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Cop at town hall rally tells protester "This aint America no more"

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posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by allclear

That does not give you any more of a right to exist than them.

We are all human, we were all born into existence, thus it is our right to life. We should be treated as equal.

What you need to understand is that the current state of awareness that the general population has, is because of years of deceit, manipulation, and conscious/subconscious programming by the power elite.

It is not their fault.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by jam321
reply to post by jimmyx

he said you americans don't have a clue what it is like to live in a socialist country. he says america has provided him and his family so much freedom that he still loves living here compared to constantly living in fear inside russia.

Your friend is correct. But remember, he can compare the two because he has lived in both. Many Americans can only compare the America they grew up in and the America they now live in. It's the only country they know.

Glad to hear your friend is enjoying a better life.

Most Americans have access to public schools, libraries, and the internet. You don't need to have lived in Russia to understand the absurdity of saying the United States has become the USSR or Nazi Germany. You don't even have to have lived during the 50s to criticize the hysteria that had a nation accusing people of being communists, destroying their reputations and costing them their jobs. If you had asked me in August 2001 about that period of time, I would have told you how grateful I am to be living today, knowing that the US has moved beyond that kind of fear and ignorance.

Then, we began calling everyone a terrorist. Then, we began calling everyone a communist. We haven't changed at all. It seems that we will always need an excuse to hate and distrust people. We can't feel like "Americans" without being able to label someone else as "unAmerican." We choose to be so blissfully ignorant to the world outside our borders and the history recorded in detail that is easily accessible at our fingertips. Widespread confirmatory bias permits each of us to disregard any information that contradicts the conclusions we have already reached and to which we have committed ourselves.

We look at our "enemies," both foreign and domestic, as dispassionate, inhuman and nothing like ourselves. We fear criticism because we are afraid of appearing foolish. We are afraid of discovering that we've made a fundamental mistake in our reasoning. We see ourselves as infallible and we will follow anyone who agrees with us anywhere we are told to go.

The corporate media tells us what we should think by telling us what "everyone else" thinks. We presume our preferred sources of information are unbiased, "fair and balanced" when they are in fact catering to our own biases.

We will forever bounce back and forth between left and right, each side hating the other rather than the game. The law was supposed to unite us all under a scheme in which we were all treated the same, but that law has always been subject to the whims of a small group of men who fight with each other, back and forth, left and right, to decide how it will instead be selectively enforced, under the direction of lobbyists and special interests.

The right claims to act at the direction of God, and the left claims to act in the interests of the people as a whole. Both claims are utterly ridiculous and impossible. You people see yourselves as so different from your neighbor but if you were to look at the US from outside the fish bowl, you'd see that nothing ever changes. We all have families, children, and jobs. We are all looking for purpose and direction. The majority of us are generally disinterested the events that place outside of our own lives, outside of the pleasure of novelty and memorable anecdotes. We want money, respect, and power. We want to control what other people think and do. We define ourselves by the level of authority that we can impose on others.

We hate each other for being different but the inescapable truth is that we are all the same.

[edit on 29-8-2009 by andrewh7]

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by andrewh7
We want money, respect, and power. We want to control what other people think and do. We define ourselves by the level of authority that we can impose on others.

You're definitely not speaking for me, sir.

But yes, everything you said is probably true for the majority. Most of us have been conditioned throughout our lives by the education system, the media, and the established society we have forced ourselves to fit into. We have developed an authoritarian philosophy... rather, I suppose that's all mankind has really known for centuries.

We want money, respect, and power, because striving for these things reinforces the power of those in power. The only way to achieve such things is to play their game, to go along with the establishment.

We want to control what others think and do, and we want to impose our authority on others, because we believe in the authoritarian philosophy we've picked up from established institutions and norms. This has created a society which oppresses itself. People think they're responsible for keeping others in line. Doesn't it make it so much easier to control a society if you can get them to willingly try to control those around them?

Complete and utter manipulation of the human mind. None of that is real. None of that is true. We are all the same, because we are all individuals. We are all free. No one can have power over us unless they can convince us they do. There is no authority. It's a lie.

