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H1N1 Specific Involuntary Quarantine Orders

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posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by bluecuddle
Well here it is in black and white specific to H1N1 this is Iowa's pdf.
So far this is the only State specific send you away quarantine order i have found.

The Iowa Department of Public Health (Department) has determined that you have had contact with a person with Novel Influenza A H1N1. Novel Influenza A H1N1 is a disease which is spread from person to person and is associated fever (greater than 100.0 F), cough, sore throat, rhinorrhea (runny nose), nasal congestion, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Novel Influenza A H1N1 presents a risk of serious harm to public health and if it spreads in the community severe public health consequences may result.

The Department has determined that it is necessary to quarantine your movement to a specific facility to prevent further spread of this disease. The Department has determined that quarantine in your home and other less restrictive alternatives are not acceptable because [insert the reason home quarantine is not acceptable, the person violated a previously issued home quarantine order, the person does not have an appropriate home setting conducive to home quarantine, etc.] The Department is therefore ordering you to comply with the following provisions during the entire period of quarantine:

This is getting Scary.

This smelled fishy to me. Google search on the document and whois on the domain raised further questions. The website cited for the source of the document does not appear legit. ( )? Could this just as easily be a sham, and the real domain is or something similar? People can do that, and redirect you. There is a date in the lower right corner of the doc, which is in a different font. Suspicious to me. And the order is already signed....yet no printed name appears below it, which would be standard for gov doc...and no date of signing given. Again, also standard.

I was able to find what was the original document, which it appears someone has altered the wording to "H1N1" and a few other items in order to stir up conspiracy and no doubt discredit and mis-inform you. Here is the link to the real Iowa DPH:

I really appreciate it if conspiracy theorists would at least take it to google or snoops for crying out loud, before you start passing around as fact, what is clearly a questionable document. Such contingencies for such orders do exist...and they have for a long long time. But, someone has taken to trying to willfully deceive or discredit by changing the wording of the current IDPH document, to make it look like something nefarious is pending with reagrd to swine flu.

Do the research people before you get your panties in a wad over documents like this! I'm watching people on the internet pass this around like a damn internet STD.

From someone who previously held a TS-SCI clearance

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 01:19 AM
YES - Everyone of us sees the same thing - we know exactly what is going to happen here. Some of our more positive brothers and sisters ask a question that says, this is all a puzzle, what is missing...

I have an answer for that... The only thing that is missing is AN OFFENSE.

I do not believe that the wealthy elite of our world are looking out for our best interest in any way shape or form, and if they have the nerve to force our children in public schools to take this shot which may kill them or cause them to become autistic - then I say lets storm their mansions in the middle of the night and force them to take the same poison they would give to us.

Sitting back afraid and being directed into cattle cars, bringing us to concentration camps as the Jews were in NAZI Germany is not a fate we should allow... But put the blame on the right people! Get the Who's Who in the Social Registry from your local library and KEEP IT. We need to know where to go, and who put this plague on us.

Some innocents may be lost in them, but until the ones with the money and power begin to stand up for us - LET IT BE!!!

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 01:29 AM
This just goes to show that when feeding from the internet trough, exercise due dilligence, since anybody can pour whatever slop they want into it !

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by DieterDengler

...Get the Who's Who in the Social Registry from your local library and KEEP IT. We need to know where to go, and who put this plague on us.

Some innocents may be lost in them, but until the ones with the money and power begin to stand up for us - LET IT BE!!!

Spoken like a true Che Guevara wanna-be


posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 01:49 AM
reply to post by visible_villain

I did some playing around and I think it might actually be legit, check it out (these urls need to be seen in their entirety to understand so i omitted the http:// part):

Official CDC URL:

Add phlp to the end of it: and it goes to a cdc Public Health Law Program website (phlp)

The URL the OP posted:
is the same root url: that the official webhost redirects to when you add the phlp to the url.

Take the original URL the OP posted and remove the /phlp directory: and it goes back to the website.

If the redirect from the wierd was one-way, meaning it only redirected to the official website and not vice-versa I would find it highly questionable, but to have the cdc website direct to the Public Health Law Program that hosted on the host when you add the phlp tot he url puts it out of the realm of a simple hack.

I tried getting a full listing of what is in the /docs directory but they restricted access to it and I don't want to be caught "intruding" on an official gov website or I might end up like Gary McKinnon.

