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The Secret That Will Destroy the World's Financial System

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posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by talisman
If the Fed disclouses the INFO we could have a major problem. On the other hand, one could wonder what kind of change is happening when we finally see some challenge to the FED?

A bad choice...the public is owed the truth since the public is paying the bill, but when the truth comes out will we want to put it back in the bag and wish we hadnt ever seen it? I don't think it will be that bad..the naysayers appear to be the big money crowd who simply don't want their game to be nakedly exposed.

[edit on 28-8-2009 by talisman]

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by DEEZNUTZ
Here's a big what if....

Does anyone remember the movie "Deep Impact". Morgan Freeman(President for those that haven't seen it) says "we've spent more money than we can hide" in preperation for the big event, Comet strike. Now what if all the FEMA camps, the posturing over the Arctic, the financial crisis and all the wars around the planet are leading up to 2012.

Now what if 2012 will really be as bad as some have predicted? What if we do face a geographic pole shift changing the Earth's tilt? What better way than a contrived financial crisis to hide trillions of dollars in spending preparing in secret a survival plan. Realisticaly, a country the size of the US could only really maybe support 5-10% of the population during a huge cataclysmic event.

Just throwing it out there? The whole thing has stunk since day one. One day we're doing great with no end insight. Next day everthings going to hell. Always seemed very orchastrated to me.

Holy cow, that would make sense. What if the money is going to some huge "Continuity of Humanity" project? That would certainly make the system collapse if everyone found where the money went, because that would expose the impending doom.

Like I said, that would make sense, but of course, we have no direct proof of that, yet...

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 05:03 PM
I wonder, how much money do they need, those rich bastards. What do you try to patch mister Rockefeller? Remember, when you were just a kid, how you used to play football with other boys, for free. You had fun, playfulness of life, you didn`t have to hire anyone to enjoy life together. Can you have anyone besides you without dealing money? Aging, old, with watered and fatigued eyes, balding and lonely you ply the waters of your own greed, the waters of loneliness and desolation. No, mister Rockefeller, money won`t replace your youth, the one you wasted on forging plans for financial empire. You won`t get that simple chidlike laughter, nor enjoyment from simple things of life. Nor will people`s eyes follow you in lust or forgiveness. You will go the way you were supposed to- the emptiness . Nothing will be left after you. I imagine how your wrinkled fingers slide over the gold bars and your eyes shine seeing those billions on computer screens...... fake shine of polished nonsense.

[edit on 08.15.09 by Advancedboy]

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 05:29 PM
If the system crashes the man behind the curtains will finally be revealed. So let it crash because those useless eaters deserve to be torn limb from limb by the middle class.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by harrytuttle

Originally posted by DEEZNUTZ
Here's a big what if....

Does anyone remember the movie "Deep Impact". Morgan Freeman(President for those that haven't seen it) says "we've spent more money than we can hide" in preperation for the big event, Comet strike. Now what if all the FEMA camps, the posturing over the Arctic, the financial crisis and all the wars around the planet are leading up to 2012.

Now what if 2012 will really be as bad as some have predicted? What if we do face a geographic pole shift changing the Earth's tilt? What better way than a contrived financial crisis to hide trillions of dollars in spending preparing in secret a survival plan. Realisticaly, a country the size of the US could only really maybe support 5-10% of the population during a huge cataclysmic event.

Just throwing it out there? The whole thing has stunk since day one. One day we're doing great with no end insight. Next day everthings going to hell. Always seemed very orchastrated to me.

Holy cow, that would make sense. What if the money is going to some huge "Continuity of Humanity" project? That would certainly make the system collapse if everyone found where the money went, because that would expose the impending doom.

Like I said, that would make sense, but of course, we have no direct proof of that, yet...

and even if it were the case....only the elite would survive off the raping of good-hearted humans. You think a DUMB is created for the taxpayer to survive an 'event'? Hell no. We all might as well have a stamp across our forheads that say "SUCKER".

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by Advancedboy
I wonder, how much money do they need, those rich bastards. What do you try to patch mister Rockefeller? Remember, when you were just a kid, how you used to play football with other boys, for free. You had fun, playfulness of life, you didn`t have to hire anyone to enjoy life together. Can you have anyone besides you without dealing money? Aging, old, with watered and fatigued eyes, balding and lonely you ply the waters of your own greed, the waters of loneliness and desolation. No, mister Rockefeller, money won`t replace your youth, the one you wasted on forging plans for financial empire. You won`t get that simple chidlike laughter, nor enjoyment from simple things of life. Nor will people`s eyes follow you in lust or forgiveness. You will go the way you were supposed to- the emptiness . Nothing will be left after you. I imagine how your wrinkled fingers slide over the gold bars and your eyes shine seeing those billions on computer screens...... fake shine of polished nonsense.