The only thing you have any authority over is your own mind, but you give that authority away to others, causing you to try and get others to give you authority over them. It's kind of funny what a mind[expletive] this authoritarian philosophy is.

Anyway, those other two people the man in the video was talking to after the cop (or school security officer w/e) left. They definitely come off as "teachers" to me. I can't imagine anyone else having that tone with another adult and thinking it's okay.

This is still America. I think we're just starting to acknowledge the fact that the American ideals of liberty, freedom, individuality, equality etc., have never actually been realized. They won't be, unless we stop perpetuating authoritarian philosophy in our own lives.

/end rant

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 07:21 PM
Well I agree that when he said he could make up any charge he wanted he was so far left of what this country is about that I almost jumped out of my chair. But I ask this of all that complained about his behavior, did any of you look up the schools phone number and call to offer a complaint about his behavior? I know I did.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by ExPostFacto

I would find another job if that is the case! No one is forcing him to accept the position.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian
It wasnt america when Bush left. Yes lord knows the armed chair revolutionaries are the only ones that dictate the path of america and what it stands for, lets forget the rest of em'. What logic.

It isnt your america anymore and thank goodness for that, your america ceased to exist.

Very true, because of people like you who have to always be politically correct! Hurry up now, go lobby to pass some more laws.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 10:00 PM
The Police in this day and age are set to become the gestapo. They already act like they are above the law. How many cops have we seen disciplined or fired for say...letting a half naked waitress hold an ar-17 on the back of a cop car, killing someone who was unarmed, tazing someone uncontrollably, being reckless, caught up in drugs, drunk on the job. The list goes on and on.

Let me remind you how easy it is to become a cop. You go to college for anywhere between 2-3 years and by that 4th year your a cop assuming you pass your exams and the "rigorous" training. Then you park your car infront of a dunkin donuts for the next 16 years until retirement. My point being, there's no difference in power than you and a cop. He/She is simply someone in a uniform acting on their beliefs (which hopefully reside in the law and constitution but ultimately don't for some). For an ignorant officer to come out and make such a bold statement like he is sitting on a throne next to a 5 star general is bogus. Anything that happens to us- happens to them. They are civilians operating under state and local governments who in turn get orders from the big cheese aka big brother. The idea that authority even exists is bogus.

The government will not hesitate to throw them into the fire if martial law or something like it takes over. Their MO is...The military can do their job better anyways.

[edit on 8/29/2009 by AceOfAces]

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by jimmyx

Ask your friend 10 years from now about this and see what he says then. It may be something like this "I left Russia to get away from this mess!" and may even think about going back or at least some where else.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 10:17 PM
I'm going to go out on a limb here and tell everyone that I have been told, by law enforcement people, that certain things going on in the world are troubling for them. They said that they didn't agree with some of the new laws and that if TSHTF that they would be on the "right" side of the law.

They were being purposfully vague and I didn't ask any further questions.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 10:19 PM
oh my god...

The guy from the video, the one filming it and talking is nuts. Hes a nut job... funny to listen to none the less...

This is the bad part of the internet... any idiot can grab a camera these days and say whatever he wants, no matter how stupid and crazy he is and stick it up on youtube and be watched and listened by millions.

Please have some standards!

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 10:26 PM
Excuse me did I miss something? How exactly is he a nut job?

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 07:31 PM
Most of the time if you ask an officer "Why" they can't quote the statue, they are just like the parent that says "Because i said so". I hate to lump ANY group together and call them all bad because of a few, but with cops it's getting to be the power abusers are the norm and the good ones the few.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 07:59 PM
noticed a spelling error on my post, "statue" should be statute. Sorry 'bout that, slipped through my organic spell check.

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 12:10 AM

Originally posted by ChrisF231
How disgusting, I have never seen a particular ethnic group become so arrogant and delusional due to the rise of one man. They think that because "their man" is in the White House that they can do whatever they want, they think they were basically given a free pass to go wild. I remember right after Obama was inaugurated that this one Black lady in Florida claimed that she was no longer going to pay her rent to her landlord because Obama was in power and "Black people are in control now". I mean wtf, why would some be dumb enough to think that because someone of her skin color became president that she no longer has to pay rent?

