodi
that's all it is, really. an ego based hierarchy of intelligence being used in push and pull to get the better of the "lesser" awares. if you feel that you may fall into the category of "dumber than your masters" you are not, you are in full control of yourself and that's what matters.

"Full control of onself"? So the matrix is nothing, pure imagination, just a joke, no obstacle?

[edit on 29-8-2009 by DeepSea]

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 03:51 PM
Hmmmm...Took this from the link:"These reptilian-human hybrid lines became the political and economic rulers of these lands occupied by the European empires and they continue to rule these countries to this day. The United States of America has been home to hundreds of millions of people since 1776. What's more, these people came from an amazingly diverse genetic pool. And yet, wait for this, the 42 who have become Presidents of the United States are all related!!! Thirty-Three of them alone go back to Charlemagne, one of the most famous monarchs of what we call France. He just happens to be a major figure in the story of these bloodlines and their expansion out of Britain, France, Germany, and elsewhere."

On my Mother's side, through geneology, we discovered that we were direct descendants of Charlemagne. Are you telling me that I'm related to these reptillians?????

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by DeepSea

it is what it is... whatever it is!

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by Night Star

I'm sure your family isn't in politics are they?
I'm not telling or saying to you that you are reptilian its just an article that I wanted to share here on ATS.
I'm pretty sure your not reptilian

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by headlightone

TPTB still run this world and our Governments. Mind you they are slowly taking away our freedoms.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 10:33 PM
As a matter of fact, I am re-reading that very book right now. And I didn't come to my belief about these creatures from David Icke either, but he has filled in a lot of blanks for me. I can directly relate to this, for I myself have been privy to not one, but three separate accounts from people who are beyond reproach who have told me of seeing them. One indecent was in the coal mines of Kentucky. One was from a man I knew in Viet Nam, during the war there, and one, the most recent, came from a good friend whose husband works on a military base. Oh yes, they are real, make no mistake about it. There are many out there who haunt these forums looking for threads like this one, they will attack and discredit anyone who speaks of this openly. I strongly believe this is where a lot of missing children are going to, and our own government is in league with these lizards. They look a lot like alligator/human mix, and some wear military uniforms. For those who really want to know, I suggest you read David's book. Contrary to popular belief, David is no crackpot, he comes off as an intelligent researcher who is telling things he has found. He is not afraid to name names either.

And the Truth Shall Set You Free: The 21st Century Edition

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by autowrench

The Truth shall set you free book is an amazing one I have only read it once but I do not own it i need to get my hands on it.
definitely on my christmas list.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 03:42 AM

Originally posted by Night Star
Hmmmm...Took this from the link:"These reptilian-human hybrid lines ... Thirty-Three of them alone go back to Charlemagne, one of the most famous monarchs of what we call France..." On my Mother's side, through geneology, we discovered that we were direct descendants of Charlemagne. Are you telling me that I'm related to these reptillians?????

1. Asking someone a question about YOURSELF without answering it yourself first, clever. How should G8tor, not knowing you in the least, be able to respond? By looking at your pretty avatar?


- The issue is not about being a "reptilian" but a reptilian hybrid with a higher DNA percentage.

- And if you're a direct descendant of big Charlie, you certainly are, unless your mother's side's DNA was intensely "mixed" with regular human DNA. Again a question only you can answer. Whereas the fact you know your genealogy so well indicates your family has been pretty aware of their very special genes and not too much mixing took place ...

- As other facts do. You have the ability to oobe ( Only "special bodies" can actually do that, especially without even "trying" ("...and I wasn't trying.").

- You seem to take life very easy, not caring a lot. And you seem to have the ability to reincarnate in a desired way ( ). Great. As you know regular humans can't and are forced to incarnate into miserable and woeful lifetimes.

So why the hidden mockery against the OP.

2. By the way, excuse me, it's f'ng easy to tell "regular" humans most of whom suffer all life long from hardship not to worry and to take it easy, while you yourself have enough money/good relations/work opportunities/and so on, and above all the opportunity to incarnate at will and/or at least not getting your memory wiped after death, which is a horrible crime committed against humans. It's damn easy to "relax" and tell others not to "get lost in speculations and philosophy" ( and to "not fear death" ( so long as all those crimes are committed against THEM and not against yourself.

[edit on 30-8-2009 by DeepSea]

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 06:50 AM
This video tells it all. It's not ridiculous to mention the reptilian bloodlines, it's ridiculous to deny and not to mention them.

Many affiliates of the reptilian clique don't directly support the evil doers, but they do support their lies and the whole cover up "just a little" here and "just a little" there in order to keep their personal privileges. Now, who's ACTUALLY greedy, the crazy reptilian clique who want almost everything for themselves or the suppressed humans?

