posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 08:21 AM
I have been thinking again lately and somethineg has crossed my mind. I really would like to know your thoughts on this.
It is undeniable that we can measure the speed of almost everything. I am not sure if we can measure the speed the Earth is flying through the
Universe, but we can measure the speed that it rotates and almost every other speed associated with it.
We can measure the speed of a race car, an olympic athlete, a regular person walking, a turle, or anything that we want to.
There are parameters set up for this diagnosis of speed. formulas used to determine the speed relative to stop. But we usually all miss the most
important one; the Speed of Life.
All of the measurements have to have an environment to occur in. Life. The rate at which we progress.
When you measure a light beam you have to have a basis for it. If it were going 2 miles an hour, it would be much different, but it would still be
moving through time.
At the speed light travels now it can still be measured, so it must still be traveling through the parameters that we live by.
Some may say there are things that move faster, but we can't see them. I can buy that, but they too are moving slower then we live from one instance
to the next.
Theoretically, if an object (void of any speed or mass consequences) were to move faster than we live - from moment to moment - what would happen to
Would it go back in time, would it cease to exist? If it were so fast that when it left it's start point it moved faster than the smallest
measurement of time, what would happen to its existence? You would think that a new measurement of time would have been made by the speed of this
object, but if it were to move faster than that too, what would happen to it?
That is what I don't understand. Where would this object be if it moved faster than time elapses? Would it vanish into another dimension, would it
create a solid line the size of itself from one side of the universe to the other?
If any of you can help me out with this thought, please, don't hesitate to respond.
[edit on 29-8-2009 by esteay812]