I would say the document exists on a cdc government server, whether someone put it there or its really some official draft I have no idea.


posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 01:55 AM

Originally posted by Fireside3

Originally posted by DieterDengler

...Get the Who's Who in the Social Registry from your local library and KEEP IT. We need to know where to go, and who put this plague on us.

Some innocents may be lost in them, but until the ones with the money and power begin to stand up for us - LET IT BE!!!

Spoken like a true Che Guevara wanna-be


Right, and YOU registered TODAY - who do you wannnbe - NSA piece of S**t

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 02:07 AM
Well if you all have been reading the several posts/threads about the swine flu and its hysteria, I believe the legislature in Massachusetts had been trying to pass said bill years before the swine flu "pandemic." As for Iowa, that is a little more suspicious to me. I don't like that garbage at all. My only question is, how do you enforce these rules? ?I believe someone said it best, it is a tool for separation. Those who will obey versus those who will not.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 02:26 AM
reply to post by Jesus H Christ

You know I use that same approach to my job. I am a transit driver in Vancouver and those that know Vancouver will attest to the daily crap we have to put up with ie..Homeless, drunks, addicts and such. We are told in training to be passive and just let it go. However, that doesn't work in practical terms. I never have to throw a punch or anything. Letting the trouble makers know that I'm in charge and leaving them with little doubt about that fact.

The same above applies to our governments. I think now is a good time especially to be reminding our politicians who they really work for. We can take their cushy lives away from them pretty quickly if we choose to.

I'll go to jail before the government tells me I have to put something in my body that I don't choose to do. I'd rather take my chances with the actual virus than risk all the side-effects from the vaccine. I'll happily quarantine myself at home.

The world is f-ed up and getting worse as the weeks go by.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 03:52 AM
From the Massachusetts document, Section 13, from line 388 on.

An officer authorized to serve criminal process may arrest without a warrant any person whom the officer has probable cause to believe has violated an order for isolation or quarantine and shall use reasonable diligence to enforce such order.

...No law enforcement authority or medical personnel shall be held criminally or civilly liable as a result of an act or omission carried out in good faith in reliance on said order.

Such provisions should only ever be made in the case where flesh eating zombies overrun the nation. And even than I'd rather call in a red mini-skirt wearing zombie killing hot chick, than "officers authorized to serve criminal process"

I think that one blew my bull-poo detector fuse.

Kind regards, M.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 05:01 AM
This is getting bigger and bigger by the day. And it is accelerating in a rapid speed.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 05:28 AM
What a bunch of crap. If the government wants to exterminate people, it's not going to use a flu vaccine to do it. It would be kind of silly to exterminate its own people. With a flu vaccine, it would be impossible to be selective about who you're killing. You really wouldn't want to wipe out everyone. You need some folks to do the work, right?

The current H1N1 flu going around is mild, as we know. This means nothing. What TPTB are worried about - and with some cause - is that the flu might mutate into something far deadlier this coming flu season. The main reason they worry about that is simply because that's what happened with H1N1 during the Great Pandemic. Its first incarnation went through the world and sickened a few, killing very few people. Then, for reasons we don't know, it turned deadly and killed somewhere between 50 and 100 million people within about a year. This was back in 1918-1919, when the world's population was only about 1.5 billion; and when the main route of travel was by land or sea. Even so, the flu managed to spread throughout the world and kill its millions.

In modern terms, a similar outbreak could kill half a billion people. Since travel is largely by air now, flu will reach everywhere within a few days, instead of a few weeks or months.

Since we don't know why the flu turned so deadly in 1918, it is entirely possible that this H1N1 will simply be a normal flu season, with no unusual deaths. That's what happens most of the time with flu - we have a few fatalities, a lot of people miserably ill for a few days, and nothing worse. Chances are, this season will be like that.

But if the flu turns deadly, you're going to have a huge number of critically ill people all at the same time, which will result in an overwhelmed public health system. Not only will people be dying of the flu, they'll also be dying of other diseases and injuries simply because they couldn't get timely medical care.

To compound matters, the Pandemic Flu killed young, healthy people. Most flu kills the weaker people, the elderly, the very young, those who are suffering from other illnesses. The Pandemic Flu caused the immune system to attack the body, which wound up killing the people who were in the peak of health - those in their twenties and thirties. This added to the problems by sickening and killing the people who would otherwise have been the best able to help out.