[edit on 30-8-2009 by DeepSea]

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by DeepSea

Ok haven't seen this mentioned so here it goes.

You put up a list of reptilians or believed to be reptilians. I'll get DNA from one of them. Send it to David and he can pay for testing.

The most pathetic part about this all if it's real and we are been ruled by reptiles is that David has never taken the fight to them. If I thought we were being ruled by the reptilians and it was my believe I would have got the proof ages ago.

These people are rich,they have bodyguards. Bodyguards do not go around cleaning up DNA trails. Rich people even have dustbins too. I don't like the circles that this subject is stuck in at the moment. So put your list up and lets start actually doing something.

My personal take on the rich elite,they rich and don't worry about day to day things. They are more concerned about how things look around the house and that their cars are washed everyday or that the tennis match hasn't been canceled due to bad weather than they are about the condition of the world. They have been rich forever and have never had a normal life. The poor children can't even play on their tricycles on their own grounds without being watched over because its so 'dangerous'. The people can not even move without being watched. Inside the house or outside.

So please put that list out for me and lets close this damn subject once and for all. If the Bloombergs are on that list I can have your evidence by next week and no they are not my clients I just see the family a lot. Can't believe that David hasn't done this all himself except he knows that their blood is no different than ours.

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by RankRancid
"The most pathetic part about ....
.... lets close this damn subject once and for all."

"Pathetic"? "Damn subject"? Calm down, I'm not impressed. The fact that so many get upset by the mere mentioning of this subject - or/and try to ridicule it so intensely - is clear PROOF of its depths and that it certainly is no tale. Why get upset if something is nonexistent. And vice versa.

"... have your evidence .. "

Excuse me, WTF do we need more evidence for????? We have thousands of historical facts, videos (educational, movies, news, documentations, tv-recordings), books, personal statements (e.g. of ATS members in this thread for instance:, pictures, interviews (e.g. the video in my post above), alien related facts, political backgrounds & contexts, the genetical background (Sitchin, Maxwell, Icke, Swerdlow), "inexplicable" bone relics. It's even in the Bible. And, we have our own eyes, can watch/download thousands of videos from the U.S. and many countries showing personalities sporting reptilian eyes, e.g. Merkel and Sarkozy are members of the club. And it's not some "pixel problem". It's damn reality.

Btw most of them are no real "reptilians", they just have more (varying percentage) reptilian DNA than regular human bodies, as explained by Swerdlov in the video above.

"... You put up a list of reptilians or believed to be reptilians ..."

No I didn't. Btw want a very quick list? The Obama team, the Bush family, Nancy Pelosi, Ben Bernanke, Henry "big bailout" Paulsen, Mark Knopfler, Paul McCartney (, watch his eyes), Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal, Michael Schumacher, Ayrton Senna, Brangelina, Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston, Britney Spears, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Robert Monroe (, watch his eyes), Richard Gariott, Angela Merkel, Mr+Mrs Sarkozy, countless politicians/MSM staff/actors ( or And so on. And btw, many posters on the many forums of this world ...

[edit on 31-8-2009 by DeepSea]

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 02:53 PM
I just want to ask a couple of questions.
a) Say good guys come and rescue us "cattle" from reptilian oppressors. You seriously think that there would be nor rich/poor, leader/crowd, happy/depressed? No wars, poverty,hunger? What exactly would change?
b) What those good guys would do to bad people (reptilians/hybrids) and how would good guys know who is bad and who is not? You do not show any need for real proof, only gut feeling and problematic genealogy connection.

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 11:36 PM
britney spears huh?

damn we better watch out

sorry dude.
i think the whole nwo thing is quite enough. although i hate using that title, its pretty obvious that thats the plan. however i see no reason for aliens to be involved in fact i would see it much more likely as the governments of the world claiming we're being attacked by aliens when we're not.

although hey i'll read the evidence to anything

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by whateverponcho
britney spears huh? damn we better watch out

You mean I should have left out the ones that "don't sound good"? Excuse me, I didn't create reality, I just describe it.

And, are you asserting "reptilians" should always be male, evil looking, have a deep voice, can't sing and always wear underwear?

Is this one evil enough looking for you to be acceptable as a "reptilian":


Try harder, buddy.

[edit on 1-9-2009 by DeepSea]

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by DeepSea

First off I'm sorry those words I used were a little too blunt for you but if I didn't use them I wouldn't be me.

Secondly I was being dead serious and in no way trying to attack what you believe, I was in fact trying to come up with a solution and that was the best one present.

