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New York Times - racist attacks on white Americans and just plain old bias

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posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 02:31 AM

Originally posted by die_another_day
Quit complaining, white people suffered the least throughout history.

O rly? Not that it really matters either way, but that's an absurd statement if you know anything about history.

Originally posted by die_another_day
Actually, they're the ones causing all the misery.

Equally as absurd and pointless (perhaps even racist) as your first statement...


Originally posted by EMPIRE
One of the worst things to happen to this country, at this time in history, was the selection of someone non-white. I say this because many in this country are blind racists

I wonder how Obama got elected then...
It's a mystery to me...
The world may never know.

Originally posted by EMPIRE
Many of these people say and do nothing when we commit crimes against other nations, but as soon as their health care, 401k, white picket fence, baseball and good ole apple pie are in danger of being flushed down the crapper

Obama's threatening our apple pie?
I may have to adopt a racist attitude after all!
Anything to protect my apple pie!

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 07:32 AM
White House to shift efforts on civil rights
Justice Department plans to revive focus on policies that impact minorities

The agency’s critics cite the downsizing of a voter intimidation case involving the New Black Panther Party, an investigation into whether an Arizona sheriff’s enforcement of immigration laws has discriminated against Hispanics, and the recent blocking of a new rule requiring Georgia voters to prove their citizenship. (Under the Bush administration, the division had signed off on a similar law requiring Georgia voters to furnish photographic identification, rejecting criticism that legitimate minority voters are disproportionately more likely not to have driver’s licenses or passports.)

Hmm... Something to watch very-very closely. I wonder where this may lead? Only time will tell.

Obama couldn't win the healthcare debate, so he is using the race card to gain policy? Something to watch very carefully.

So, Obama the radical has finally surfaced?

[edit on 1-9-2009 by Pathos]

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 08:48 AM
If you say anything against Obama or his policies, it seems like there is always someone just waiting and watching to say "oh, you're racist because you spoke out against Obama", etc., when it has nothing to do with racism at all. That is a very dangerous thing, when your freedom of speech is suppressed. The race card gets so old. How can people be so brainwashed?

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by TruthParadox

I wonder how Obama got elected then...
It's a mystery to me...
The world may never know.

Who says Obama was elected?

Obama's threatening our apple pie?
I may have to adopt a racist attitude after all!
Anything to protect my apple pie!

According to some posters, and thousands of people at the meetings and protest, he is doing that and a lot more. I myself happen to like apple pie, a lil bit of cinnamon, the right flavor vanilla ice cream, and I'm good to go.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 05:11 PM
It is pathetic that the powers that be purposely put a black man in the oval office in order to push through their socialistic agenda so that anytime rational citizens go against it, they can play the race card! How pathetic.

For whatever reason, the past 2 decades, the media has been attacking the white man. And people allow it. If the roles were reversed, there would be all kinds of reverends and media outlets going to the defense of the non-white citizens.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by vor78
Its hardly new. They've been doing it for the last 18 months. If you don't support Obama, the only possible reason is racism. As I said in another thread, ridicule, and in this case, name-calling, is much easier than arguing the facts. And they dare call the opposition 'ignorant'?

Oh well. At this point, the media has exposed its bias so much that they're only preaching to the choir. Everyone else has left them. One look at their financial statements provides evidence of that.

Good post and it proves that many white americans who vote for Obama are really spineless and have no balls to stand up for what is right. Obama is just furthering the Bush agenda. It is amazing how many stupid people can not see that.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by concerned190
I didn't like the Clinton Administration
I didn't like the Bush Administration
I don't like the Obama Administration
I didn't Vote for McCain or Obama
I don't like McCain
I don't like white trash or black trash or mexican trash or any other trash out there.
I like people who strive to make something of themselves and work hard to get where they want to be. I don't like when people of any race don't strive to make the world and themselves better, people who live off the system and take what they can and think they deserve more. I don't think the system should help people who don't help themselves and try hard to make themselves and their lives better by giving them handouts and jobs reguardless of race religion age sex it should be based on expierence and hard work. Everyone of every race should strive to make themselves the best they can be. Unfortunately not everyone does and people of all races take and feel they deserve more.