Sure, maybe this is all a huge plot by the government to scare everyone into taking the vaccines, so that the government can exterminate - well, whoever they want. But that makes almost no sense. It would be simpler, easier, and more efficient to simply infect the population with some disease, and blame it on terrorists. Trying to give everyone a shot is about the dumbest way to go about it. It's expensive, inefficient, and impossible to blame on terrorists.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 06:05 AM

Originally posted by mikerussellus
Seasonal flu has a death rate much higher.

So far.

In 1918 the killer mutation didn't get started until the following fall.
So we won't know what is going to happen with this virus until November or so.

It could fizzle.
It could explode.
Or it could be just like the regular flu as far as numbers are concerned.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 07:13 AM
Be sure to alert ATS with areas and scanner freqs of where you gys are, so when they come around and round you up, I can get the popcorn ready and sit back listening to it over the net.

It sounds as if you're all doomed. No hope, dont fight it, it will only make it worse.

So, I'll get the popcorn, you guys let me know when it starts. I don't wanna miss the fun!!

(read - aww you already know it's sarcasm, and you know why.... but it's just like watching rabbits in headlights..)

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 09:05 AM
It appears the document referenced in the OP was only the tip of the iceberg. Does this little tidbit bother anyone else?

Mission, Goals, and Strategies

The Program’s mission is to advance the public’s health through law.

The Program has three strategic goals:
  • To improve the understanding and use of law as a public health tool
  • To develop CDC’s capacity to apply law to achievement of its Health Protection Goals
  • To develop the legal preparedness of the public health system to address all public health priorities
The Program employs five broad strategies toward those goals:
  • Developing practical, law-centered tools for practitioners and policy makers in all relevant sectors
  • Engaging practitioners and policy makers in identifying priorities and in developing and applying legal tools
  • Addressing all four core elements of public health legal preparedness: laws and legal authorities; competencies; coordination across sectors and jurisdictions; and, scientific and best-practices information
  • Providing consultation to CDC programs and partners
  • Establishing partnerships linking CDC and all partners active in public health law

(formatting for BB Code mine)

I came across this by checking the rest of the website. I simply removed each subfolder in the address one at a time until I found one with an index page.

The actual domain is The initial www2a is a sub-domain which is a part of the domain. I know of no way to access a subdomain without having access to the domain itself.

I am wondering: the CDC is a national entity, while Iowa is obviously a state. Why is there a state legal form on a national website? Is Iowa being held out somehow as a model for other states? The excerpt listed above would seem to suggest the entire purpose of this www2a subdomain is to push for additional legal powers to 'protect public health'.

I am even wondering if the www2a subdomain is a proposal, not really intended to be the official site until needed. The site under www2a could be prepared in advance and quickly used to replace www2. As a matter of fact, I just went back and looked, and it appears this has been done: I could successfully replace the www2a with www2 in any of the pages I checked and the same page was displayed.

One other thing I want to address before I wrap this post up: several people have declared their willingness to fight, with deadly force if necessary, any attempt to enforce a similar quarantine order. Good luck; you're gonna need it.

It won't be like you are thinking. It won't be a line of police cars parked along your street with officers hunkered down behind the cars shooting at you, with you safely tucked away in a makeshift bunker. It will be a delivery by a police officer similar to a summons, then a court order for your arrest if you do not appear. They'll get you when you're stopped for a traffic ticket or just in a simple roadblock checkpoint, and not for quarantine.

"Would you step out of the car, please? We have a bench warrant for your arrest"
"A warrant? For what?"
"Failure to Appear. Please place your hands behind your back, sir. you have the right to remain silent..."


[edit on 8/30/2009 by TheRedneck]

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 09:05 AM
In an attempt to find out if the Iowa document is real or not, I tried to find someone with the name shown on the quarantine order within the Iowa Department of Public Health. I'm not sure if the doctor's name is Patrick Quintin, Patrice Quintin, or something else entirely, but I can't find a name remotely resembling the one on the form. I'm not ready to call it a hoax yet, but would appreciate it if someone else would take a stab at deciphering that signature at the bottom of the form. Thanks!

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

And that is why we most question the government, WHO and big pharma about their testing vaccine, that they want to shot up peoples butt in a hurry.

But If history is going to repeat itself, by October or early Nov, is when the new untested vaccine will be introduced to mass population by then A mutation of the virus will not be stopped by any of the vaccines that will be available because the big pharma doesn't have a clue of how the mutation will go.