All the evidence that you speak of has not woken the world up to the fact that reptiles run the world. If this is the case why are we not fighting back? Why are we here posting on the net?

Like I said the first time if I BELIEVED regardless of how many people I have standing with me or how many believe it to be true, I will take the fight to them. I would not be posting here giving the enemy even more time to gain strength.

Are we on the same page here yet?

Of all the conspiracies out there this is by far the easiest one to solve due to the fact that these 'reptilians' are all around us.

I noticed your list had more celebrities on it than politicians which then brings me to this question. Do you believe the world elite to be stars?

Could Britney not have just shape shifted her breasts to another size or is that against the rules. Why did she change the shape of her nose? Are reptilians as fickle about their looks as we are? Was the plastic surgeon a reptilian too?

You put Whitney on that list. Does that make Bobby a reptilian? When he beats Whitney is that still domestic violence? Or should I be giving him thanks for being the only one with balls big enough to fight the reptilians? Or is he just a prick for beating women?

Aryton Senna died in front of the worlds view,not one person saw him shape shift the first time his heart flat lined. Old schumi is just so good with him I think you could be on to something.

I was being dead serious here and I think you are just screwing me around here putting that list up. If you want to be real about this and actually try to solve something in your lifetime you can u2 a list to me.

Quick question about your last pic posted. Is that guy a reptilian?

[edit on (2/9/09 by RankRancid]

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by DeepSea

Originally posted by Night Star
Hmmmm...Took this from the link:"These reptilian-human hybrid lines ... Thirty-Three of them alone go back to Charlemagne, one of the most famous monarchs of what we call France..." On my Mother's side, through geneology, we discovered that we were direct descendants of Charlemagne. Are you telling me that I'm related to these reptillians?????

1. Asking someone a question about YOURSELF without answering it yourself first, clever. How should G8tor, not knowing you in the least, be able to respond? By looking at your pretty avatar?


- The issue is not about being a "reptilian" but a reptilian hybrid with a higher DNA percentage.

- And if you're a direct descendant of big Charlie, you certainly are, unless your mother's side's DNA was intensely "mixed" with regular human DNA. Again a question only you can answer. Whereas the fact you know your genealogy so well indicates your family has been pretty aware of their very special genes and not too much mixing took place ...

- As other facts do. You have the ability to oobe ( Only "special bodies" can actually do that, especially without even "trying" ("...and I wasn't trying.").

- You seem to take life very easy, not caring a lot. And you seem to have the ability to reincarnate in a desired way ( ). Great. As you know regular humans can't and are forced to incarnate into miserable and woeful lifetimes.

So why the hidden mockery against the OP.

2. By the way, excuse me, it's f'ng easy to tell "regular" humans most of whom suffer all life long from hardship not to worry and to take it easy, while you yourself have enough money/good relations/work opportunities/and so on, and above all the opportunity to incarnate at will and/or at least not getting your memory wiped after death, which is a horrible crime committed against humans. It's damn easy to "relax" and tell others not to "get lost in speculations and philosophy" ( and to "not fear death" ( so long as all those crimes are committed against THEM and not against yourself.

[edit on 30-8-2009 by DeepSea]

Hidden mockery against the op???? Good grief, That was not my intention at all!! As for the out of body travel, it happened only once in my entire lifetime. I am 51 years old!

My family and I do not feel we have special genes. LOL We are as human as anyone else.

I take life very easy, not caring a lot??? Are you kidding me? I have struggled most of my life and worked my butt off for many, many years. I have been unemployed for a year and my husband has been on disability for almost as long. Easy?

I seem to have the ability to reincarnate in a desired way ??? As I know regular humans can't and are forced to incarnate into miserable and woeful lifetimes??? What are you talking about? Believe me I have had my fair share of woe and then some.

You said: "2. By the way, excuse me, it's f'ng easy to tell "regular" humans most of whom suffer all life long from hardship not to worry and to take it easy, while you yourself have enough money/good relations/work opportunities/and so on, and above all the opportunity to incarnate at will and/or at least not getting your memory wiped after death, which is a horrible crime committed against humans. It's damn easy to "relax" and tell others not to "get lost in speculations and philosophy" I am as human as anyone else!!! I have known hardship! I was trying to ease some people's mind. We as humans can get so overwhelmed, so frightened. Sometimes we need to hear something positive or inspiring or insightful from each other. So many people have spent their entire lives worrying about death. I was just trying to help.

I don't understand why you attacked me so harshly, but I hope now you understand. I am no different than any other human being here. Most people who know me say how sweet and thoughtful I am and I come here and it's like whoa! What the hell did I say? I will try to be more articulate next time.

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