[edit on 08.15.09 by Advancedboy]

I've read somewhere that the Rockefellers are worth 10-20 Trillion.

What was the name of the Bond movie not too long ago..."The World is Not Enough"....that is because they want our souls.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by Advancedboy
IMPORTANT! What is money? It is actually a mediator of products and services manufactured, it is a legal tender to trade goods and services and its value or stability of value is based on total value of products and services made( a faith in liquid assets). Any organization or company that has made any profit without creating any tangible value ( product or service)should be considered inflation making. For any profit you make without any input, someone somewhere will have to do work to earn that difference, if that difference is not earned, it dilutes the value of money in circulation. So ,we could consider that Wallstreet actually only dilutes the exisitg money in circulation, the more dilution takes place, the less the nation is willing to save money. Excess spending only increases inflation spiral. If Fed is printing too much credit( M3 reports?) yet US is not experiencing inflation, it could be only one thing- inflation export. Us decided to keep oil as an imagined value denominator for dollar, yet what they didn`t calculate was that gold is always in circulation and is not actually consumed, even if you buy a gold bracelet, you can later sell it. Oil on the other hand , once consumed, loses its value.So the actual value of dollar is based on oil reserves and its trade in dollars. Noone can nullify the value of gold, yet anyone can swap trade of oil in any currency they like, leaving dollar more vulnerable.

You are correct. There need not be inflation if they can get you to invest your money into stocks, then artificially collapse the market. Basically this is a check on inflation as you decrease the value, and transfer off the money to the corporation prior to the decreased value.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 08:25 PM
If the information is made public the true value of all of these banks will be known. $0. They are worthless and the only thing holding them up is the stimulus loans and opaqueness.

The only thing that is enabling this system to continue operating is unprecedented cooridnated and continuous intervention. I don't think this is a secret. What's a secret is the actual details. If the stimulus stops or is withdrawn the system will collapse. It was destroyed last year...completely.

But none of this is secret or a happened in plain sight for all to see. What the world is obviously receiving is a lesson in clemency and justice. You are being given the opportunity to fix your lives.

Apparently not many people are interested in such things and they've decided to keep living as if nothing happened.

I can sit back and not really panic because I know that a collapse doesn't mean martial law or chaos. It just means we'll be all living in a new reality. The old knowledge will be fully useless and the old players sitting on the bench. This is who they are protecting.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 11:20 PM
Well...guess this gives us a partial insight to what we'd see IF the audit goes through... a lot of good this will do... :shk:

Rep. Frank eyes Fed audit, emergency lending curbs

Frank said the House legislation would pave the way for an audit to look into what the central bank "buys and sells," but he said the data would be released after a period of several months to avoid impacting financial markets.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by Hx3_1963
Well...guess this gives us a partial insight to what we'd see IF the audit goes through... a lot of good this will do... :shk:

Rep. Frank eyes Fed audit, emergency lending curbs

Frank said the House legislation would pave the way for an audit to look into what the central bank "buys and sells," but he said the data would be released after a period of several months to avoid impacting financial markets.

This could get very interesting. I wonder where this could lead? Notice the timing? WE are on the heels of H1N1 mutating into something i serious or so we are led to believe. The timing is troubling. If the flu and or vaccine gets so bad people will not even be paying attention to what is happening with the FED. Sort of like the old magicians trick of keeping the eye on something when something else is happening with the other hand. Not saying it is that, but who knows at this point?

[edit on 29-8-2009 by talisman]

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by talisman

Maybe they think if they tell us what banks got it and what ones did not we would be worried that the banks that did not get would fail, and make a run on the bank.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 03:19 AM
I think it is a national security issue.
It is war money.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 03:35 AM
It went to the "not so secret anymore space program"!!!! I guarantee it. When they get audited, they are going to find out it went to the nazi secret space program and they went to Mars in 1942. If people would have grabbed hold of my post I posted yesterday, you might be, just might be more enlightened about what the F**k is truly going on in this crazy earth we are living on. But no, no one wants to read anymore. Okay, enough. Shut up me.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 05:06 AM
reply to post by harrytuttle

OMG !!! I got the shivers here...shake'n all over....

Look at the stars and stuff like that, see if you see any thing that is out of place..
It is the end of august, and usualy I have Lyra constalation right ontop of my head around Xmas time, but I have above my head now, but further south. Im not sure this is normal, probably is since I never payd so much attention to their placement in the sky this early in the winter/autumn..

I can only wait and see if Orion comes up from the same trees as usaull, I never take my eyes of the Orion, cuase it is such an splendid constalation...