Good post, Concerned. And one I can whole-heartedly agree with.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by useless eaters

Basically, its the johnny come latelies that grinds my gears. Ever since this health care reform came up, people are coming out of the woodworks. But when ashcroft tried and successfully pushed through his patriot act not to mention the creation of homeland security (what the hell does the nsa and fbi do) everyone sits on their hands..

So frustrating.

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by jkm1864
I have not failed to notice the bias. I love being called a racist white extremist. So since I don't want to pay another red cent in taxes I shall be labeled a terrorist? So what about all those people on welfare? Those people don't pay taxes not one red cent. You know maybe people like me are tired of being the whipping boys for the liberal elite. I mean seriously We are accused every 15 seconds of being the reason that Liberals lives suck. They have a opinion that if We were removed from the picture their lives would just be rosy and everything would be utopian. I guess You can use california as an example.

First, I've got to say this: Welfare recipients as well as unemployment benefits are taxed. It is not a grant they are getting.
Man I love this. I have told many a person that all of this baiting is being done so a race war will start so the Fed Res can get more money funding both sides & getting you all in the mindset of killing Obama so you have something to fight about. Let's face it, you would not have dared to say any of the things about Bush you have said about Obama! None of you are looking at the big picture in any of this. You say you are awake, but you blame Obama for stuff that has been happening since NSC orders from Regan era (Behold a Pale Horse documents the Plot to down America.) They've got all of you coming and going and you will do exactly what they want because they've invested so much of OUR hard earned money to ensure you do exactly as your Manchurian made selves are instructed.
Are you certain you are fully awake? Then why are you not following the money or going after it unless you think you want to be on the next "Who wants to be screwed by a millionaire?" reality show?

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by LooseLipsSinkShips
It is pathetic that the powers that be purposely put a black man in the oval office in order to push through their socialistic agenda so that anytime rational citizens go against it, they can play the race card! How pathetic.

For whatever reason, the past 2 decades, the media has been attacking the white man. And people allow it. If the roles were reversed, there would be all kinds of reverends and media outlets going to the defense of the non-white citizens.

Loose, I kind of agree except you've got to see that they are baiting to get Obama shot so the Martial Law we were already under from Lincoln's day can go full metal jacket. How else are you going to do it? The media is the control tool to get the job done - why do you think they call it the idiot box? This has been going on since before the election. It kind of reminds me of the stuff they do on American Idol - if a favorite of 9 Entertainment goes down in rankings they get Simon to rag on them in that British accent so everyone boos and votes for the underdog. The same happened here.
My suggestion: Stop allowing yourselves to be baited! Think for once on what is being said and done and really look at why? The Obama's Racist Propaganda machine has been grinding every day since he was selected to run by the Build A Burgers for aliens (Bilderbergs)and it runs like ads for McDonald's. Remember, you hear and see a lie enough, you will believe it.
The PTB want you to see Obama and all blacks as racist so you can start your long awaited race war and ALL OF AMERICA WILL LOSE BECAUSE ONCE THEY CLAMP DOWN ON MARTIAL LAW, IT WON'T MATTER WHAT COLOR YOU ARE - U WILL BE THE PROPERTY OF THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND. PERIOD.
So in these last days, I pray that you will continue to pick up the pen to rally this fight and not the gun. Also, READ people and stop taking propaganda as news - THINK PLEASE!

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by Godawgs251

i can relate to u on that. i mixed as well my mom is egyption and my father is black. so im what they call high yellow lol. even tho im a ligth skinned brother people still se me as black. they dont say hey look at that half egyption guy over there lol. it also alot of people are racist and dont know they are. they will say things that they dont think are racist but to the race they are talking about its highly offensive. like when i was in cps system. i had a case worker tell me "I f u want to find a good family jesse u need to act more like the white kids" to him he was just trying to help. back then i dident realize how offensive it was till i got older.

I would say that there is a big portion of americans that are uknowingly racist. and then there is a smaller portion that knowly is racist. it sad but true

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