So actually we will survive the swine flu going around now without vaccine but any mutation we will be exposed no matter what vaccine or not vaccine.

And as with everything in this world the same way that people got over the deadly one before our time so we will too.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 11:39 AM
Someone asked earlier about the signature on the pdf. I googled the medical director for Iowa public health and her name is Patricia Quinlisk. So at least this part is true so it may not be a hoax.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 12:03 PM
D9M* straight it is getting scary. You know when they do this is when they will take down the internet so people cannot communicate with one another! I don't understand why all the legislators are going for it and voting it in?

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by tjrod

Thanks, TJROD! When I first read enough of the thread to believe it was true, I sent an e-mail to my family members in Iowa. Then I read that it was likely a hoax, and I had to send them another e-mail to say forget what I sent before. Now I don't know what to think! But I appreciate your finding what I could not. My geek husband says even with an apparently valid CDC link, I should not trust the document because it would be very easy for someone to hack in and create that. Who knows what web info to believe anymore?

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by chiron613
What a bunch of crap. If the government wants to exterminate people, it's not going to use a flu vaccine to do it. It would be kind of silly to exterminate its own people. With a flu vaccine, it would be impossible to be selective about who you're killing. You really wouldn't want to wipe out everyone. You need some folks to do the work, right?

The current H1N1 flu going around is mild, as we know. This means nothing. What TPTB are worried about - and with some cause - is that the flu might mutate into something far deadlier this coming flu season. The main reason they worry about that is simply because that's what happened with H1N1 during the Great Pandemic. Its first incarnation went through the world and sickened a few, killing very few people. Then, for reasons we don't know, it turned deadly and killed somewhere between 50 and 100 million people within about a year. This was back in 1918-1919, when the world's population was only about 1.5 billion; and when the main route of travel was by land or sea. Even so, the flu managed to spread throughout the world and kill its millions.

In modern terms, a similar outbreak could kill half a billion people. Since travel is largely by air now, flu will reach everywhere within a few days, instead of a few weeks or months.

Since we don't know why the flu turned so deadly in 1918, it is entirely possible that this H1N1 will simply be a normal flu season, with no unusual deaths. That's what happens most of the time with flu - we have a few fatalities, a lot of people miserably ill for a few days, and nothing worse. Chances are, this season will be like that.

But if the flu turns deadly, you're going to have a huge number of critically ill people all at the same time, which will result in an overwhelmed public health system. Not only will people be dying of the flu, they'll also be dying of other diseases and injuries simply because they couldn't get timely medical care.

To compound matters, the Pandemic Flu killed young, healthy people. Most flu kills the weaker people, the elderly, the very young, those who are suffering from other illnesses. The Pandemic Flu caused the immune system to attack the body, which wound up killing the people who were in the peak of health - those in their twenties and thirties. This added to the problems by sickening and killing the people who would otherwise have been the best able to help out.

Sure, maybe this is all a huge plot by the government to scare everyone into taking the vaccines, so that the government can exterminate - well, whoever they want. But that makes almost no sense. It would be simpler, easier, and more efficient to simply infect the population with some disease, and blame it on terrorists. Trying to give everyone a shot is about the dumbest way to go about it. It's expensive, inefficient, and impossible to blame on terrorists.

This is not 1918. We can transplant arms, put artificial valves into your heart, etc. Diseases that would have killed you in 1918 won't kill you now. This is overkill for the current virus. People at the WHO love to cry out about pandemics because that is their job and they see the world through the spectacles of worst case scenario. If they didn't act like the sky is falling then no one would listen. Think Alex Jones or Glenn Beck. They make mountains out of molehills (sometimes) else no one would listen.

Now, whether this is the government purposefully kicking off population control is another matter entirely. I always distrust governments because governments historically always go bad.

Here are my theories:

1) EVENT: accidentally leak of bioweapon-- REACTION: Wow! Let's use this to help our friends make money and boost the economy, and help us consolidate power by creating fear
2) EVENT: purposeful release of bioweapon--REACTION: Wow! Let's use this to help our friends make money and boost the economy, and help us consolidate power by creating fear

People always take advantage of every situation. Whether or not it was intentional (the release of this virus) someone will make it lean to their advantage. Is the vaccine intended to harm us? I'm not sure I believe it, but I also believe they don't care if it does as long as there is money to be made and they can say they were only trying to help.

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