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 05:21 AM

Originally posted by McGinty
reply to post by mopusvindictus

I wish you wouldn't double space everything!

And I wish people would read words and stay on topic not comment on style, particularly when in long posts other people have trouble reading off a monitor when things all flow together... sorry can't please everyone

What is this comment? a distraction from the desire to see people single out the real villains?

Why did it really strike a nerve?

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 05:46 AM
reply to post by seasoul

Appreciate the compliment Sea...

Your mind is not focused on IMAGINARY economics and groups but rather philosophy of existence.

I didn't come back to check this for a day or so... because I knew I'd see a debate continue in here revolving around groups or leaning to understanding of economics..

and I laugh at people who spend time studying something like LAW or ECONOMICS when neither exists.

People just willingly enslave themselves to a psychological construct as if it's real because Alpha Dominants among the herd tell them it is so.

America supplies 30% of the worlds food, we have tons of water our power is Nuclear all of it can be at least, we have a vast infrastructure,hard working people...

YET... we are broke because someone or some system of words and numbers says we are... Really, we don't have a MATERIAL issue in the world, NY state alone can supply enough Milk of the whole nation.

But people will make bs REAL, debate Economics, study the stuff for years

A MORON could tell any PHD in Economics the answer to this all... It's all complete lies and nonsense, Horse Turds

The real answers lay within how and why we allow others even individuals to simply ...make stuff up and assign values to us like slaves walking in to an auction.

There aren't many questions in any of this, it's not about groups or anything else...

1: Who are the few hundred people who own the plantation?

2: How do we break the bonds of Fear that let us put up with this through all of human history?

3: What Mental, Spiritual and Philosophical changes should we make to be able to get by this all

3 simple questions in all of this. Because 99% of what is discussed is anything beyond the lies presented to us,fictions of numbers and words

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 06:16 AM
Ok, so how about looking at a bit of history.

And keeping it nice and simple, as WW2 ended American sent Britain the bill for all the lend/lease stuff, and repaying that debt helped end the British empire.. that debt was only paid off in Dec 2006.

America during this period became the words super power, and Britain slipped quietly by as Empires do... Where the Axis couldn't destroy Britain with force, America usurped Britain with debt servitude.

Frankly as an Brit I am not saddened by and I'm glad (unlike Russia) we paid our debt..

So America is now top dog, and plenty are trying to bring America down, yet force will never work as effectively as debt servitude..

Ask yourself who owns American debt and how long with it take you pay it off?
what will the price be? the dollar? then petrodollar? just look to Britains demise for some of those answers.

But do remember neither can China afford to bankrupt it's greatest consumer (yet) while during the process of transfer, your manufacturing base can not be a threat either.

Look at China now, copying iPhones, iPods, even in the recent Chinese car show they had imitation Rolls Royces, Minis, Toyotas etc, then think to yourself about how Japan started out to copy the West with their early cars and gadgets, but soon they taking over and leading in many areas, now look to China and then multiply that effect.. Honestly what is going to be the outcome.

The US is in a similar debt servitude position that Britain was and now China wants to usurp the US in the same way the US usurped Britain.. look to history for your clues.

So the US either goes with the flow and ends up like the Britain or finds another path.. and there is really only one other path in my mind, that is to get new resources that will negate the debt balance and remove the yoke of debt servitude.. and your only going to achieve that with a war, and the only real candidate is the Russia/Iran combination.

Well that's my thoughts on this...

What is the FED hiding?... it's hiding your debt servitude, and who is buying up all the debt.. as some say, follow the money. But it's not cloak and dagger, it's the stuff of Empire building.

I always think that our youth are the ones who build the wealth of tomorrow.. yet they are the ones who are suffering.. all these bailouts are not being invested in infrastructure, the manufacturing base or even in our youth, it''s not being invested in ways to create the wealth required to repay those debts.

Which leads me to my final question, So what plans are there for the future?

In Britain now, we are looking at what is being described as a lost generation. a nice new word has been given to our youth... They are the NEETs.. They are Not in Employment, Education or Training. Britain has no hope of getting out of it's new debt servitude over this crash..

My hope is that the US will not emulate Britain.

[edit on 30-8-2009 by thoughtsfull]

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 07:53 AM
Interestingly Britain hasn`t paid off any debt, they have the second largest external debt in the world( after US) and the largest debt per capita in the world. it is about $10tn. And don`t worry about Chinese car manufacturers, they are going the right way,they are starting to build their own platforms and diversify model range and improve quality, texture and fit and finish. Americans go the opposite way- they rebadge and rebadge more and more until there is nothing left of domestic platforms or engines or gearboxes. US is destined to go British way- slowly kill car manufacturing and pretend that they have American car companies by simply regrilling german ,korean or japanese cars. the same way as it was done with watches, forklifts, trains, you name it. This is what happens with a seemingly unimportant attention to details. A gap here a gap there and soon we have a real disintegrated economy!!!