Obama is going to do more harm to race relations then the KKK and Neo Nazis could ever hope to do, he is going to ruin all the progress we have made since Martin Luther King Jr and the Civil Rights Movement.

The few idiots who make the news, and you blame Obama?

I wonder if you fall in the same category with this irresponsible post.

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by Wimbly

I don't like what I see happening at these town halls. It seems the protesters are taking it too far just to try to instigate when during Bush people were in trouble for anti-Bush anti-war T-shirts now protesters bring loaded weapons to health care debates and think they complain when security comes around.

It just seems like more partisanship and division being created and crafted. TPTB know we are reaching a breaking point as a nation and are trying to redirect our anger toward each other or toward a particular political ideology...

We best be careful or the Second American Revolution will be a useless endeavor that ends up with us being even more controlled by the Elite...

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 12:22 AM
He was wrong for saying what he said.

That being said. It seems as if he said it out of frustration. Still doesn't excuse it though. Firing him over that is a little harsh though.

I'm not up to the law on political posters on school grounds, but I have never seen a political poster on school grounds.

So even though he didn't know the exact law, he might be right.

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by ChrisF231
How disgusting, I have never seen a particular ethnic group become so arrogant and delusional due to the rise of one man. They think that because "their man" is in the White House that they can do whatever they want, they think they were basically given a free pass to go wild. I remember right after Obama was inaugurated that this one Black lady in Florida claimed that she was no longer going to pay her rent to her landlord because Obama was in power and "Black people are in control now". I mean wtf, why would some be dumb enough to think that because someone of her skin color became president that she no longer has to pay rent?

Obama is going to do more harm to race relations then the KKK and Neo Nazis could ever hope to do, he is going to ruin all the progress we have made since Martin Luther King Jr and the Civil Rights Movement.

I have to totally agree with you, it's sickening, they get a man half their color and they think they can do what they want, it seems to me that there race is the racist ones, at least more so than the white race.

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 10:46 AM
this is not about's about yielding to authority. i have one for everybody.last saturday.a black Christian church here in applevalley ca.
held a rally for battered women. battersd women! they had a permit, but i
think that only worked against them.6 police units
arrived on scene. they made no demands before drawing weapons
and assuming their positions behind open car doors.
women ,children ,fathers,pasturs being treated like terrorists. from what i understand ,2 mins went by before a watch commander told them they had to disperse. no arguements at all, they did just that.
why do the
police not care about what is going on ?i don't understand .they are going
right along w/ this crap.

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by jam321
reply to post by Chovy

If it ain't America then what is it?

A Changing America, but America nonetheless.

Schools are the worst at passing worthless rules.

The cop makes me mad when he says he will charge the guy with whatever he wants to charge him with. Poor Cop can't even tell the guy what makes it illegal to hold up the sign.

What the cop did was wrong, but at the same time after viewing the clip I am also under the belief that what the person did was also wrong. I do know that what they were telling him as far as the laws concerning free speech on a public school grounds, are different and do not follow the rest of society. That is how the adminstration is getting away with alot of curtailing what is allowable to be shown and not shown, you do it in areas where the legal precedents have been set out by the Supreme Court. If this town hall meeting had been at say a civic center, then the person shooting the video clip and holding the sign would have a legal ground to stand on, but on public school property, then those activities can be curtailed. IN short you are looking at a case of legal censureship.
In retrospect, and as an uniterested party, found that the person who was shooting the video clip was very confrontational. If you want to sway a persons opinion, you do not do it in a way to where it is confrontational, but make enough of a valid point as to cause doubt in the other persons mind.

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 11:09 AM
People scream "freedom of speech", but for some reason, white people aren't allowed freedom of speech anymore. This is a prime example of what is going on in America! America is not America anymore. This is not the same country that I grew up in! Good for this man that he got this on film. It's like Seig, Heil in reverse! Whitey has no rights anymore!

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