[edit on 08.15.09 by Advancedboy]

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 08:09 AM
Let's see. First is the Fed Constitutional, has it committed fraud, does the USA actually own any gold? The last thing the Fed wants is for the general population to start asking questions. The FOI is just a dog and pony show to sooth the masses while their attention is drawn away to the Health Care bill and the Flu vaccine. The Banksters and their media whores are playing us like a Stradivari violin. Ain't the sound beautiful.

Is the Fed Constitutional?

Martin V. Mahoney
A Minnesota Trial Court's decision holding the Federal Reserve Act unconstitutional and VOID; holding the National Banking Act unconstitutional and VOID; declaring a mortgage acquired by the First National Bank of Montgomery, Minnesota in the regular course of its business, along with the foreclosure and the sheriff's sale, to be VOID.

This decision, which is legally sound, has the effect of declaring all private mortgages on real and personal property, and all U.S. and State bonds held by the Federal Reserve, National and State Banks to be null and VOID. This amounts to an emancipation of this nation from personal, national and State debt purportedly owed to this banking system. Every True American owes it to himself/herself, to his or her country, and to the people of the world for that matter, to study this decision very carefully and to understand it, for upon it hangs the question of freedom or slavery.

The money boys that run the "private Federal Reserve Bank" soon got back at Mahoney by poisoning him in what appeared to have been a fishing boat accident (but with his body pumped full of poison) in June of 1969, less than 6 months later.

Has the Fed committed fraud? Some have suggested their is no GOLD in Fort Knox (actually there is gold but it is all pledged to foreign banks

On March 18, 1968, Congress passed "An Act to Eliminate the reserve requirements for Federal Reserve Notes and for United States Notes and Treasury Notes of 1890", Public Law 90-269, 82 Stat. 50. This Act was designed to remove the remaining reserve requirements on circulating notes and obligations. $1.3 billion in gold was "pledged" against "gold certificates" and held as reserves against circulating notes and obligations. Under this Act the gold certificates would be withdrawn and retired, then the gold would be considered as "free gold" and paid out to foreign interests at $35 per ounce. The monetary reserves of gold and gold certificates would be supplemented and then replaced "by the mechanism of special drawing rights (SDR's) within the framework of the IMF" [See: House Report 1095, pg. 1763] It was also known, at that time, that the continued expansion of circulating Federal Reserve Notes would use up the "free gold" in two years, however, the "new standards of international reserves and exchange" was right around the corner [See: House Report 1095, pg. 1780] The Federal Reserve Note, thereafter, met all of the qualifications of a worthless security under 26 I.R.C. 165(g). The action of disavowing and repudiating obligations in 1968, like those that occurred in 1933 and 1934, were given effect and compulsion. The system had become nothing more nor less than a "confidence game" devised to psychologically dupe the public who were left generally ignorant of the activities and known affects.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 08:21 AM

Originally posted by harrytuttle

Originally posted by DEEZNUTZ
Here's a big what if....

Does anyone remember the movie "Deep Impact". Morgan Freeman(President for those that haven't seen it) says "we've spent more money than we can hide" in preperation for the big event, Comet strike. Now what if all the FEMA camps, the posturing over the Arctic, the financial crisis and all the wars around the planet are leading up to 2012.

Now what if 2012 will really be as bad as some have predicted? What if we do face a geographic pole shift changing the Earth's tilt? What better way than a contrived financial crisis to hide trillions of dollars in spending preparing in secret a survival plan. Realisticaly, a country the size of the US could only really maybe support 5-10% of the population during a huge cataclysmic event.

Just throwing it out there? The whole thing has stunk since day one. One day we're doing great with no end insight. Next day everthings going to hell. Always seemed very orchastrated to me.

Holy cow, that would make sense. What if the money is going to some huge "Continuity of Humanity" project? That would certainly make the system collapse if everyone found where the money went, because that would expose the impending doom.

Like I said, that would make sense, but of course, we have no direct proof of that, yet...

I'm afraid the truth is far more "ordinary" than that. There's no NWO, conspiracy, 2012 etc. Just something very simple. The governments of the world still believe that a few institutions and people are necessary for our economic health and that those same institution/people did make a mistake just recently and won't make the same mistake again. However, that is where the governments are being dumb and naive. Heads should roll. EVERY SINGLE head and boardmemebr should be fired and never ever be allowed to run a financial institution again.

The reason why the "truth" would be so "shocking" is that the money is going to the same people who caused the problem in the first place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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